تعريف ünün في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.
- reputation
- {n} honor, credit, good character, merit
- The estimation in which one is held; character in public opinion; the character attributed to a person, thing, or action; repute
- the general estimation that the public has for a person; "he acquired a reputation as an actor before he started writing"; "he was a person of bad report"
- The character imputed to a person in the community in which he lives
- Specifically: Good reputation; favorable regard; public esteem; general credit; good name
- the state of being held in high esteem and honor
- If you know someone by reputation, you have never met them but you have heard of their reputation. She was by reputation a good organiser. the opinion that people have about someone or something because of what has happened in the past reputation for
- It is admissible in evidence when he puts his character in issue, or when such reputation is otherwise part of the issue of a case
- {i} repute, regard; esteem, renown
- To have a reputation for something means to be known or remembered for it. Alice Munro has a reputation for being a very depressing writer
- Something's or someone's reputation is the opinion that people have about how good they are. If they have a good reputation, people think they are good. The stories ruined his reputation
- The strategic standing of the organisation in the eyes of its customers
- The strategic standing of the organisation in the eyes of its customers Resource allocation The process of allocating the resources of the organisation selectively between competing strategies according to their merit Resource-based view Stresses the importance of resources in delivering the competitive advantage of the organisation See also Prescriptive corporate strategy Retained profits The profits that are retained in an organisation rather than distributed to shareholders These can be used to fund new strategies Reward The result of successful strategy, adding value to the organisation and the individual Ricardian rents Economic rent deriving from the resources of the organisation See also Economic rent ROCE See Profitability
- the "good will" of a firm resulting from its past performance; maintaining one's reputation provides an incentive to maintain quality
- Account; value
- notoriety for some particular characteristic; "his reputation for promiscuity"
- Your reputation, meaning what others think and say about your, is crucial both to your job search and to how you are treated in a job Your reputation is a major component of the information about you that circulates through your network In many situations, your reputation is of equal or greater importance than your credentials
- notoriety for some particular characteristic; "his reputation for promiscuity
- what somebody is known for
- ün
- fame
His courage won him fame.
- Cesareti ona ün kazandı.
He won fame as a novelist.
- Romancı olarak ün kazandı.
- ün
- reputation
His reputation goes with him wherever he goes.
- O nereye giderse ünü onunla birlikte gider.
He has a reputation for taking a long time to make a decision.
- Geç karar vermesiyle ünlüdür.
- ün
- {i} kudos
- ün
- {i} celebrity
Tom and Mary, the famous celebrity couple, want to get divorced.
- Ünlü şöhretli çift Tom ve Mary boşanmak istiyorlar.
She wants to be a celebrity.
- O ünlü biri olmak istiyor.
- ün
- note
She is a noted singer.
- O, ünlü bir şarkıcıdır.
To my surprise, the noted psychologist was accused of a kidnapping.
- Benim için sürpriz oldu, ünlü psikolog çocuk kaçırmakla suçlandı.
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- voice
- ün
- sound
The Anglophones always complained about the vowels /a e i o u/ in artificial languages. Those sounds are used because most other sounds other people cannot pronounce.
- Anglofonlar her zaman yapay dillerdeki ünlü seslerden/aeiou/ şikâyet ettiler. Bu sesler diğer insanların telaffuz edemedikleri diğer birçok seslerden dolayı kullanılırlar.
- ün
- repute
This is a true story. A woman was admitted to a reputed obstetrics clinic to give birth.
- Bu gerçek bir hikaye. Bir kadın, doğurmak için ünlü bir kadın-doğum kliniğine yatırıldı.
- ün
- glory
- ün
- eminence
- ün
- distinction
- ün
- name
Tom thought he was a celebrity and so he gave his child a stupid name.
- Tom ünlü biri olduğunu düşündü ve bu yüzden çocuğuna aptalca bir isim verdi.
All the streets in this area are named after famous people.
- Bu bölgedeki tüm sokaklar ünlü kişilerin adını taşır.
- ün
- prominence
- ün
- renown
He gained renown through the novel.
- O, roman sayesinde ün kazandı.
A renowned tactician, Christopher Columbus once downed an entire pirate fleet by stealing all of their fruits and vegetables, thus giving them scurvy.
- Bir ünlü taktisyen, Christopher Columbus bir zamanlar onların tüm sebze ve meyvelerini çalarak, böylece onlara iskorbüt vererek tüm korsan filosunu yok etti,
- ün
- {i} rep
His reputation goes with him wherever he goes.
- O nereye giderse ünü onunla birlikte gider.
Many scientists have the reputation of being eccentric.
- Çok sayıda bilim adamı eksantrik olma ününe sahiptir.
- ün
- fame, reputation, repute, celebrity, glory, name, renown, character " şöhret, şan, nam; voice, sound" ses
- ün
- fame, reputation
- ün
- laurels
- ün
- voice, sound
- ün
- report
- ün
- prestige
- ün
- bays
- ün
- bay
- ün
- record
Sami was falsifying his university records.
- Sami üniversite kayıtlarını tahrif ediyordu.
You can tell this is college radio. First of all, they actually play records; secondly, they keep playing them at the wrong speed.
- Bunu üniversite radyosunda anlatabilirsin. Her şeyden önce onlar aslında kayıtları çalarlar; ikinci olarak onları yanlış hızda çalmaya devam ederler.
- ün
- honor
She is an honor to our college.
- O bizim üniversite için bir onurdur.
The college bestowed an honorary degree on him.
- Üniversite ona fahri doktora unvanı verdi.