(kürek takılan) ıskarmoz

listen to the pronunciation of (kürek takılan) ıskarmoz
التركية - الإنجليزية
{i} thole
a pin in the side of a boat which acts as a fulcrum for the oars
To endure, to tolerate, to put up with
{n} a pin of a boat
{v} to wait, to bear
A pin in the gunwhale of a boat to hold an oar
To suffer or undergo
A thole pin
A wooden or metal pin, set in the gunwale of a boat, to serve as a fulcrum for the oar in rowing
To wait
a holder attached to the gunwale of a boat that holds the oar in place and acts as a fulcrum for rowing
The pin, or handle, of a scythe snath
To bear; to endure; to undergo
(kürek takılan) ıskarmoz