
listen to the pronunciation of v-person
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف v-person في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.


Hiçbir şey bir şahıs olmak kadar zor değil. - Nothing is as difficult as becoming a person.

Tom kötü bir şahıs değil. - Tom isn't a bad person.

in person

Bizzat gitsen iyi olur. - You had better go in person.

O oraya bizzat gitti. - He went there in person.


Bilal bilgili bir kişidir. - Bilal is a person of knowledge.

Sen yaşayabileceğin herhangi biriyle evlenme - sen onsuz yaşayamayacağın kişiyle evlen. - You don't marry someone you can live with — you marry the person whom you cannot live without.

person to person
yüz yüze
person to person call
ihbarlı alısün konuşması
intelligent person, educated person
akıllı kişi, eğitimli kişi
optimistic person, person that hopes
iyimser kişi, umutlarımı kişi
pit one person/thing against another person/thing
1. iki kişiyi/şeyi karşı karşıya getirip dövüştürmek/yarıştırmak. 2. (iki şey) birbiriyle yarışmak/boy ölçüşmek: Zeki´s pitted his brains against Yavuz´s brawn. Zeki´nin zekâsıyla Yavuz´un kuvvetli cüssesi çarpışıyor
person to person call
ihbarlı konuşma, davetli konuşma
person to person call
birebir arama
ألمانية - الإنجليزية
criminal informant /CI/
confidential human source /CHS/
confidential informant
(Person) verdrängen
to usurp
(an einen Ort/zu einer Person) zurückkehren
to return (to a place/person)
(anerkennenswerte) Leistung (einer Person)
merit (of a person)
(bekannte/wichtige) Person
(eine Person) akkreditieren
to accredit (a person)
(eine öffentliche Person) diffamieren
to bork somebody
(für etwas) nicht mehr Frage kommen (Person)
to be out of the frame (for something) (person)
(für etwas) nicht mehr Frage kommen (Person)
to be out of the running
(näheres) Umfeld (einer Person)
(näheres) Umfeld (einer Person)
(untätig) herumstehende Person
(wandelndes) Gerippe (abgemagerte Person, abgemagertes Tier)
scrag (of a man/woman/animal)
(wandelndes) Gerippe (abgemagerte Person, abgemagertes Tier)
bag of bones
(wohlhabender) älterer Mann, der einer jüngeren Person (meist Frau) Geld/Geschen
sugar daddy
(wohlhabender) älterer Mann, der einer jüngeren Person (meist Frau) Geld/Geschen
(zwischen zwei Orten) pendeln (Person)
to commute
(zwischen zwei Orten) pendeln (Person)
to shuttle (between two places) (person)
18-jährige (Person)
18-year old (of a person)
18-jährige (Person)
eighteen-year old
Ablehnung (einer Person)
challenge of somebody/sth
Alarm geben (Person)
to give the alarm
Alarm geben (Person)
to alarm (person)
Alt… (Person)
unreconstructed (of a person)
Angaben zu jemandes Person
sb.'s particulars
Angaben zu jemandes Person
sb.'s personal particulars
Angaben zu jemandes Person
sb.'s identity details
Anhänglichkeit (Person)
clinginess (person)
Anprobemodell (Person)
fitting model (person)
Anspruch auf Steuererleichterung haben (Person)
to qualify for tax relief (person)
Anzeiger (Person, die Anzeige erstattet hat)
Anzweifelung der Glaubwürdigkeit/Gültigkeit einer Person/Sache
impeachment (causing doubts about the truthfulness of somebody/sth.)
Arbeitsleistung einer Person / von Technik
Arbeitsweise (einer Person)
approach to work
Arrest (veraltend) (einer Person)
custody (of a person)
Arrest (veraltend) (einer Person)
Arretierung (veraltet) (einer Person)
Arretierung (veraltet) (einer Person)
Aufpasser (für eine Person)
personal minder
Aushängeschild (für etwas) (Person)
frontman (for something)
Auslösung (einer Person)
ransom (of a person)
Befragung einer Person zur Erkenntnisgewinnung (nach einem Einsatz/einschneidend
debriefing of a person
Befreiung (einer Person)
Befreiung (einer Person)
setting at liberty
Beharrlichkeit (Person)
Beharrlichkeit (Person)
persistency (person)
Beharrlichkeit (Person)
Beim E-Mail-Marketing sollte der Empfänger als Person mit Namen angeschrieben we
In e-mail marketing, the recipient should be addressed as an individual with his own name
Bekanntheitsgrad einer Person
