
listen to the pronunciation of évaluation
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف évaluation في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

{i} değerlendirme

Değerlendirmeler önemlidir. - Evaluations are important.

En kısa sürede tam bir değerlendirme istiyorum. - I want a full evaluation as soon as possible.


Öğretmen tüm öğrencileri değerlendirmek zorunda kaldı. - The teacher had to evaluate all the students.

Koç'un onun saha performansını değerlendirmek için her oyuncuyla bire bir görüşmesi vardı. - The coach had a one-on-one discussion with each player to evaluate his performance on the field.

(Tıp) evaluasyon
değer biçme
{i} paha biçme
(Askeri) (NATO) DEĞERLENDİRME: bkz: "intelligence cycle"
{i} değer tahmini
(Askeri) (INTELLIGENCE) İSTİHBARAT DEĞERLENDİRMESİ, İSTİHBARAT KIYMETLENDİRMESİ: Bir haber veya bilginin; istihbarat bakımından değerli, uygun, inanılır ve doğru olup olmadığını tayin için incelenmesi
{i} ölçüm
(Askeri) DEĞERLENDİRME: İstihbarattaki kullanımına göre bir bilginin güvenilirlik, geçerlilik, yararlılık ve doğruluk yönünden değerlendirilmesi. Değerlendirme istihbarat çarkının muhtelif aşamalarında farklı kapsamlar içinde yapılır. İstihbarat subayları ve rapor subayları tarafından yapılan ilk değerlendirmeler kaynağın geçerliliği ve doğruluğunun harekat seviyesine göre eldeki verilerle mukayese edilmesi konusunda odaklaştırılır. İstihbarat analizcileri tarafından yapılan sonraki değerlendirmeler esas olarak bilginin doğruluğunu ortaya koymaya çalışır ve dolayısıyla bilgiyi istihbarata çevirir. Bilgi veya istihbarat kalemlerinin değerlendirilmesi veya kıymetlendirilmesi standart bir harf sayı sistemiyle gösterilir. Kaynakların güvenilirliği A'dan F'ye kadar harflerle, bilginin doğruluğu 1'dan 6'ya kadar rakamlarla gösterilir. Bu, tamamen iki birbirinden bağımsız değerlendirmedir ve bu ayrı değerlendirmeler aşağıda gösterilen sisteme uygun olarak belirtilir. Örneğin, genellikle güvenilir bir kaynaktan elde edilen "muhtemelen doğru" bir istihbarat "B 2" veya "B2" olarak kıymetlendirilirken, "genellikle güvenilir bir kaynak"tan elde edilen "doğruluğuna hükmedilemeyecek" bir bilgi "B 6" veya "B6" olarak gösterilir. Kaynağın güvenilirliği: A- Tamamıyle güvenilir B- Genellikle güvenilir C- Biraz Güvenilir D- Genellikle güvenilmez E- Güvenilmez F- Güvenilirliğine hükmedilemez. Bilginin Doğruluğu: 1. Diğer kaynaklarca teyit edilmiş. 2. Muhtemelen doğru 3. Doğru olması mümkün 4. Şüpheli 5. Doğruluğu muhtemel değil 6. Doğruluğuna hükmedilemez. Ayrıca bakınız: "intelligence cycle", "operational evaluation", "technical evaluation"
evaluation criteria
(Politika, Siyaset) değerlendirme kriteri
evaluation meeting
değerlendirme toplantısı
evaluation report
değerlendirme raporu
evaluation research
(Tıp) değerlendirme araştırması
evaluation studies
değerlendirme çalışmaları
evaluation result
değerlendirme sonucu
evaluation assurance level
değerlendirme güvence düzeyi
evaluation form
değerlendirme formu
evaluation of balance sheet
bilanço değerlemesi
evaluation period
değerlendirme süresi
evaluation version
(Bilgisayar) (Yazılım) Deneme/değerlendirme sürümü
evaluation and data collection plan
(Askeri) değerlendirme ve veri toplama planı
evaluation apprasial
değer yargısı
evaluation authority
(Ticaret) tezkiye amiri
evaluation data card
(Askeri) DEĞERLENDİRME BİLGİ KARTI: Bir şahsın; erat başarı değerlendirme sistemine göre elde ettiği notlar ile, diğer kimlik bilgilerini ihtiva eden bir bilgi kartı
evaluation data card
(Askeri) değerlendirme bilgi kartı
evaluation mapping
(Matematik) değerlendirme gönderimi
evaluation of coursebooks
(Dilbilim) ders kitabı değerlendirme
evaluation of curricula
(Dilbilim) izlence sınaması
evaluation of information
(Askeri) (INTELLIGENCE) bkz: "evaluation (intelligence) "
evaluation of materials
(Dilbilim) araç gereç değerlendirme
evaluation procedure
(Dilbilim) değerlendirme işlemi
evaluation score
(Askeri) DEĞERLENDİRME NOTU: Gerekli askeri meslek ihtisasları değerlendirme testinde kazanılan notlar ile, komutanlık değerlendirme raporuna (DA Form 2166) dayanılarak hesaplanmış bir birleşik not
evaluation survey
değerlendirme anketi
{f} ölçmek
{f} paha biçmek
bid evaluation committee
(Ticaret) ihale değerlendirme komitesi
bid evaluation report
(Ticaret) ihale değerlendirme raporu

