
listen to the pronunciation of (vehicle)
الإنجليزية - التركية
pazar kayığı gibi heavily loaded

Kediler genellikle hareketli araçlar tarafından ezilirler. - Cats are often run over by moving vehicles.

Şiddetli rüzgarlar yüksek profilli araçlar için seyahati tehlikeli yapıyorlar. - Gusty winds are making travel hazardous for high profile vehicles.

{i} vasıta

Şehirde motorlu taşıt sayısı arttı. - The number of motor vehicles in the city has increased.

Motorlu Taşıtlar Bölümünde bir sürü arkadaşım var. - I've got a lot of friends at the Department of Motor Vehicles.

{i} taşıyıcı

Dil düşüncenin taşıyıcısıdır. - Language is the vehicle of thought.

in-vehicle time
(Tarih) Otobüs yada trende seyahat edenlerin seyahat boyunca harcadıkları zaman

Average in-vehicle transit travel time in minutes during peak and non-peak periods.

out-of vehicle time
Otobüs duragına yada tren istasyonuna gitmek ve otobüs vfeya treni beklemek için yürüyerek yada taşıt içinde seyahat edilerek harcanan zaman

Average out-of-vehicle transit travel time in minutes during peak and non-peak periods.

vehicle allocation
Araç tahsisi
vasıta olan
combat vehicle
(Askeri) savaş aracı
commercial vehicle
(Otomotiv) ticari vasıta
complete vehicle system
(Otomotiv) tamamlanmış araç sistemi
delivery vehicle
(Askeri) silahı taşıyan araç
engineering vehicle
(İnşaat) iş makinesi
follow me vehicle
(Askeri) beni takip et otosu
follow me vehicle
(Askeri) arkamdan gel otosu
launch vehicle
(Askeri,Telekom) fırlatma aracı
lift a vehicle
araç kaldırmak
mortar vehicle
(Askeri) havan aracı
pledge of vehicle
(Kanun) taşıt rehni
public service vehicle
toplu taşıma aracı
railroad vehicle
refuse collection vehicle
çöp kamyonu
refuse collection vehicle
çöp toplama aracı
remotely operated vehicle
(Denizbilim) rov
snow vehicle
kar taşıtı
towed vehicle
(Askeri) çekilen araç
transport vehicle
(Askeri) taşıma aracı
transportation vehicle
ulaşım aracı
utility vehicle
(Tıp) vehlkül
taşıma aracı
vehicle armouring
(Askeri) araç zırhlandırması
vehicle body
(Otomotiv) taşıt gövdesi
vehicle body
(Otomotiv) kaporta
vehicle controls
(Bilgisayar) araç denetimleri
vehicle fleet
araç filosu
vehicle inspection
(Otomotiv) araç muayenesi
vehicle inspection
(Otomotiv) araç muayene
vehicle speed
(Otomotiv) araç hızı
vehicle systems
(Otomotiv) araç sistemleri
vehicle tax
(Ticaret) taşıt vergisi
vehicle traffic
taşıt trafiği
accumulator vehicle
akülü taşıt
air cushion vehicle
air cushion vehicle
tenek yastıklı taşıt
air cushion vehicle
hava yastıklı taşıt
all terrain vehicle
arazi vasıtası
amphibian vehicle
amfibi vasıta
armored combat vehicle
zırhlı savaş aracı
articulated vehicle
mafsallı araç
caterpillar vehicle
paletli taşıt
combat vehicle
muharebe aracı
commercial vehicle
ticari taşıt
commercial vehicle
ticari araç
military motor vehicle
askeri motorlu araç
military vehicle
askeri araç
motor vehicle
motorlu taşıt

Şehirde motorlu taşıt sayısı arttı. - The number of motor vehicles in the city has increased.

Motorlu Taşıtlar Bölümünde bir sürü arkadaşım var. - I've got a lot of friends at the Department of Motor Vehicles.

