öncel belirleme phil

listen to the pronunciation of öncel belirleme phil
التركية - الإنجليزية
destiny or fate
{n} preordination, a fatal decree
The doctrine that everything has been foreordained by a God, especially that certain people have been elected for salvation, with others destined for reprobation
The act of predestinating
{i} act of determining in advance; doctrine that God has fore ordained the fate of person (especially pertaining to salvation or damnation); fate, lot, destiny
(theology) being determined in advance; especially the doctrine (usually associated with Calvin) that God has foreordained every event throughout eternity (including the final salvation of mankind)
This is a controversial doctrine promoted by John Calvin and other theologians God has divided humanity into two groups: a small percentage of people who God will save and who will attain heaven God has decided to not save a much larger group; they will spend eternity being tortured without mercy in Hell Only after God chooses an individual can they understand and accept salvation
The doctrine that all events of human lives, even one's eternal destiny, are determined beforehand by God; used in the Bible to refer to Christ (Acts 1, Rom 8, etc ) and to those who are "in Christ" by means of his representation
If you believe in predestination, you believe that people have no control over events because everything has already been decided by a power such as God or fate. the belief that God has decided everything that will happen and that people cannot change this. In Christianity, the doctrine that God has long ago determined who will be saved and who will be damned. Three types of predestination doctrine have developed. One doctrine holds that God singled out the saved because he foresaw their future merits. A second doctrine (often identified with John Calvin) states that from eternity God has determined the saved and the damned, regardless of their merit or lack thereof. A third doctrine, set forth by Thomas Aquinas and Martin Luther, ascribes salvation to the unmerited grace of God but links the lack of grace to sin. In Islam, issues of predestination and free will were argued extensively. The Mutazila held that God would be unjust if he predestined all human actions; the Ashariya advocated a strict predestination that became the mainstream Islamic view
The belief that because God is all-powerful and all-knowing, a human being's ultimate reward of punishment is already decreed by God; a notion emphasized in Calvinism The belief that because God is all-powerful and all-knowing, a human being's ultimate reward of punishment is already decreed by God; a notion emphasized in Calvinism
previous determination as if by destiny or fate
The purpose of Good from eternity respecting all events; especially, the preordination of men to everlasting happiness or misery
The belief, held by Calvinists, that God has already decided, even before their birth, the people who will go to heaven and those who will go to hell
the doctrine that every aspect of our lives has been divinely determined from the beginning of time
Predestination means that our destination is set in advance Calvinists argue that predestination implies determinism; that is, that all things have been decided in advance and that we have no free will; we are like actors saying our lines in a play Therefore, they argue that some people are predestined for eternal punishment The rest of the historic Church argues that since it is not God’s will for anyone to be lost (Matthew 18: 14), all people are predestined to live with God in His glory However, since they have free will, some may choose not to realize their destiny and end up in hell They also note that if a person’s eternal fate was determined in the beginning, the Judgment took place on the first day, when in scripture it takes place on the last day
This was the theological concept put forward by John Calvin and accepted by Calvinists According to it, people were predestined for either salvation in heaven or damnation in hell This was controlled entirely by God and people could do nothing to change the situation If someone was a good Christian, it was simply because they were part of the group predestined for salvation (the elect)