Öğretmen tüm öğrencileri değerlendirmek zorunda kaldı. - The teacher had to evaluate all the students.

Koç'un onun saha performansını değerlendirmek için her oyuncuyla bire bir görüşmesi vardı. - The coach had a one-on-one discussion with each player to evaluate his performance on the field.

değerlendirmelerde bulunmak
(Bilgisayar) değerbiç
değerlendirme yapmak
(Ticaret) değerlemek
değerlendirmeye almak
takdir etmek
kıymet biçmek
(Kanun,Teknik) kıymetlendirme
(Ticaret) kıymet takdiri
formative evaluation
(Askeri) biçimlendirici değerlendirme
overall evaluation
genel değerlendirme
peer evaluation
(Ticaret) emsal değerlendirme
peer evaluation
(Ticaret) akran değerlendirmeleri
peer evaluation
(Ticaret) akran değerlendirmesi
peer evaluation
(Ticaret) akran denetiminden geçmiş
proposal evaluation
(Askeri) teklif değerlendirme
sensory evaluation
(Gıda) duyusal değerlendirme
değer biçmek

İlerlemenizi değerlendirin. - Evaluate your progress.

Koç'un onun saha performansını değerlendirmek için her oyuncuyla bire bir görüşmesi vardı. - The coach had a one-on-one discussion with each player to evaluate his performance on the field.

(Bilgisayar) hesaplama
job evaluation
iş değerlemesi
information evaluation
bilgi değerlendirme
job evaluation
iş değerlendirmesi
knowledge evaluation
bilgi değerlendirme
measurement and evaluation
ölçme ve değerlendirme
measurement data evaluation
ölçüm veri değerlendirme
pattern evaluation
örnek değerlendirmesi
peer evaluation
(Eğitim) Öğrencilerin birbirlerini değerlendirmesi
post evaluation
değerlendirme sonrası
değerlendirme sonrası
program evaluation
program değerlendirmesi
self evaluation
öz değerlendirme
self evaluation
Kişinin kendini değerlendirmesi

self evaluation = self-assessment.