public service vehicle
kamu ulaşım aracı
reconnaissance vehicle
keşif aracı
space vehicle
uzay aracı
test instrument vehicle
test aletleri aracı
unmanned aerial vehicle
insansız hava aracı
taşıt aracı
nakil aracı
binek aracı
iletme aracı
vehicle body
taşıt karoseri
vehicle lift
taşıt asansörü
vehicle traffic
araç trafiği
wheeled vehicle
tekerlekli araç
High-Occupancy Vehicle Lane
(Nakliyat, Lojistik) (HOV Lane) Otoyolda belirtilen sayıda yolcusu bulunan araçlar için belli saatlerde sadece onlara açık olan, daha az yolcusu olanların girmesinin yasak olduğu yol şeridi
automatic air vehicle
otomatik hava aracı
combat command vehicle
(Askeri) zırhlı muharebe aracı
earth satellite vehicle
toprak uydu araç
errant vehicle
hatalı taşıt
fleet vehicle
Araç filosu
half track vehicle
yarı tırtıllı taşıt
hgv , heavy goods vehicle
HGV, ağır yük aracı
hybrid electric vehicle
Biri elektrik olmak şartı ile, iki veya daha fazla enerji kaynağı ile çalışan araç. bkz: toyota prius
light commercial vehicle
hafif ticari araç
light duty vehicle
(Otomotiv) Hafif hizmet taşıtı
lightweight commercial vehicle class
hafif ticari araç grubu
lunar landing vehicle
aya iniş aracı
media vehicle
basın aracı
motor vehicle accident
Motorlu araç kazası
no vehicle entry
taşıt giremez
off-road vehicle
Arazi aracı
phantom vehicle
phantom araç
recreational vehicle
Karavan, kamp arabası
recreational vehicle
eğlence aracı
recreational vehicle
section group vehicle
bölüm grup araç
send a vehicle
araç göndermek
special-purpose vehicle
özel amaçlı taşıt
sport utility vehicle
jeep, suv, arazi aracı
sports utility vehicle
spor Yeni araç
throw a vehicle into gear
arabanın motorunu vitese almak: Throw her into second! İkinciye al!
utility vehicle
Yeni araç
vehicle test stand
taşıt deney standı
wave s.o./a vehicle down
el sallayarak birini/bir taşıtı durdurmak
adapted vehicle
(Politika, Siyaset) dönüştürülmüş taşıt
administrative vehicle
(Askeri) HİZMET ARACI: Birlik ve müesseselerde, personel ve malzemenin nakli ile ilgili günlük işlerde kullanılmaya elverişli araç
administrative vehicle
(Askeri) Hizmet aracı
aerospace vehicle
(Askeri) HAVA-UZAY ARACI: Bir hava-uzay aracı: özel anlamda, hem hissedilir atmosferde (sensible atmosphere) ve bunun uzay eşitinde, hem uzay çevre şartları içinde iş gören bir araçtır. Genel anlamda ise, hava-uzay çevre şartları içinde faaliyette bulunan bir araçtır. Ayrıca bakınız: "aerospace forces"
air cushion vehicle
(Askeri) HAVA YASTIKLI ARAÇ: Yüküyle birlikte ağırlığının tamamının veya büyük bir kısmının, sürekli olarak oluşturulan ve atmosferik basınçtan daha yüksek bir basınca sahip olan bir hava yastığı üzerinde taşınması suretiyle çalışan bir araçtır. (Not: NATO "Ground effect machine" terimini kullanır. )
air vehicle
(Askeri) hava taşıtı
airborne vehicle
(Askeri) ELEKTRONİK HABER UYDUSU: Uçuş halinde bir hava platformu. Bak. "platform"
airborne vehicle
(Askeri) elektronik haber uydusu
aircraft cockpit video; air cushion vehicle; armored combat vehicle
(Askeri) uçak kokpit videosu; hava yastıklı araç; zırhlı muharebe aracı
allocate a vehicle
araç tahsis etmek
alternative fueled vehicle
(Otomotiv) alternatif yakıtlı taşıt
ammunition transport vehicle
(Askeri) mühimmat nakil aracı
amphibious assault vehicle
(Askeri) amfibi taarruz aracı
amphibious vehicle
amfibi araç
amphibious vehicle
(Askeri) AMFİBİ ARAÇ: Hem havada hem de suda çalışabilir, tekerlekli veya paletli bir araç. Ayrıca bakınız: "landing craft, vehicle"
amphibious vehicle availability table
(Askeri) AMFİBİ ARAÇ MEVCUT TABLOSU: Esas itibariyle çıkarma hücumunu yapmak ve harekatın diğer unsurlarını desteklemek üzere elde bulunan amfibi araçların tip ve miktarını gösterir tablo
amphibious vehicle employment plan
(Askeri) AMFİBİ ARAÇ KULLANMA PLANI: Amfibi araçların çıkarma harekatında planlanmış kullanma şekilleri ile karaya ilk intikalden sonraki kullanma şekillerini tablo halinde gösteren bir plan
