A side-effect is an action performed as a result of evaluating an expression For example, expression Assign x : = 3 %Assign has the side effect of changing the content of variable x to 3
An additional activity of a drug that may produce detrimental or unwanted effects
An indirect change to a variable, or, the work of instructions within a function not directly related to the calculation of its return value
Any condition caused by a drug other than the effect for which it was prescribed For a list of side-effects reported by our members, see here
The side-effects of a drug are the effects, usually bad ones, that the drug has on you in addition to its function of curing illness or pain. The treatment has a whole host of extremely unpleasant side-effects including weight gain, acne, skin rashes and headaches Most patients suffer no side-effects
A side-effect of a situation is something unplanned and usually unpleasant that happens in addition to the main effects of that situation. One side effect of modern life is stress