white bread

listen to the pronunciation of white bread
الإنجليزية - التركية
beyaz ekmek

Ben biraz beyaz ekmek istiyorum. - I would like some white bread.

O zamanlar beyaz ekmek ve et, lüks olarak kabul edilirdi. - At that time, white bread and meat were considered a luxury.

الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
1. of or belonging to or representative of the white middle class; "white-bread America"; "a white-bread college student"(similar) conventional
Bread made from finely ground, usually bleached wheat flour. See Regional Note at light bread
bread made with finely ground and usually bleached wheat flour
bread that is white in color; that which is normal or conventional (Slang)
conventional and boring
of or belonging to or representative of the white middle class; "white-bread America"; "a white-bread college student
relating to white people who are considered traditional and boring in their opinions and way of life
white bread


    White bread

    التركية النطق

    hwayt bred


    /ˈhwīt ˈbred/ /ˈhwaɪt ˈbrɛd/