amphibious vehicle launching area
(Askeri) AMFİBİ ARAÇ İNDİRME SAHASI: Çıkış hattı yakınında. ve deniz istikametinde, çıkarma gemilerinin ilerleyip amfibi araçları indirdikleri bir bölge
aqueous vehicle
sulu madde
armed vehicle
(Askeri) SİLAHLI ARAÇ: Herhangi bir silahla teçhiz edilmiş araç. Bu terim, zırhlı araç anlamına gelen "armored vehicle" ile karıştırılmamalıdır
armored reconnaissance airborne assault vehicle
(Askeri) HAVADAN TAŞINAN/ATILAN ZIRHLI KEŞİF HÜCUM ARACI: Piyade ve hava indirme harekatlarında ana keşif aracı ve hava indirme kıt'alarının ana taarruz silahı olarak hizmet gören hafif zırhlı, çevik, tam paletli bir araç
armored vehicle
(Askeri) ZIRHLI ARAÇ: Muharebe, emniyet veya yük taşımak için kullanılan, tareti zırhlı veya gövdesi zırhla kaplı, tekerlekli veya tırtıllı araç. Silahlı araç anlamına gelen "armed vehicle" terimi ile karıştırılmamalıdır
articulated vehicle
(Otomotiv) oynaklı taşıt
can i see your vehicle registration please
ruhsatınızı görebilir miyim lütfen
caterpillar vehicle
(Otomotiv) tırtıllı araç
combat vehicle
(Askeri) MUHAREBE ARACI: Belirli bir muharebe görevine tahsis edilmiş zırhlı veya zırhsız bir araç. Muharebe dışı bir araç üzerine koruyucu zırh veya silah monte edilmesi böyle bir aracın niteliğini muharebe aracı olarak değiştirmez. Ayrıca bakınız: "vehicle"
combination vehicle
(Askeri) römorklu çekme aracı
combination vehicle
command post vehicle
(Askeri) KOMUTA YERİ ARACI: Tekerlekli veya paletli, zırhlı veya zırhsız bir araç. Bu araç, komuta yerinin ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak üzere, muhabere teçhizatı taşıyacak şekilde imal veya tadil olunmuştur. Bu nevi özel araçlar, bütün komuta kademelerinde kullanılır
commercial type vehicle
(Askeri) TİCARİ TİP ARAÇ: Sivil ihtiyaçları karşılayacak şekilde imal edilmiş ve ikmal maddeleri, personel ve malzemenin taşınması ile ilgili günlük işlerde büyük değişiklikler yapılmadan kullanılabilecek bir araç. Ayrıca bakınız: "vehicle"
commercial vehicle
(Askeri) TİCARİ ARAÇ: Ticari piyasada sivil ihtiyaçları kapsayacak şekilde gelişmiş ve mevcut üretimden askeri kullanım için seçilmiş bir araç
consolidated vehicle table
(Askeri) TEVHİT EDİLMİŞ ARAÇ YÜKLEME ÇİZELGESİ: Bir gemiye yüklenen bütün araçları ait oldukları birliklerle beraber, tiplerine göre sıralanmış olarak gösteren bir çizelge
contractor vehicle
(Askeri) MÜTEAHHİT EMRİNE VERİLEN ASKERİ ARAÇ: Askeri bir araca benzemeyecek veya böyle bir işaret taşımayacak ve ABD ordusu plakası altında çalıştırılmayacak olan hizmet aracı. Bu araç bir müteahhide, ait tesis veya faaliyet sahasında kullanılmak üzere müteahhide devredilir. Orduya aidiyetini muhafaza için ABD ordusuna mahsus plaka numarası motor kaputunun içine konur
control vehicle
(Askeri) SÖZLEŞME ARACI: Kabiliyetleri bilinen standart bir araç. Bu araç tecrübeye tabi tutulan diğer bir araçla birlikte çalıştırılır
convertible vehicle
(Askeri) PALET TAKILABİLİR ARAÇ: Tekerlekli durumdan tırtıllı duruma geçirilebilir araç
convertible vehicle
(Askeri) palet takılabilir araç
cross country vehicle
arazi taşıtı
diver propulsion vehicle
(Askeri) akülü sualtı taşıtı
endurance unmanned aerial vehicle
(Askeri) uzun mesafeli insansız hava aracı
evolved expendable launch vehicle
(Askeri) geliştirilmiş uzatılabilir fırlatma aracı
expendable launch vehicle
(Askeri) genişletilebilir fırlatma araçları
experimental vehicle
(Otomotiv) deneysel taşıt
flight test vehicle
(Askeri) UÇUŞ DENEY ARACI (HV.): Ya bizzat kendi imkan ve kabiliyetinin tespiti veya uçuş deneyine ihtiyaç gösteren teçhizatın taşınması için uçuş deneyleri yapmaya mahsus bir deney aracı
forestry vehicle
orman taşıtı
front of vehicle
(Otomotiv) aracın ön tarafı
front of vehicle
(Otomotiv) aracın önü
fuel vehicle
