Describes the control which adjusts the pitch of the rotor blades; causing the heli to ascend or descend without the need to change the rotor RPMs This is usually the up and down movement of the left stick on the Tx Having the ability to do this means you can use the momentum of the blades when spinning to do an autorotation if the engine dies and gives quicker response time as well
A collective amount of something is the total obtained by adding together the amounts that each person or thing in a group has. Their collective volume wasn't very large. = combined + collectively col·lec·tive·ly In 1968 the states collectively spent $2 billion on it
relating to, consisting of, or denoting an aggregate or group; opposed to individual
denoting a number of persons or things considered as one group or whole For example, "flock" is a collective noun Now that you understand this concept, we can all breathe a collective sigh of relief
The collective term for two or more types of thing is a general word or expression which refers to all of them. Social science is a collective name, covering a series of individual sciences. + collectively col·lec·tive·ly other sorts of cells
A communication or processing activity in which many messages or compute primitives are linked together
Organization that administers rights granted by the copyright system on behalf of copyright owners who have joined that collective
done by or characteristic of individuals acting together; "a joint identity"; "the collective mind"; "the corporate good"
Multi-agent clusters resulting from agent attraction based on tags (attributes) A collective can itself be an agent with detectors, effectors, rules, tags, etc
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