target of evaluation
Değerlendirme hedef
Special Operations Command, Research, Analysis, and Threat Evaluation System
(Askeri) Özel Harekat Komutanlığı raştırma, Analiz ve Tehdit Değerlendirme Sistemi
all Services combat identification evaluation team
(Askeri) bütün Sınıflar muharebe teşhis ve değerlendirme takımı
commander's evaluation report
(Askeri) KOMUTAN BAŞARI DEĞERLENDİRME RAPORU: Erat Başarı Değerlendirme Sistemi'nde verildiği görevlerde ve sorumluluk yerlerinde bir ere ait verim derecesinin komutan (veya nezaretçi) tarafından değerlendirilmesini yansıtan temel doküman
computer performance evaluation
bilgisayar basarim analizi
contractor evaluation
(Nükleer Bilimler) müteahhit değerlendirmesi
data evaluation
(Nükleer Bilimler) veri değerlendirme
data terminal equipment; developmental test and evaluation
(Askeri) veri terminal cihazı; gelişme testi ve değerlendirilmesi
desktop evaluation
(Kimya) masaüstü değerlendirmesi
disability evaluation
(Tıp) sakatlık değerlendirmesi
drug evaluation
(Eczacılık,Tıp) ilacın değerlendirilmesi
enlisted evaluation system
(Askeri) ERAT BAŞARI DEĞERLENDİRME SİSTEMİ: Ferdi ehliyetin objektif değerlendirilmesi suretiyle daha iyi bir askeri personel idaresi temin maksadı güden bir sistem
envelope delay; evaluation directive
(Askeri) zarf gecikmesi; değerlendirme direktifi
(Mukavele) değerini tayin etmek; değerlendirme
(Askeri) DEĞERLENDİRMEK, KIYMETLENDİRMEK: Elde edilen bilgi ve haberleri değerlendirmek
forensic evaluation
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) adli değerlendirme
illustrative evaluation scenario
(Askeri) açıklayıcı/örnekleyici değerlendirme senaryosu
joint interoperability evaluation system
(Askeri) müşterek karşılıklı işlerlik değerlendirme sistemi
joint operational test and evaluation
(Askeri) müşterek harekat test ve değerlendirme
joint test and evaluation
(Askeri) müşterek test ve değerlendirme
military occupational specialty evaluation test
(Askeri) ASKERİ MESLEK İHTİSASI DEĞERLENDİRME TESTİ: Dört basamaklı (fourdigit) bir askeri meslek ihtisasının yerine getirilmesi için gerekli münferit bilgi ve becerileri değerlendirmek maksadıyla yapılan bir test. MILITARY OCCUPATIONAL SPECIALTY EVALUATION TEST AID: ASKERİ MESLEK İHTİSASI DEĞERLENDİRME TESTİ YARDIMCI EL KİTABI: Erlerin, askeri meslek ihtisası değerlendirme testlerine hazırlanmada faydalanmaları için, test konularının bir özeti ile yönetmelik, talimname ve diğer yardımcı yayınların bir listesini ihtiva eden kara kuvvetleri broşürü
mos evaluation test
(Askeri) AMİ DEĞERLENDİRME TESTİ: Bak. "military occupational specialty evaluation test"
mos evaluation test aid
(Askeri) AMİ DEĞERLENDİRME TESTİ YARDIMCI KİTABI: Bak. "military occupational specialty evaluation test aid"
nondestructive evaluation
(İnşaat) hasarsız inceleme
nondestructive evaluation
tahribatsiz muayene
operational area evaluation
(Askeri) harekat alanı durum değerlendirmesi
operational evaluation
(Askeri) harekat değerlendirme
operational evaluation
(Askeri) AMELİ DEĞERLENDİRME: Belirli bir nihai malın veya sistemin seri üretimine yetki vermek için ameli koşullarda kullanışlı olup olmadığını anlamak için yapılan test ve tahliller. Bu yetki verilirken şunlar göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır: a. Elde edilecek askeri verimlilikteki artış. b. Aşağıdaki hususlar göz önüne alınarak üretilecek olan malın veya sistemin mevcut mal veya sistemlere göre verimliliği: 1. Personelin teçhizatı muhafaza etme ve işletme kabiliyeti. 2. Büyüklük, ağırlık ve yer değerlendirmeleri 3. Bu sahadaki düşman kabiliyetleri. Ayrıca ' bak. "technical evaluation"