(Askeri) AKARYAKIT ARACI: Akaryakıt taşıyan araçları ifade için kullanılan genel terim
full track laying vehicle
(Askeri) TAM TIRTILLI ARAÇ: Bak. "full track vehicle"
full track vehicle
(Askeri) TAM TIRTILLI ARAÇ: Tamamen her iki tarafındaki birer nihayetsiz kuşak veya tırtıl üzerine istinat eden ve bunlar vasıtasıyla yürüyüş ve dönüş yapan araç. Tanklar tam tırtıllı araçlardır. Buna "full track laying vehicle" da denir
funeral vehicle
(Askeri) cenaze aracı
general purpose vehicle
(Askeri) GENEL MAKSAT ARACI: Genel mahiyetteki motorlu nakil aracı ihtiyaçlarını, karşılamak için yapılmış motorlu araç. Bu araç; karoseri ve şasi kısımlarında tadilat yapılmadan personel, ikmal maddesi, mühimmat ve teçhizat taşır; top veya römork çeker
go by a vehicle
vasıta ile gitmek
gross vehicle weight
(Askeri) BRÜT ARAÇ AĞIRLIĞI, GAYRİ SAFİ ARAÇ AĞIRLIĞI: Bir aracın yakıtı, yağlama yağları, soğutma sıvısı, paraşütçü teçhizatı, faydalı yükü ve işletme personeli dahil, ağırlığı. Ayrıca bakınız: "curb weight" ve "net vehicle weight"
ground air vehicle
(Askeri) KARA HAVA ARACI: Esas itibariyle karada kullanılmak üzere imal edilmiş fakat kısa süreler için uçmasına imkan veren uçuş performansına da sahip bir kara aracı
ground/vehicle laser locator designator
(Askeri) yer/araç lazerli yer bulma aracı
heavy goods vehicle
ağır yük taşıtı
high mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicle
(Askeri) hareket kabiliyeti yüksek çok amaçlı tekerlekli araç
highway vehicle capability
(Askeri) KARAYOLU ARAÇ KABİLİYETİ: Belirli bir yoldan bir gün zarfında geçen araç sayısı
highway vehicle capability
(Askeri) kara yolu araç kabiliyeti
impound the vehicle
(Otomotiv) aracı çekmek
infantry fighting vehicle
(Askeri) piyade saldırı aracı
instrument vehicle
(Askeri) aletli araç
instrumented vehicle
(Askeri) ALETLİ ARAÇ (HV.): Seyir esnasında durumları tespit ve bildirmek üzere içine alet yerleştirilmiş bir deney küreyi, uydu veya diğer kapalı araç
lacquer vehicle
vernik maddesi
lacquer vehicle
cila maddesi
landing craft, vehicle, personnel
(Askeri) araç ve personel çıkarma aracı
large vehicle
geniş araç
launch vehicle
(Askeri) FIRLATMA ARACI: Standart fırlatma aracı yapımında uygulanan tadilat esaslarından ayrı olarak, özel görev icaplarını karşılayacak şekilde tadil ve özel olarak mahdut kullanma maksadı için veya standart bir fırlatma aracı olarak geliştirilip imal edilmiş bir fırlatma aracı. Bak. "Standard Launch Vehicle"
launch vehicle compatibility
(Telekom) fırlatma aracı uyumluluğu
light armored vehicle
(Askeri) hafif zırhlı araç
lighter, air cushioned vehicle
(Askeri) hafif, hava amortisörlü araç
logistic supply vehicle
(Askeri) lojistik ikmal aracı
maintenance vehicle
(Askeri) BAKIM ARACI: Araçların bakım ve faaliyeti için lüzumlu parça, teçhizat ve personeli taşıyan araç
maneuvering reentry vehicle
(Askeri) MANEVRA YAPABİLİR ATMOSFERE DÖNÜŞ ARACI: Atmosfere dönüş safhasında, önceden planlanmış uçuş manevraları yapmaya muktedir bir atmosfere dönüş aracı. Ayrıca bakınız: "multiple reentry vehicle, multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle, reentry vehicle"
medical vehicle
(Askeri) SIHHİYE ARACI: Sıhhiye hizmetlerinde kullanılan araçları ifade eden genel terim
medical vehicle
(Askeri) sıhhiye aracı
military construction vehicle
(Askeri) İSTİHKAM İNŞAAT ARACI: İstihkam sınıfınca askeri olarak sınıflandırılan bir inşaat projesinde kullanılma bakımından, özellikle lüzumlu olan hizmet aracı
military designed vehicle
(Askeri) ASKERİ AMAÇLI ARAÇ: Muharebede veya taktik harekatlarla direk bağlantılı olarak veya desteklemek amacıyla sahra bölgelerinde, esas olarak kuvvetler tarafından kullanılması için tasarlanan ve askeri araştırma ve geliştirme süreci sonunda, askeri kullanım özelliklerine sahip olarak yapılan bir araç
mobil tactical light vehicle
(Askeri) mobil taktik hafif araç
motor vehicle
motorlu araç

