To quit attending all classes By terminating, you agree not to earn college credits for classes To keep your college transcript from showing a failing grade, you must terminate with a signed, termination form submitted to the Registrar's Office You must comply with institutional timelines for terminating and/or adding or dropping a class
specifies that at the end of the current submit block, the procedure submits all SAS statements stored in the PREVIEW window and closes the AF window
The terminate property applies to operations It indicates the operation should be invoked when the engine is stopped
To terminate a pregnancy means to end it. After a lot of agonizing she decided to terminate the pregnancy + termination terminations ter·mi·na·tion You should also have a medical check-up after the termination of a pregnancy
have an end, in a temporal, spatial, or quantitative sense; either spatial or metaphorical; "the bronchioles terminate in a capillary bed"; "Your rights stop where you infringe upon the rights of other"; "My property ends by the bushes"; "The symphony ends in a pianissimo"
To set a term or limit to; to form the extreme point or side of; to bound; to limit; as, to terminate a surface by a line
To put an end to; to make to cease; as, to terminate an effort, or a controversy
Close; End; Finish; Exit When applied to a program, means to finish using the program An application can also terminate due to a bug causing an unexpected result
(fiil) sınırlamak, sınır koymak, son vermek, bitirmek, sona ermek, bitmek
(fi·il) sı·nır·la·mak, sı·nır koy·mak, son ver·mek, bi·tir·mek, so·na er·mek, bit·mek