operational readiness evaluation
(Askeri) HAREKAT HAZIRLIK DERECESİ DEĞERLENDİRMESİ: Bir birliğin veya bu birliğin bir parçasının harekat kabiliyetiyle ilgili olarak yapılan değerlendirme
operational test and evaluation
(Askeri) harekat testi ve değerlendirmesi
operations evaluation
preparedness evaluation system
(Askeri) hazırlılık değerlendirme sistemi
program evaluation and review technique
(Askeri) PROGRAM KIYMETLENDİRME VE İNCELEME TEKNİĞİ (HV.): Teşkilatlı herhangi bir çalışmanın incelenmesi ve kıymetlendirilmesiyle ilgili manajman tekniği. Bu teknik; yapılacak her iş unsurunun zaman, maliyet veya performansına değinen ve, başlangıçta planlanmış işi tamamlayacak üç parametreye ait tahminlerle birlikte, yapılan işlere ait bilgileri veren net işletme teorisine dayanır
programme evaluation
(Dilbilim) program değerlendirmesi
programme evaluation
(Dilbilim) izlence değerlendirmesi
research, development, test and evaluation
(Askeri) araştırma, geliştirme, deneme ve değerlendirme
research, evaluation, and system analysis
(Askeri) araştırma, değerlendirme ve sistem analizi
security test and evaluation
(Askeri) güvenli test ve değerlendirme
software test and evaluation program; standard tactical entry point; standard to
(Askeri) yazılım test ve değerlendirme programı; standart taktik giriş noktası; standart kullanım planlaması aracı
strike protection evaluation and antiair research
(Askeri) taarruz koruma değerlendirmesi ve hava savunma araştırması
structural evaluation
(İnşaat) strüktürel değerlendirme
system evaluation
dizge  (sistem) de¤erlendirimi
tactical electronic reconnaissance processing and evaluation system
(Askeri) taktik elektronik keşif işlem ve kıymetlendirme sistemi
tactical record evaluation
(Askeri) taktik kayıtların değerlenmdirilmesi
target evaluation
(Askeri) HEDEF KIYMETLENDİRMESİ: Hedeflerin askeri yönden önlemlerini ve birbirine göre taarruz önceliklerini belirlemek bakımından incelenmesi
technical evaluation
(Askeri) teknik değerlendirme
technical evaluation
(Askeri) TEKNİK DEĞERLENDİRME: Bir malzeme, teçhizat veya sistemin, askeri alanda kullanılma bakımından teknik uygunluk derecesini tespit etmek için bir geliştirme teşkilatı tarafından yapılan etüt ve araştırma. Ayrıca bak "operational evaluation"
terrain evaluation
(Askeri) ARAZİ DEĞERLENDİRMESİ: Muhtemel bir askeri harekat bölgesinin, bu bölgede arazinin, düşman kuvvetlerine açık harekat hatları üzerindeki etkisini tespit maksadıyla kıymetlendirilmesi ve yorumlanması
test and evaluation
(Askeri) test ve değerlendirme
test and evaluation plan; theater engagement plan
(Askeri) test ve değerlendirme planı; muharebe sahası çatışma planı
textbook evaluation
(Dilbilim) kitap değerlendirme
threat evaluation
(Havacılık) tehdit değerlendirmesi
trusted computer system evaluation criteria
(Askeri) Güvenilir Bilgisayar Sistemi Değerlendirme Kriterleri
visual evaluation
görsel değerlendirme
vocational evaluation
mesleki değerlendirme
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية

تعريف évaluation في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.

A completion of a mathematical operation; a valuation
Determination of the value of a variable or expression
An assessment, such as an annual personnel performance review used as the basis for a salary increase or bonus, or a summary of a particular situation
The substitution of a variable with its value
act of ascertaining or fixing the value or worth of
A completion of a mathmatic operation; a valuation
A judgment of merit based on various measurements, notable events, and subjective impressions A total art program evaluation assesses the quality of components such as facilities, resources, teacher preparation, extra- curricular art activities, or safety in the art room or performance facility, and includes curriculum evaluation and the program for assessment of student learning Assessment of student learning in the arts can lead to refining or reinforcing curriculum (what is taught, when) and Lesson Plans (how) (See Figure G 1 as a demonstration of how arts programs operate within the context of the community and the state )
To measure, compare, and judge the quality of student work, schools, or a specific educational program
A systematic (and as objective as possible) examination of a planned, ongoing or completed project It aims to answer specific management questions and to judge the overall value of an endeavour and supply lessons learned to improve future actions, planning and decision-making Evaluations commonly seek to determine the efficiency, effectiveness, impact, sustainability and the relevance of the project or organisation's objectives An evaluation should provide information that is credible and useful, offering concrete lessons learned to help partners and funding agencies make decisions
{i} appraisal, estimation, act of evaluating
Evaluation is inquiry (quantitative and/or qualitative) designed to reflect the extent of progress made towards attaining the stated goals of an organization or project within an organization Evaluations are most enlightening when they address quantified and measured indicators of progress towards accomplishing stated goals and/or objectives Evaluations typically assess progress made in terms of services, time, resources, and costs required to make a particular level of progress
act of ascertaining or fixing the value or worth of an appraisal of the value of something; "he set a high valuation on friendship
The process of determining the worth of, or assigning a value to, something on the basis of careful examination and judgment As used in this document, evaluation is one use of assessment information See assessment
the systematic analysis of processes, results, and impacts of a program, activity or policy in order to judge its worth Evaluation may also address the extent to which a program or an institution continues to serve a useful purpose and operates efficiently (See In-depth Evaluation and Institutional Evaluation)
Normative evaluation is a judgment as to whether something is good or bad in some respects, a value judgment ; Evaluation of the results is assessment of what test results indicate about some natural phenomena, or about the performance of some human artifact
making judgments about the quality of student work using information about learning gathered through assessments Good evaluations of learning are generally based on multiple sources of assessment information
a collecting and bringing together of information about a child's learning needs, which may include social, psychological, and educational evaluations used to determine assignment to special programs or services; a process using observation, testing, and test analysis to determine an individual's strengths and weaknesses to plan his or her educational services Parental consent for initial evaluation must be obtained for this process
1 The collection and processing of information and data in order to determine how well a design meets the requirements and to provide direction for improvements 2 A process used to analyze, evaluate, and appraise a student's achievement, growth, and performance through the use of formal and informal tests and techniques
Valuation; appraisement
(applies to school-aged children); a way of collecting information about a student's learning needs, strengths, and interests; the evaluation is part of the process of determining whether a student qualifies for special education programs and services
Includes qualitative and quantitative activities that offer an independent, impartial assessment about what changes actually occurred and the extent to which agreed-upon outcomes were achieved It provides judgments about the process by which those results were obtained