Motorlu araçlar dünyasına hoş geldiniz. - Welcome to the world of motor vehicles.

motor vehicle
(Askeri) MOTORLU ARAÇ: İkmal maddesi, personel ve malzeme taşımakta kullanılan, lastik tekerlekli ve motorla müteharrik araç. Bisikletler ve malzeme istif teçhizatı (materials handling equipment) bu sınıfa girmez
motor vehicle
motorlu ulaşım aracı
motor vehicle driver badge
(Askeri) USTA ŞOFÖR BRÖVESİ: Bir motorlu araç şoförünün belirli testleri ve bir yıllık şoförlük görevini tamamladığını belirten madeni bröve
motor vehicle mechanic badge
(Askeri) MOTORLU ARAÇ MAKİNİST BRÖVESİ: Bir motorlu araç makinistinin belirli testleri ve bir yıllık makinistlik görevini tamamladığını belirten madeni bröve
multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle
(Askeri) BAĞIMSIZ OLARAK HEDEFE YÖNELTİLEBİLEN ÇOKLU ATMOSFERE DÖNÜŞ BÖLMESİ: Her ayrı hedefe bir veya daha fazla sayıda atmosfere dönüş bölmesi bırakabilecek, bir dağıtım sistemi tarafından taşınan bir atmosfere dönüş bölmesi. Ayrıca bakınız: "maneuverable reentry vehicle", "multiple reentry vehicle", "reentry vehicle"
multiple reentry vehicle
(Askeri) ÇOKLU ATMOSFERE DÖNÜŞ BÖLMESİ: Bir hedefe birden fazla atmosfere dönüş bölmesi bırakabilecek, bir dağıtım sistemi tarafından taşınan bir atmosfere dönüş bölmesi. Ayrıca bak. "maneuverable reentry vehicle", "multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle", "reentry vehicle"
multipurpose vehicle
(Otomotiv) çok maksatlı taşıt
net vehicle weight
(Askeri) NET ARAÇ AĞIRLIĞI: Bir aracın; yakıtı motor yatağı, soğutucusu, araç üstü teçhizatı, ticari yükü ve işletme personeli hariç, ağırlığı. Bak. "curb weight", "gross vehicle weight"
nonorganic vehicle
(Askeri) KADRO DIŞI ARAÇ: Kullanılan birliğe; teşkilat ve malzeme kadrosuna göre verilmemiş olan araç
on vehicle material
(Askeri) ARAÇ ÜSTÜ TEÇHİZAT: Doğrudan doğruya aracın bir parçası olmamakla beraber, ordu donatım veya diğer teknik sınıf araçları ile birlikte dağıtılan ve bunların üzerinde taşınan malzeme ve teçhizat. Bunlar; araç takımı, silahlar, yangına karşı korunma, muhabere vesaire ile ana grubu tamamlamak için lüzumludur. Örneğin top, kundak, telsiz, elektrik feneri, yangın söndürme cihazı, nişan ve atış kontrol malzemesi, aracın ve silahların bakımı için araç üstünde taşınan belirli yedek parça ve aletler gibi
police vehicle
(Otomotiv) polis aracı
private owned vehicle
(Askeri) ZATİ ARAÇ
privately owned vehicle
(Askeri) özel araç
pushing vehicle
itici araç
pushing vehicle
itici makine
radio and remote control vehicle
radyo ve uzaktan kumandalı araçlar
remotely piloted vehicle
(Askeri) UZAKTAN KUMANDALI UÇAK: Bir muharebe bağlantısı vasıtasıyla uzak bir mevkiiden, bir şahıs tarafından kontrol edilebilen pilotsuz bir uçak. Normalde, geri dönecek şekilde planlanmıştır. Aynı zamanda (RPV) de denir. Ayrıca bak. "drone"
remotely piloted vehicle
(Askeri) uzaktan kumandalı araç
rescue vehicle
(Askeri) KURTARMA ARACI: Kazaya uğrayan araçları onarım için geri getirmekte kullanılan araç. Bak. "recovery vehicle"
satellite vehicle
(Askeri) uydu aracı
satellite vehicle
(Askeri) UYDU ARACI: Bir uyduyu yörüngeye yerleştirmek için kullanılan roket aracı
space vehicle
(isim) uzay aracı
special equipment vehicle
(Askeri) ÖZEL TEÇHİZATLI ARAÇ: Özel bir maksat için yapılmış bir karoseri bulunan veya özel bir ihtiyacı karşılayacak teçhizat monte edilmiş bir genel maksat şasisinden ibaret araç. Bak. "vehicle"
stage vehicle
(Askeri) KADEME ARACI: Özel surette ve sınırlı olarak kullanılmak üzere geliştirilip imal edilmiş bir kara aracı; veya özel görev ihtiyaçlarını karşılayacak şekilde tadil edilip standart kademe imalindekinden ayrı bir tadilat işleminden geçirilerek son şekli verilen bir standart kademe. Bak. "standard stage vehicle"
standard launch vehicle
(Askeri) STANDART FIRLATMA ARACI: Milli Savunma Bakanlığı uzay programlarında kullanılan ve azami araç güveni ve müşterek kullanma imkanları temin edecek şekilde tespit edilmiş belirli şartlar dahilinde imal edilen bir birinci kademe aracı. Bu araç üzerinde ancak güven derecesini arttırmak maksadıyla değişiklik yapılabilir ve seri imalat blok parçalar halinde dahil edilir. Yalnız bu şekildeki araçlara standart fırlatma aracı ismi verilir. Bak. "launch vehicle"
standard stage vehicle
(Askeri) STANDART KADEME ARACI: Yükseliş ve yörünge atışı için çekiş sağlayan ilk kademe fırlatma aracının bir parçası olarak hazırlanmamış bir araç. Standart kademe, azami güven ve müşterek kullanma imkanları sağlanacak şekilde tespit edilmiş belirli şartlar dahilinde imal edilir. Değişiklik, yalnız güven derecesini arttırmak maksadıyla yapılır ve seri imalata blok parçalar halinde dahil edilir. Yalnız, bu şekildeki kademelere standart kademe ismi verilir
standard vehicle
(Askeri) ORDU TİPİ ARAÇ, STANDART ARAÇ: Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı tarafından kabul edilen ve ikmal ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak üzere tedariki tercih olunan araç tipi
stolen vehicle
çalıntı araç
substitute transport type vehicle
(Askeri) YEDEK NAKLİYE ARACI: Bir askeri nakliye aracının sahip olduğu tüm özelliklere sahip olması gerekmeyen, ancak bazı sınırlamalarla aynı görevleri yapabilmek üzere tasarlanmış tekerlekli araç. Bunlar sivil tasarımlara bazı özelliklerin eklenmesi veya askeri tasarımların bazı özelliklerin çıkarılmasıyla geliştirilmiştir. Ayrıca bakınız: "vehicle"
sustained flight vehicle
(Askeri) destekli uçuş aracı
sustained flight vehicle
(Askeri) DESTEKLİ UÇUŞ ARACI: İndi olarak 150.000 fit kabul edilen irtifalarda merkezkaç kuvvetlerle artırılmış kalkış gücünün büyük kısmını aerodinamik kuvvetlerden alan güç kaynaklı bir araç
tactical vehicle
(Askeri) TAKTİK ARAÇ: Esas itibariyle, kıtalar tarafından, muharebe veya taktik harekatla doğrudan doğruya ilgili olarak veya bu gibi harekatın desteğinde, ya da kıtaların bu gibi harekatta eğitilmeleri maksadıyla, arazide kullanılmak üzere imal edilmiş, askeri özelliklere sahip, bir araç. Ayrıca bak "military designed vehicle"
tank recovery vehicle
(Askeri) TANK KURTARMA ARACI: Arızalı veya terkedilmiş ağır muharebe araçlarını, muharebe meydanından bir toplama noktasına (collectıon point) veya bakım tesisine nakletmek için imal edilmiş, tam tırtıllı, genel olarak zırhlı motorlu araç
tank vehicle
(Askeri) SARNIÇLI ARAÇ: Döküm sıvı maddeleri taşımak maksadıyla üzerine karoseri yerine, sarnıç tipi bir kap monte edilmiş, normal olarak tekerlekli, bir araç. Bu araçta; normal olarak, pompalar, hortumlar ve yakıttan suyu ve yabancı maddeleri ayıracak tertibat da bulunabilir
tank vehicle
(Askeri) sarnıçlı araç
terminal vehicle
(Askeri) terminal aracı
test vehicle
(Askeri) DENEME ARACI, TEST ARACI: Teklif edilmiş bir hava-uzay sistemine ait ana parçaların denenmesinde kullanılan, roket veya jet takatlı araç
throw a vehicle into
arabanın motorunu vitese almak: Throw her into second! İkinciye al!
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية

