A taste fault in the coffee beans characterized by extreme variation between sample cups Usually marked by unpleasant sourness Result of internal chemical changes in the green coffee beans or external contamination
Some viruses are only within a company while others are spread out all around the world Most viruses are in the "wild," where the average user could contract and be infected with the virus Some viruses are identified and stopped, or created for testing purposes only, prior to distribution into the wild The Joe Wells list is widely accepted as a leading list of viruses incidents documented in the wild
Wild land is natural and is not used by people. Elmley is one of the few wild areas remaining in the South East. + wildness wild·ness the wildness of the mountains
Animals that live in the wild live in a free and natural state and are not looked after by people. Fewer than a thousand giant pandas still live in the wild
If someone is wild, they are very angry. For a long time I daren't tell him I knew, and when I did he went wild. = mad, crazy
If something or someone, especially a child, runs wild, they behave in a natural, free, or uncontrolled way. Everything that could grow was running wild for lack of attention
Rivers or sections of rivers free of impoundments and generally inaccessible except by trails, with essentially primitive watersheds or shorelines and unpolluted waters
{s} savage; of the wild; unruly; desolate; unrestrained; angry; running rampant; stormy; struck with insanity; unrealistic
(zarf) çılgınca, vahşice, başıboş bir şekilde
(zarf·) çıl·gın·ca, vah·şi·ce, ba·şı·boş bir şe·kil·de