The evaluation of bibliographic records sent for batch processing involves an extensive analysis of the data This evaluation is necessary because a custom computer set up is created to process the records Batch Services staff identify problems with the records as well as problems with the file structure All of this analysis is done to obtain the highest and most accurate hit rate for a project
As applies to educational settings, a way of collecting information (includes testing, observations, and parental input) about a student's learning needs, strengths, and interests The evaluation is part of the process of determining whether a student qualifies for special education programs and services
A process that attempts to systematically and objectively determine the relevance, effectiveness, and impact of activities in light of their objectives Evaluation can be related to structure, process, or outcome One can distinguish these various types
* Normative evaluation is a judgment as to whether something is good or bad in some respects, a value judgment; evaluation of the results is assessment of what test results indicate about some natural phenomena, or about the performance of some human artifact
Evaluation is concerned with the ability to judge the value of material (statement, novel, poem, research report) for a given purpose The judgements are to be based on definite criteria These may be internal criteria (organization) or external criteria (relevance to the purpose) and the student may determine the criteria of be given them Learning outcomes in this area are highest in the cognitive hierarchy because they contain elements of all of the other categories, plus conscious value judgements based on clearly defined criteria **
A process that attempts to determine as systematically and objectively as possible the relevance, effectiveness, and impact of activities in the light of their objectives
A process that helps prevention practitioners discover the strengths and weaknesses of their activities so that they can do better over time Time spent on evaluations is well spent because it allows groups to use money and other resources more efficiently in the future Also, evaluation does not have to be expensive or complicated to be useful Some evaluations can be done at little or no cost, and some can be completed by persons who are not professional evaluators Local colleges and universities can be sources of professional evaluation support by persons working on degrees in sociology, educational psychology, social work, biostatistics, public health, and other areas
an appraisal of the value of something; "he set a high valuation on friendship"
n a model whereby forms are executed, returning zero or more values Such execution might be implemented directly in one step by an interpreter or in two steps by first compiling the form and then executing the compiled code; this choice is dependent both on context and the nature of the implementation, but in any case is not in general detectable by any program The evaluation model is designed in such a way that a conforming implementation might legitimately have only a compiler and no interpreter, or vice versa See section The Evaluation Model
The process of delineating, obtaining, and providing useful information for judging decision alternatives The basis and methods by which data are collected and analyzed to revise and improve the overall operation of a training program or system (Bennett and Clasper)
A decision about the value of what was taught or learnt and how the learning and the teaching was carried out This involves studying the good points and the bad points A teacher might evaluate a learner's knowledge of specific items, as the course is in progress, in order to find out what needs to be worked on further This is known as formative evaluation Or she or he might want to assess the learner's knowledge at the end of a course, often for grading puroses This is known as summative evaluation (See Assessment)
A detailed review of a disaster relief program designed to determine whether program objectives were met, to assess the program's impact on the community, and to generate "lessons learned" for the design of future projects Evaluations are most often conducted at the completion of important milestones, or at the end of a specified period (Landesman definition)
a judgment about how good, useful, or successful something is = assessment (évaluation, from évaluer , from value )
An assessment of program effectiveness and outcomes at the end of a given period of time Evaluation is primarily the responsibility of the Corporation and will be conducted by the Corporation with the cooperation of State Commissions and programs Evaluation should not be confused with program's internal evaluation and monitoring responsibilities
the systematic process of determining the merit, value, and worth of someone (the evaluee, such as a teacher, student, or employee) or something (the evaluand, such as a product, program, policy, procedure, or process) See Assessment, Teacher Evaluation
to draw conclusions from examining; to assess