تعريف (vehicle) في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.

Vehicle Identification Number
A mandatory unique number assigned to each vehicle produced, stamped into the metal on the dashboard on the driver's side (viewable through the windshield), on the engine block and at least one other place somewhere on the body of the vehicle
armored combat vehicle
Alternative spelling of armoured combat vehicle
armored fighting vehicle
Alternative spelling of armoured fighting vehicle
armoured combat vehicle
An armed and armoured military vehicle for fighting troops, which runs on wheels or caterpillar track
armoured fighting vehicle
An armed and armoured military vehicle which runs on wheels or caterpillar track, used by fighting troops
gross vehicle weight rating
The maximum allowable total mass of a road vehicle or trailer when loaded

GVWR includes the weight of the vehicle itself plus fuel, passengers, cargo, and trailer tongue weight.

heavy goods vehicle
A lorry, truck or other large vehicle used to transport cargo with a total weight of at least 3.5 tonnes
heavy-duty vehicle
A vehicle designed for heavy work (bus or truck)
high occupancy vehicle
Alternative spelling of high-occupancy vehicle
high-occupancy vehicle
More specifically, a vehicle carrying passengers who number over a certain threshold (for instance, at least two passengers)
high-occupancy vehicle
A vehicle with a large number of persons in it
hybrid vehicle
A vehicle that uses two or more power sources, most commonly an internal combustion engine, a battery, an electric generator, and an electric motor, so as to reduce local emissions with adequate vehicle performance
hydrogen vehicle
Any vehicle that uses hydrogen as its principal fuel, normally via the electricity produced by a fuel cell
infantry fighting vehicle
An armoured combat vehicle designed to carry infantry soldiers and provide fire support for them
launch vehicle
A vehicle for transporting objects into space, usually a rocket
light-duty vehicle
any motor vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating of 10,000 pounds (4,500 kg) or less
motor vehicle
Any land-based means of transportation in the form of a machine that operates primarily through a motor consuming fuel in order to provide power to rotate the tires
peak vehicle requirement
the number of vehicles required to operate the highest frequency service on a route
peak vehicle requirements
plural form of peak vehicle requirement
pre-owned vehicle
a vehicle that has been owned by a person, then sold back to the dealership; a euphemism for used car
recreational vehicle
A truck, van, motor home, or trailer designed for use as living quarters used for overnight recreational activities and travel
sport utility vehicle
A passenger vehicle which combines the towing capacity of a pickup truck with the passenger-carrying space of a minivan or station wagon together with on- or off-road ability
stock vehicle
A vehicle that is kept and maintained to legal specifications
tribrid vehicle
A vehicle that can utilize three different types of fuel, or has three different means of propulsion
A liquid content (e.g. oil) which acts as a binding and drying agent in paint. (FM 55-501)
A conveyance; a device for carrying or transporting substances, objects or individuals
An entity to achieve an end
A medium for expression of talent or views
An animal or (rarely) a plant on which a Hindu deity rides or sits
zero-emission vehicle
A vehicle that produces only carbon dioxide and water as its emissions and so does not pollute the air
That in or on which any person or thing is, or may be, carried, as a coach, carriage, wagon, cart, car, sleigh, bicycle, etc
motor vehicle code
Traffic code (also motor vehicle code) refers to the collection of local statutes, regulations, ordinances and rules that have been officially adopted in the United States to govern the orderly operation and interaction of motor vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians and others upon the public (and sometimes private) ways
railroad vehicle
A vehicle used for the carrying of cargo or passengers on a rail transport system
{n} a carriage, conveyance
High-Occupancy Vehicle Lane
(Nakliyat, Lojistik) In transportation engineering and transportation planning, a high-occupancy vehicle lane (or HOV lane) is a lane reserved for vehicles with a driver and one or more passengers. They are also known as carpool lanes, commuter lanes, diamond lanes and transit lanes
Micro Air Vehicle
The term micro air vehicle (MAV) refers to a new type of remotely controlled aircraft (UAV) that are significantly smaller than similar craft obtainable with the 2007 state of the art. The target dimension for MAVs today is approximately six inches (15 centimeters) and development of insect-size aircraft is reportedly expected in the near future. Potential military use is one of the driving factors
all-terrain vehicle
ATV: A small, open motor vehicle having one seat and three or more wheels fitted with large tires. It is designed chiefly for recreational use over roadless, rugged terrain
commercial vehicle
A commercial vehicle is a type of motor vehicle that may be used for transporting goods or passengers. The European Union defines "commercial motor vehicle" as any motorised road vehicle, which by its type of construction and equipment is designed for, and capable of transporting, whether for payment or not: (1) not more than nine persons, including the driver; (2) goods and "standard fuel tanks". This means the tanks permanently fixed by the manufacturer to all motor vehicles of the same type as the vehicle in question and whose permanent fitting enables fuel to be used directly, both for the purposes of propulsion and, where appropriate, for the operation of a refrigeration system. Gas tanks fitted to motor vehicles designed for the direct use of gas as a fuel are considered to be standard fuel tanks
hybrid electric vehicle
A vehicle which has two forms of motive power one of which is electric. see: Toyota PriusA vehicle that is powered by two or more energy sources, one of which is electricity.a vehicle combining a battery-powered electric motor with a traditional internal combustion engine. The vehicle can run on either the battery or the engine or both simultaneously, depending on the performance objectives for the vehicle.Hybrid electric motor vehicles may operate using both electric and gasoline-powered motors. Emissions from hybrid electric motor vehicles are also substantially lower than conventionally powered motor vehicles. (See also Electric Motor Vehicle).Hybrid-electric vehicle. Various types of electric vehicles that use another power source to propel the vehicle or generate power for an electric drive train, or a combination of the two types
motor vehicle
A motor vehicle is a vehicle whose propulsion is provided by an engine or motor
phantom vehicle
A phantom vehicle is a supposed ghostly or haunted vehicle. No such phenomena have been scientifically verified and no research on this topic appears in the peer-reviewed scientific literature. However, many people find such stories fascinating and they are common in urban legends and entertainment
recreational vehicle
A vehicle, such as a camper or motor home, used for traveling and recreational activities
special purpose vehicle
(Finans) A special purpose entity (SPE; or, especially in Europe, special purpose vehicle/SPV, in Ireland – FVC financial vehicle corporation) is a legal entity (usually a limited company of some type or, sometimes, a limited partnership) created to fulfill narrow, specific or temporary objectives. SPEs are typically used by companies to isolate the firm from financial risk. A company will transfer assets to the SPE for management or use the SPE to finance a large project thereby achieving a narrow set of goals without putting the entire firm at risk. SPEs are also commonly used in complex financings to separate different layers of equity infusion. In addition, they are commonly used to own a single asset and associated permits and contract rights (such as an apartment building or a power plant), to allow for easier transfer of that asset. Moreover, they are an integral part of public private partnerships common throughout Europe which rely on a project finance type structure
