without you

listen to the pronunciation of without you
الإنجليزية - التركية

Sensiz ne yapardık bilmiyorum. - I don't know what we would do without you.

Sensiz gerçekten yalnız olacak. - It's going to be really lonely without you.

being without you
without her

Bunu onsuz yapamazdım. - I couldn't have done this without her.

Onsuz bir hayat düşünemiyorum. - I can't imagine my life without her.

without him

Tom Mary'nin onsuz yaşayabileceğini sanmıyor. - Tom doesn't think Mary can live without him.

Onsuz yaşamayı düşünemiyorum. - I can't conceive of living without him.

without it

Neye ihtiyacınız olduğunu söylerseniz ve ben onsuz nasıl idare edeceğinizi söylerim. - Tell me what you need and I'll tell you how to get along without it.

Bir şey satın almadan önce kendine onsuz yapabilip yapamayacağını sorsan iyi olur. - Before buying anything, you had better ask yourself whether you cannot do without it.

without me
Without that
never without you
sensiz olmaz
when I am without you
what would I do without you
sen olmasan napardım
what would I do without you
sensiz napardım
without that
without that
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية

تعريف without you في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.

you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs
In order to achieve something, it is inevitable and necessary that something should be destroyed
you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs
it is difficult to gain something significant without causing any unpleasant impacts, you must give up something to achieve something
you can't say a without saying b
of course, its clear that, it is understood that
without you


    with·out you

    التركية النطق

    wîdhaut yu


    /wəᴛʜˈout ˈyo͞o/ /wɪðˈaʊt ˈjuː/