It will take several years to evaluate the material gathered in the survey.

function-evaluation routine
A program, module or subroutine etc that returns the value of a defined function
lazy evaluation
Any of a variety of computing techniques that delays the computation of expressions until (and unless) the results are needed
program evaluation and review technique
A method for diagramming and analyzing the flow of dependent tasks and other events in a project
program evaluation review technique
Alternative form of program evaluation and review technique
project evaluation and review technique
Alternative name of program evaluation and review technique
project evaluation review technique
Alternative name of program evaluation and review technique
A second or subsequent evaluation or rating
peer evaluation
(Eğitim) Assessment of student’s work, products, or learning processes by classmates, also called peer assessment
cost evaluation
assessment of expenses, evaluation of prices
to assign a value (grade or assess) a student's performance, (product, or process) as a means of measuring their growth against "external standards", and that of other students
v t (a form or an implicit progn) to execute the code represented by the form (or the series of forms making up the implicit progn) by applying the rules of evaluation, returning zero or more values
To fix the value of; to rate; to appraise
to determine the significance, or the worth of by careful appraisal or study
If you evaluate something or someone, you consider them in order to make a judgment about them, for example about how good or bad they are. The market situation is difficult to evaluate. = assess + evaluation evaluations evalu·ation the opinions and evaluations of college supervisors Evaluation is standard practice for all training arranged through the school. to judge how good, useful, or successful something is = assess (evaluation)
to compute an expression
Make an appraisal of the worth of something in the light of its truth or utility Emphasise the views of authorities as well as your personal estimation
In an evaluation question you are expected to present a careful appraisal of the problem stressing both advantages and limitations Evaluation implies authoritative and, to a lesser degree, personal appraisal of both contributions and limitations
This is important If you have time, it will help you identify what to go back and improve It should certainly help you produce a better product next time evaluate the content - have you produced what was required and what you intended?
to decide the value or worth of something after a study
{f} appraise, judge the worth or quality
To evaluate is to find the value of a mathematical expression Examples: Evaluate 3 - 2 (4 + 1) 3 - 2 (4 + 1) = 3 - 2 (5) = 3 -10 = -7 Evaluate a2 - 2ab - b2 when a = -1 and b = 2 a2 - 2ab - b2 = (-1)2 - 2(-1)(2) - (2) 2 = 1 + 4 - 4 = 1
how valuable is it? This often requires you to make a value judgment (ie: give an opinion supported by evidence on the worth or value of something) This requires you to have a sound knowledge of facts, to have read a variety of opinions, and to have formed an opinion for yourself
Make a judgement based on criteria; determine the value of
Examine the various sides of a question and try to reach a judgement
a u -- interpret and execute source code contained in a string
determine or fix the value of See Performance Evaluation for information about employee evaluations
tr v To ascertain or fix the value or worth of To examine and judge carefully
To carefully examine and judge the efficacy of a technology; to submit technologies for testing under conditions of observation and analysis; synonyms: measure, estimate, classify, test ETV does evaluate
To calculate the numerical value
to draw conclusions from by examining
Asks candidates to make an appraisal of the argument or concept under investigation or discussion Candidates should weigh the nature of the evidence available, and identify and discuss the convincing aspects of the argument, as well as its limitations and implications
To compute the value of an expression
place a value on; judge the worth of something; "I will have the family jewels appraised by a professional"
To consider or judge the value or importance of something; to appraise
To ascertain, judge or decide the value or worth of
acq When used relative to test and evaluation, "evaluate" implies a quantitative test that requires comparison of test results to an applicable requirement(s) (See "Determine ") [MIL-HDBK-1908B]
to assess, to state the value of When asked to 'evaluate a statement' as to whether it is supported or implied by a text, you are being asked to judge how clearly the text does or does not spell out the information given in the statement
to determine or set the value or worth of something
To judge the value of
- Present a value judgement, stressing advantages and disadvantages of the situation E g evaluate the contributions of telephones to our lives
plural of evaluation
gemological evaluation
appraisal of the quality and rarity of precious stones
intelligence evaluation
quantitative and qualitative test of gathered information in order to evaluate a situation
inventory evaluation
estimation of the worth of listed articles
job evaluation
A systematic process for establishing the relative value/worth of jobs within an organisation (or internal relativity) The process by which the 'size' of the job is determined usually by defining the jobs according to certain agreed factors (such as know-how, span of control, complexity etc) and applying a score to each factor Usually, the greater the evaluation score, the larger and more accountable the job and the higher the salary  
job evaluation
A system wherein a hierarchy of jobs is created based on such factors as: skill level, responsibility, experience level, time/effort, etc Job evaluation is most often used to arrive at a rational system of wage differentials between jobs or classes of jobs