Gross Vehicle Weight
{i} GVW, maximum total loaded weight permitted for a vehicle on the road (including the weigh of vehicle itself, passengers and cargo)
Infantry Fighting Vehicle
IFV, lightly-armored vehicle used to transport foot soldiers
Remote-Piloted Vehicle
{i} unmanned vehicle that is operated and controlled by remote control, RPV
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
{i} drone, unmanned small aircraft that is operated and controlled by remote control, UAV
air-cushion vehicle
or hovercraft Vehicle supported above the surface of land or water by an air cushion, produced by downwardly directed fans, enclosed within a flexible skirt beneath the hull. The concept was first proposed by John Thornycroft in the 1870s, but a working model was not produced until 1955, when Christopher Cockerell solved the problem of keeping the air cushion from escaping from under the vehicle, and formed Hovercraft Ltd. to manufacture prototypes. Problems with skirt design and engine maintenance have restricted the vehicle's commercial application; today hovercraft are used mainly as ferries
all-terrain vehicle
Any motorized non-highway vehicle 45 inches or less in width, having a dry weight of 650 pounds or less, traveling on three or more low-pressure tires, and having a seat to be straddled by the operator As used in this subsection, "low pressure tire" means any pneumatic tire six inches or more in width, designed for use on wheels with rim diameter of 12 inches or less, and utilizing an operating pressure of 10 pounds per square inch or less as recommended by the vehicle manufacturer
all-terrain vehicle
An engine-driven device which has a net weight of 650 pounds or less, which has a width of 48 inches or less, which is equipped with a seat designed to be straddled by the operator and which is designed to travel on 3 or more low-pressure tires (Ref 4)
all-terrain vehicle
All-terrain vehicle - 42" width or smaller A small, amphibious motor vehicle with wheels or tractor treads for traveling over rough ground, snow, or ice, as well as on water
all-terrain vehicle
vehicle which can drive on every type of land surface
amphibious vehicle
vehicle which is adapted for both land and water
armored combat vehicle
military vehicle with protective armor plating
armored fighting vehicle
combat vehicle with protective armor plating, AFV
armored vehicle
protected vehicle
armored vehicle
a vehicle that is protected by armor plate
armoured vehicle
armored vehicle: a vehicle that is protected by armor plate
armoured vehicle
Motor vehicle with plating for protection against bullets, shells, or other projectiles that moves on wheels or tracks. The tank is the chief armoured vehicle for larger military forces. Other military types include infantry fighting vehicles, amphibious landing vehicles, and mobile weapons platforms such as self-propelled artillery and antiaircraft guns. Infantry fighting vehicles, descended from the armoured personnel carriers of World War II and the Vietnam War, are armoured, tracked vehicles that transport infantry into battle but also serve as platforms from which soldiers can fight without dismounting. Armoured cars are wheeled civilian vehicles, ranging from commercial trucks to luxury sedans, that generally are equipped with armour and other amenities for securely transporting valuables and individuals over paved roads
automated guided vehicle system
(Ticaret) (AGVS) Warehouse and logistics equipment, such as robots or picking systems with no operator, that are routed to planned inventory or production locations by software and network commands
combat vehicle
vehicle used during war
commercial vehicle
car owned by a business and used for business purposes
emergency vehicle
half-tracked vehicle
vehicle that moves on wheels and metal chains
heavy goods vehicle
an HGV
high occupancy vehicle
A "carpool" or vehicle occupied by two or more persons
high occupancy vehicle
{i} HOV, vehicle that can hold two or more passengers (such as a bus, car or van)
high occupancy vehicle
Said of lanes or ramps reserved for vehicles with more than one passenger: car pools, van pools, buses, etc We don't exhaustively cover HOV facilities here, other than to note that separate HOV ramps can lead to very intricate interchanges
high occupancy vehicle
motor vehicles carrying at least two or more occupants including the driver An HOV could be a transit bus, van pool, car pool or any vehicle that meets the minimum occupancy requirements An HOV system is the collective application of physical facilities to support HOV operations, including HOV lanes, park-and-pool lots, and park-and-ride lots
high occupancy vehicle
A vehicle with at least two riders, such as a bus, a taxi, a carpool or a vanpool Also see: carpooling
high occupancy vehicle
(APTA)--Vehicles that can carry two or more persons Examples of high occupancy vehicles are a bus, vanpool and carpool These vehicles sometimes have exclusive traffic lanes called "HOV lanes," "busways," "transitways" or "commuter lanes "
high occupancy vehicle
Motor vehicles carrying at least two or more occupants including the driver An HOV could be a transit bus, vanpool, or any other vehicle that meets the minimum occupancy requirements, usually expressed as either two or more, three or more, etc , persons per vehicle
high occupancy vehicle
(HOV) - Vehicles that can carry more than two persons Examples of high occupancy vehicles are a bus, vanpool and carpool
high occupancy vehicle
Vehicles having more than one occupant Examples include carpools, vanpools, buses, and mini-buses Transportation systems may encourage HOV use by having designated HOV lanes
horse-drawn vehicle
a wheeled vehicle drawn by one or more horses
infantry fighting vehicle
A heavily armed, armored combat vehicle, having tracks or wheels and often having amphibious capability, used to transport infantry into battle and support them there
launch vehicle
A rocket used to launch a spacecraft or satellite into an orbit or a trajectory. Rocket system that boosts a spacecraft into Earth orbit or beyond Earth's gravitational pull. A wide variety of launch vehicles have been used to lift payloads ranging from satellites weighing a few pounds (or kilograms) to large modular components of space stations. Most launch vehicles are expendable (one-use) systems; many early ones were derived from intercontinental ballistic missiles (see ICBM). The Saturn V, which launched the spacecraft that carried humans to the Moon (see Apollo), had three stages (see staged rocket). The U.S. space shuttle system (from 1981) represents a significant departure from expendable launch vehicles in that it is partially reusable its manned orbiting component is designed for numerous flights, and its solid rocket boosters can be recovered and refurbished
military vehicle
vehicle used by the armed forces
military vehicle
any vehicle used by the armed forces
mini remote-piloted vehicle
unmanned small vehicle that is operated and controlled by remote control; drone, unmanned small aircraft that is operated and controlled by remote control
motor vehicle
Can included car, motorcycles, buses, tractors, trucks etc •Drivers` Licence - Removal of Disqualification
motor vehicle
a self-propelled wheeled vehicle that does not run on rails
motor vehicle
A self-propelled wheeled conveyance, such as a car or truck, that does not run on rails. any vehicle which has an engine, such as a car, bus, or truck
motor vehicle
A vehicle that is propelled by an internal combustion engine or motor and is designed to permit the vehicle’s mobile use on the public roads or highways of this state Motor vehicle does not include any of the following
motor vehicle
A self-propelled land or amphibious vehicle
motor vehicle
Under the Vehicle and Traffic Act 1999 a motor vehicle is
motor vehicle