extent of somebody's fame
Beschicker (Person, die einem Feuer Kohle zuführt)
Betreten einer Person auf frischer Tat
apprehension of a person in the act
Bitzler (Person)
pettifogger (person)
Bitzler (Person)
Bohnenstange (große, schlanke Person)
string bean (tall, thin person)
Broterwerb (Person, Firma)
bread and butter
Bügellift (für eine Person)
J-bar lift
Dandyhaftigkeit (Person)
doggishness (person)
Darsteller (einer anderen Person)
Das ist von Person zu Person / von Ort zu Ort verschieden.
That varies from person to person / from place to place
Datenverarbeiter (Person)
data processor
Die Person hat der Auslieferung nicht zugestimmt und somit auf die Spezialitätsw
The subject has not consented to extradition and has not therefore waived his speciality rights / right to speciality protection
Dienstunfähigkeit (Person)
incapacitation for duty
Dienstunfähigkeit (Person)
incapacitation for the performance of your duties (person)
Diese Person entspricht nicht den angegebenen Merkmalen wie Alter, Größe und Aug
This individual does not fit the descriptors provided as the age, height, and eye color
Diese Person ist in der kriminalpolizeilichen Aktenhaltung unbekannt.
There is no trace of this person in the criminal intelligence indices
Doppelzüngigkeit (Person)
Doppelzüngigkeit (Person)
Dreißigjährige (Person)
thirty-year-old (of a person)
Durchsuchung (einer Person oder eines Ortes)
shakedown (of a person or place)
ED-Behandlung (einer Person)
taking of a person's photographs, fingerprints, and samples
ED-Behandlung (einer Person)
taking of identification material (from a person)
Ehrlichkeit (Person)
Ehrlichkeit (Person)
Eine gewisse Person, die ungenannt bleiben soll, hat vergessen, zuzusperren.
A certain person, who shall remain nameless, forgot to lock the door
Einkommen (einer Person)
paycheck (of a person)
Einkommen (einer Person)
Elefant im Porzellanladen (schwerfällig-unbeholfene Person)
Elefant im Porzellanladen (schwerfällig-unbeholfene Person)
clumsy oaf
Elefant im Porzellanladen (schwerfällig-unbeholfene Person)
Elefant im Porzellanladen (schwerfällig-unbeholfene Person)
Elefant im Porzellanladen (schwerfällig-unbeholfene Person)
Eleganz in seinen/ihren Bewegungen (Person oder Sache)
poetry in motion (of a person or thing)
Er macht auf mich den Eindruck einer umsichtigen Person.
He strikes me as a cautious person
Erbe (Person) (von jemandem/etw.)
Erbe (Person) (von jemandem/etw.)
inheritor (of somebody/to something)
Ergreifung (einer Person)
apprehension (of a person)
Erlebniswelt (einer Person)
(a person's) experience of the world
Ersatz auf Zeit (Person oder Sache)
stopgap (person or thing)
Etwas verleiht einer Person/Sache eine positive Ausstrahlung.
Something gives a person/thing a positive appearance
Falschheit (Person)
Falschheit (Person)
Falschheit (Person)
deceitfulness (person)
Falschheit (Person)
Fehler (schlechter Charakterzug/schlechte Gewohnheit einer Person)
fault (bad character feature/misguided habit of a person)
Feingefühl (einer Person)
discretion (of a person)
Feldmesser (Person)
Filzen (Durchsuchen einer Person)
body search
Filzen (Durchsuchen einer Person)
Flitzer (Person, die sich nackt in der Öffentlichkeit zeigt)
Fluidum (einer Person)
aura (of a person)
Fluraufsicht (Person)
yard duty supervisor
Fluraufsicht (Person)
hall monitor
Fresser (Person)
glutton (person)
Geburtsort (einer Person)
(a person's) birthplace
Gefährder (Person)
person considered a threat to public safety
Gefühl der Sicherheit (in Bezug auf die eigene Person)
feeling of safety
Gefühl der Unsicherheit (in Bezug auf die eigene Person)
feeling of unsafety
Gegen diese Person wurde bereits andernorts Anklage erhoben.
The subject has been charged elsewhere
Geheimtipp (vielversprechende Person)
one to watch out for
Gelegenheitsperson (zufällig am Tatort anwesende Person)
casual person
Gemeinderat (Person)
municipal councillor/councilor
Gemeinderat (Person)
local councillor
Gemeinderat (Person)