job evaluation
The process for determining the relative worth of a position within an organization based on the factors valued by the organization The end result of job evaluation process is the assignment of jobs to some form of a pay hierarchy
job evaluation
A rational, orderly, and systematic judgment of how important each job is to the firm and how each job should be compensated
job evaluation
A systematic assessment of job content It establishes the worth of a job in terms of salary or wage compared to other jobs Many elaborate schemes have been developed and applied with varying degrees of success While some structure is necessary on a project, pay is more likely to be governed by market conditions, scarcity, individual knowledge, performance or trade agreements These factors generally also recognize such project aspects as higher stress, cyclical work loading and potential for termination upon completion See also Job Description
job evaluation
A method for determining the relative value or worth of a job to the organization so that individuals who perform it can be appropriately compensated
job evaluation
comparison between one occupation and other occupations in order to determine the salary of workers in that field
job evaluation
The formal process of assigning a job to an evaluated pay grade through formal job evaluation procedures This is a process of internal comparison of jobs, one to another, within Vanderbilt
job evaluation
A formal process by which management assigns jobs to grades, pay bands, or pay ranges according to some pre-established method
job evaluation
the process of determining the value of a particular set of duties and responsibilities in relation to other jobs in the organization This begins with job analysis and involves the process of measuring jobs using pre-determined criteria and procedures (See "Compensable Factors" in the glossary )
program evaluation and review technique
PERT is a project management technique for determining how much time a project needs before it is completed Each activity is assigned a best, worst, and most probable completion time estimate These estimates are used to determine the average completion time The average times are used to figure the critical path and the standard deviation of completion times for the entire project
program evaluation and review technique
(Ticaret) (PERT) A project management system that determines the project finish date by estimating best (shortest), worst (longest) and most likely duration times for activities on the critical path
program evaluation and review technique
A project management system that determines the project finish date by estimating best (shortest), worst (longest) and most likely duration times for activities on the critical path
program evaluation and review technique
A method for analyzing the tasks involved in completing a given project, estimating the time needed to complete each task, and identifying the minimum time needed to complete the total project
program evaluation and review technique
A technique that tracks a project's progress to determine its critical path and to monitor personnel, schedules, and project resources
program evaluation and review technique
An event-oriented network analysis technique used to estimate project duration when there is a high degree of uncertainty with the individual activity duration estimates PERT applies the critical path method to a weighted average duration estimate Also given as Program Evaluation Review Technique
program evaluation and review technique
An event-oriented network analysis technique used to estimate project duration when there is a high degree of uncer-tainty with the individual activity duration estimates PERT applies the critical path method to a weighted average duration estimate Also given as Program Evaluation and Review Technique
program evaluation and review technique
An event-oriented network analysis technique used to estimate program duration when there is uncertainty in the individual activity duration estimates PERT applies the critical path method using durations that are computed be a weighted average of optimistic, pessimistic, and most likely duration estimates PERT computes the standard deviation of the completion date from those of the path's activity durations Also known as the Method of Moments Analysis
program evaluation and review technique
An event­oriented network analysis technique used to estimate project duration when there is a high degree of uncertainty with the individual activity duration estimates PERT applies the critical path method to a weighted average duration estimate Also given as Program Evaluation and Review Technique
psychiatric evaluation
assessment of mental state, evaluation of the psychological condition
risk evaluation
estimation of the dangers hidden in a particular activity
A self-management strategy that involves teaching a student to compare his performance to a self-selected criterion
- The student interprets information from the assessment of his or her own work or behavior
The learner interprets information from the assessment of his or her own work
the process of reviewing one's own behavior and student learning outcomes for the purpose of monitoring and changing one's own teaching performance See Reflection, Self-Assessment, Student Learning Outcomes
an evaluation by those who are implementing a programme or project in he field
An evaluation by those who are administering a programme or project in the field Soft assistance: Activities that go beyond projects and that encompass policy dialogue, policy advice, advocacy and brokerage
Refers to the global judgment individuals tend to make about themselves It has two principal expressions, as postulated in personality subtheory These are self-esteem and self-adequacy
التركية - الإنجليزية

تعريف évaluation في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.

zemin etüdü evaluation of the soil
(of a site where construction is planned); soil survey