Any self-propelled vehicle licensed for highway use or used on the highway
motor vehicle
Every vehicle, other than a motorized bicycle or a motorized wheelchair, which is self-propelled and every vehicle which is propelled by electric power obtained from overhead trolley wires, but not operated upon rails
motor vehicle
is any mechanically or electrically powered device not operated on rails, upon which or by which any person or property may be transported upon a land highway   The load on a motor vehicle or trailer attached to it, is considered part of the vehicle   Tractors and motorized machinery are included while self-propelled in transit or used for transportation   Nonmotor vehicle is any road vehicle other than a motor vehicle, such as a bicycle or animal-drawn vehicle, except a coaster wagon, child's sled, child's tricycle, child's carriage and similar means of transportation; persons using these latter means of transportation are considered pedestrian
motor vehicle
Motor vehicle" means every vehicle which is self-propelled and every vehicle which is propelled by electric power obtained from overhead trolley wires, but not operated upon rails
off-road vehicle
An off-road vehicle is a vehicle that is designed to travel over rough ground
reconnaissance vehicle
fast armored military vehicle with four-wheel drive and open top
recreational vehicle
a motorized wheeled vehicle used for camping or other recreational activities
recreational vehicle
RV, caravan, camper van
reentry vehicle
The part of a spacecraft or missile that reenters Earth's atmosphere
remotely piloted vehicle
{i} pilotless aircraft, aircraft which is controlled from a distance and intended for assignments that do not require human participation, RPV
rescue vehicle
vehicle used to rescue people trapped in potentially dangerous situations
reserve vehicle unit
unit that deals with recruiting civilian vehicles for military purposes
self-propelled vehicle
a wheeled vehicle that carries in itself a means of propulsion
signal-equipment vehicle
military transport vehicle that is used for communications and control
soft vehicle
vehicle which is not reinforced
space vehicle
{i} spacecraft, vehicle made to travel in outer space
sport utility vehicle
A sport utility vehicle is a powerful vehicle with four-wheel drive that can be driven over rough ground. The abbreviation SUV is often used
sport-utility vehicle
an SUV
tactical vehicle
transportation vehicle that is used for operational purposes
tracked vehicle
a self-propelled vehicle that moves on tracks
tracklaying vehicle
transportation vehicle that moves in steel chains, type of military vehicle
utility vehicle
A utility vehicle is a vehicle that is designed to travel over rough ground
Any liquid with which a pigment is applied, including whatever gum, wax, or glutinous or adhesive substance is combined with it
The form by means of which higher beings find expression on the lower planes The physical, astral and mental bodies, for instance, form the vehicles of the soul on lower levels
A liquid used to spread sensitive salts upon glass and paper for use in photography
a conveyance that transports people or objects
any inanimate object (as a towel or money or clothing or dishes or books or toys etc ) that can transmit infectious agents from one person to another
{i} means of transport (car, bus, etc.); instrument; means, medium
The liquid portion of a finishing material; it consists of the binder (nonvolatile) and volatile thinners
The liquid portion of a coating in which the pigment is dispersed; it is composed of binder, solvent and diluent
In the 1969 survey, vehicle refers to autos and passenger vans owned or available to the household In the 1977, 1983, and 1990 surveys, the term vehicle was expanded to include pickups and other light trucks, RV's motorcycles and mopeds owned or available to the household Estimates show that in 1969 there were an additional 7 5 million pickups and other light trucks that are not reflected in the 1969 NPTS data
The liquid part of the ink, giving it the flow properties that enable it to be applied to a surface
The particular form in which a fundraising program is organized and executed; e g annual giving, capital campaign, or direct mail Topic areas: Fundraising and Financial Sustainability
When referring to topical dermatological drugs, it is the medium in which the active is formulated
The liquid portion of a finishing material consisting of the binder and volatile thinners as contrasted to the pigment or solid matter
A specific channel or publication for carrying the advertising message to a target audience For example, one medium would be magazines, while one vehicle would be Time magazine
Anything which travels along the road on wheels
A substance in which medicine is taken
Specifically, a structure, machine, or device, such as an aircraft or rocket, designed to carry a burden through air or space; more restrictively, a rocket vehicle
The liquid portion of a pigmented coating or ink, including binders, adhesives and modifiers
A specific broadcast station or print publication within a general media categor
The specific media element that carries an advertising message, a particular television show, a cable network, a magazine etc
An inanimate intermediary in the indirect transmission of an agent that carries the agent from a reservoir to a susceptible host
Every device in, upon, or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a highway, excepting devices moved by human power or used exclusively upon rails or tracks
A thick-film term that refers to the organic system in the paste
a conveyance that transports people or objects a medium for the expression or achievement of something; "his editorials provided a vehicle for his political views"; "a congregation is a vehicle of group identity
You can use vehicle to refer to something that you use in order to achieve a particular purpose. Her art became a vehicle for her political beliefs = medium. multiple independently targeted reentry vehicle air cushion vehicle armoured vehicle launch vehicle
In printing inks, the fluid component which acts as a carrier for the pigment
Français : VÉHICULE Deutsch : FAHRZEUG A Public transport vehicle used for carrying passengers
Nonliving source of pathogens which infect large numbers of individuals; common vehicles are food and water
A combination of varnish, waxes, dryers etc , that contain the pigment of inks and control the flow, the drying and the adhesion of the pigments to the printed surface
A liquid content (e.g. oil) which acts as a binding and drying agent in paint
means a passenger automobile, motorcycle, motor home, or truck with a gross vehicle weight of less than 8,000 (3,630 kg ), providing such vehicle is not licensed to carry passengers for hire
a means of conveyance; specifically, a means of conveyance upon land
The liquid portion of paint, in which the pigment is dispersed The vehicle is composed of thinner and binder
A vehicle is a machine such as a car, bus, or truck which has an engine and is used to carry people from place to place. a vehicle which was somewhere between a tractor and a truck
a medium for the expression or achievement of something; "his editorials provided a vehicle for his political views"; "a congregation is a vehicle of group identity"
That which is used as the instrument of conveyance or communication; as, matter is the vehicle of energy
The fluid component of a printing ink that carries the pigment
vehicle owner
one who holds the rights to a transportation vehicle, one who has a transportation vehicle
vehicle-borne transmission
indirect transmission of an infectious agent that occurs when a vehicle (or fomite) touches a person's body or is ingested
wheeled vehicle
a vehicle that moves on wheels and usually has a container for transporting things or people; "the oldest known wheeled vehicles were found in Sumer and Syria and date from around 3500 BC
التركية - الإنجليزية

تعريف (vehicle) في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.

zero emission vehicle
(Otomotiv) zev