
listen to the pronunciation of çakra
التركية - الإنجليزية
In Hinduism and Tantra, any of 88,000 focal points in the human body where psychic forces and bodily functions can merge and interact. In Hinduism there are seven and in Tantra four major chakras, each associated with a colour, shape, sense organ, natural element, deity, and mantra. The most important are the heart chakra, the chakra at the base of the spine, and the chakra at the top of the head
Sanskrit meaning "wheel", they are the body's seven major energy centers, of which the heart is the 4th center These centers relate to the Chi/Qui/Ki, the life force of our being
[1] "wheel," a solar symbol [2] Vishnu's discus, a weapon [3] A supposed center of psychic energy in the human body
Sometimes spelled cakra, chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning "wheel", and refers to (1) a circle or group of spiritual seekers, and (2) to the centers or points (usually considered to be seven in number) of spiritual power that reside in or compose the human astral body These points, or centers of consciousness, are considered to have correspondences with the physical body that run along the spine from the very base to the very crown Each point represents a different kind or quality of subtle energy which can be focused and activated by various practices See kundalini See also "A sounds practice" at our Letters page
Sanskrit term denoting one of seven major energy centers situated along the spine, plus scores of minor centers throughout the body These correspond roughly to the nerve junctions ('little brains') where nerves from every part of the body join the spinal cord Many Indian and Chinese modalities, especially acupuncture, focus on re-establishing the free flow of energy throughout the chakras
One of the seven centres of spiritual energy in the human body according to yoga philosophy
Any of several points of physical or spiritual energy in the human body according to Yoga philosophy Top of Page
Wheels within the human bodies, subtle and gross, which distribute the flow of Shakti, the force of life/feeling/energy
a spiritual opening in your body; humans have 7 chakras that are named after the colors of the rainbow - the chakras must be kept closed in order to keep negative spirits out of your body
{i} centralized point or node on the body which channels both physical and spiritual energy (Hinduism)
There are 7 energy centers called "Chakras" and they parallel the spine Each chakra has certain qualities and associations Refers to one of seven centers of consciousness suspended on the sushumna nerve through which the Kundalini rises The seven main chakras are located at the root base region (Muladhara), genital region (Svadhisthana), belly region (Manipura), heart region (Ana Hata), throat region (Vishudda), forehead region (Ajna), and the top of head (Sahasrara) There are also many other chakras located elsewhere throughout the body Chiti: Divine conscious energy Chitshakti: The expressive power of universal Consciousness
Sanskrit - "wheel or disc" An energy centre within one of the subtle bodies, formed by the intersection of many "nadis" or strands of etheric substance, forming the seven main chakras of the human being and the 22 minor chakras There are also 343 "points of light" which correspond to the acupuncture points Chakras can be energy centres in the solar system or the cosmos, or a human being
(lit wheel): any one of the seven centers of consciousness located in the sushumna nerve through which the kundalini rises
Energy centres in the body - Crown, 3rd Eye, Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Navel, Base Known as the Wheel of Light
In Vajrayana or Tantric Buddhism, they are considered energy points in the body However, the word also has its roots in the word for cosmos
[Sanskrit- wheel, circle] Hindu term for centers of energy (prana) in the human astral body Traditionally there are seven principle chakras along the vertical axis of the body These are often symbolized by mandala or yantra-like circular diagrams
A "Sanskrit term" used for a Spinning Wheel or Disc An energy center within one of the subtle bodies, formed by the intersection of many "nadis" or strands of etheric substance, forming 7 main Chakras in the Human Energy Body and 22 minor chakras
(Sanskrit, lit wheel) The seven chakras in the human body act as subtle energy centers The root chakra lies in the area of the sacrum and is said to hold one's sleeping or dormant spiritual energy Once awakened, this spiritual energy travels up through the other five chakras until it reaches the crown chakra at the top of the head
(literally, wheel): Refers to one of seven centers of consciousness suspended on the sushumna nerve through which the Kundalini rises The seven main chakras are located at the root base region (Muladhara), genital region (Svadhisthana), belly region (Manipura), heart region (Ana Hata), throat region (Vishudda), forehead region (Ajna), and the top of head (Sahasrara) There are also many other chakras located elsewhere throughout the body
The sacred disc (weapon of Lord Sri Maha Vishnu) Chakkera Pongal - Sweet dish made of sugar, milk and rice Chandanam - Sandalwood Chandra - Moon Chaulam - Ear lobe-piercing ceremony Cherupulu - Food offered to the Lord Chinna - Small Chitrannam - A rice preparation, rich in spices Choultry - Guesthouse where accommodation is free of charge Also called Dharmasala
التركية - التركية
çember, disk
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