(sıfat) uzatılmış, geniş, yaygın, geniş ölçüde yapılan, engin

listen to the pronunciation of (sıfat) uzatılmış, geniş, yaygın, geniş ölçüde yapılan, engin
التركية - الإنجليزية
In the nature of an extent, wide, widespread
{a} extended far, wide, large, general
extended widely in space, time, or scope
great in range or scope; "an extended vocabulary"; "surgeons with extended experience"; "extensive examples of picture writing"; "suffered extensive damage"; "a wide selection"
having broad range or effect; "had extensive press coverage"; "far-reaching changes in the social structure"; "sweeping reforms"
Something that is extensive covers or includes a large physical area. an extensive tour of Latin America When built, the palace and its grounds were more extensive than the city itself. + extensively ex·ten·sive·ly Mark, however, needs to travel extensively with his varied business interests
Having wide extent; of much superficial extent; expanded; large; broad; wide; comprehensive; as, an extensive farm; an extensive lake; an extensive sphere of operations; extensive benevolence; extensive greatness
large in number or quantity (especially of discourse); "she took copious notes"; "extensive press coverage"; "a subject of voluminous legislation"
having broad range or effect; "had extensive press coverage"; "far-reaching changes in the social structure"; "sweeping reforms" large in spatial extent or range; "an extensive Roman settlement in northwest England"; "extended farm lands" of agriculture; increasing productivity by using large areas with minimal outlay and labor; "producing wheat under extensive conditions"; "agriculture of the extensive type
{s} spreading over a large area, comprehensive
Something that is extensive covers a wide range of details, ideas, or items. Developments in South Africa receive extensive coverage in The Sunday Telegraph The facilities available are very extensive. + extensively ex·ten·sive·ly All these issues have been extensively researched in recent years
of agriculture; increasing productivity by using large areas with minimal outlay and labor; "producing wheat under extensive conditions"; "agriculture of the extensive type
Capable of being extended
large in spatial extent or range; "an extensive Roman settlement in northwest England"; "extended farm lands"
If something is extensive, it is very great. The blast caused extensive damage, shattering the ground-floor windows The security forces have extensive powers of search and arrest + extensively ex·ten·sive·ly Hydrogen is used extensively in industry for the production of ammonia
(sıfat) uzatılmış, geniş, yaygın, geniş ölçüde yapılan, engin


    (sı·fat) u·za·tıl·mış, ge·niş, yay·gın, ge·niş öl·çü·de ya·pı·lan, en·gin

