A genus of herbaceous plants of which several species are extensively cultivated for the great beauty of their flowers; vervain
any of numerous tropical or subtropical American plants of the genus Verbena grown for their showy spikes of variously colored flowers
Plant genus (Verbena) that contains about 250 species, almost all of them native to the New World tropics and subtropics. Two species are indigenous to the Old World. The familiar garden verbena (V. hortensis, or V. hybrida) is a creeping plant that has square stems and bears flat heads of phloxlike flowers, in a wide range of colours. Many U.S. species of Verbena are low-growing, small-flowered, somewhat weedy plants more commonly called vervains. The shrub lemon verbena (Aloysia triphylla), notable for its fragrant oil, is a member of the verbena, or vervain, family (family Verbenaceae), which contains more than 2,600 species in about 100 genera. Members of the family have opposite or whorled leaves that are usually undivided. The flowers, in spikes or clusters, usually consist of a tube flaring into four or five almost equally cut lobes. The family also includes teak
{i} any of a number of plants cultivated for their five-petalled flowers and the lemon-scented oil which can be extracted from the leaves of some species
soft-haired sticky plant with heads of bright pink trumpet-shaped flowers; found in sandy desert soil; after ample rains may carpet miles of desert with pink from the southwestern United States to northern Mexico
a tender perennial herb which grows in our garden during the summer, and on our windowsills during the winter We dry the leaves, which have a very refreshing lemon scent, and add them to our Lemon Verbena soap
- The leaves are picked in summer and used fresh in herbal teas and in syrups, salads, or stuffing for meat and poultry They can also be chopped and sprinkled over drinks and fruit puddings
Any of several herbs of the genus Abronia, of western North America, having fragrant, usually red, yellow, or white flowers that are grouped in long-stalked heads