member of the local council
Gemeinderat (Person)
councilman (in a town)
Gemeinderat (Person)
parish councillor (in a village)
Gemütsart (einer Person)
nature (of a person)
Genialität (Person, Sache)
Genialität (Person, Sache)
Geordie (Person bzw. Dialekt aus Tyneside, England)
Gesamterscheinung (einer Person)
general appearance (of a person)
Gesamtleistung einer Maschine / Person
overall performance
Grapscher (Person)
masher (person)
Hackfresse (hässliche Person, bes. Frau)
minger (ugly person, esp. woman)
Halt machen (Person)
to halt
Heimhilfe (Person und Dienstleistung)
home help (person and service)
Herr {+Gen.} (Person, die etwas im Griff hat)
master (of something) (person who has control of something)
Hingucker (Person oder Sache)
showstopper (thing)
Hoffnungsträger (für jemanden/etw.) (Person)
beacon of hope (for somebody/sth.) (person)
Ich stand neben ihm und er sprach mich in der dritten Person an, so als wäre ich
I was standing next to him and he addressed me in the third person as if I wasn't even there
Ich werde alles unternehmen, um meine Person zu rehabilitieren und meinen guten
I'll do all I can to vindicate my person and my good name
Im Sinne dieses Vertrags bedeutet „Anleger“ eine natürliche Person. (Vertragsfor
As used in this Contract, the term 'investor' shall mean a natural person. (contractual phrase)
In der deutschen Armee wurden vorgesetzte Offiziere früher in der dritten Person
In the German army, superior officers used to be addressed in the third person, for instance, as 'Herr Major is absolutely right.'
Jagdberechtigung (einer Person)
hunting permit
Jagdberechtigung (einer Person)
shooting licence /license
Jagdberechtigung (einer Person)
hunting licence /license
Jagdberechtigung (einer Person)
game licence /license
Jagdberechtigung (einer Person)
shooting permit (of a person)
Katalogmodel (Person)
catalogue model
Klardaten (einer Person)
real ID (of a person)
Klette (Person, die nicht von jemandes Seite weicht)
Kompetenz (einer Person)
skill (of a person)
Konfliktfähigkeit (Person)
ability to handle/manage conflict situations (person)
Kost und Logis (für eine Person)
(a person's) keep (board and lodging)
Kreuz (Zeichen dafür, dass eine genannte Person verstorben ist)
dagger (mark indicating that a person mentioned is deceased)
Kritikfähigkeit (einer Person)
capability of taking criticism (person)
Können Sie die Person nennen, die sie angegriffen hat?
Can you name the person who attacked you?
Körperdatenerfasser (Person)
Körperdatenerfasser (Person)
quantified selfer
Küchenhilfe (Person)
kitchen help
Küchenhilfe (Person)
kitchen porter
Küchenhilfe (Person)
kitchen hand
Lebensweisheit (einer Person)
worldly wisdom (of a person)
Leisetreter (Person)
Mandant (Person oder Firma bei Dienstleistungen)
Mehrleistung (einer Person)
increased efficiency (of a person)
Nacheile (polizeiliche Verfolgung einer Person über den Zuständigkeitsbereich hi
hot pursuit
Nacheile (polizeiliche Verfolgung einer Person über den Zuständigkeitsbereich hi
fresh pursuit (police action)
Naturtalent (Person)
natural prodigy
Naturtalent (Person)
naturally gifted person
Naturtalent (Person)
naturally talented person
Neuer im Geschäft (Person)
Johnny-come-lately (newcomer or late starter in a sphere of activity)
Nomade (umherziehende Person)
didicoi (nomadic person)
Nulpe (unfähige Person)
Nulpe (unfähige Person)
twerp/twirp (old-fashioned)
Nulpe (unfähige Person)
Observation (einer Person/eines Gebäudes durch die Polizei)
physical surveillance (of a person/building by the police)
Observation (einer Person/eines Gebäudes durch die Polizei)
secret surveillance
Observation (einer Person/eines Gebäudes durch die Polizei)
covert surveillance
Ordnungsliebe (einer Person bei etwas)
Ordnungsliebe (einer Person bei etwas)
tidiness (of a person with something)
Organisationstalent (Person)
talented organiser
Organisationstalent (Person)
talented organizer
Ort des Todes (einer Person)
place of death
Ort des Todes (einer Person)
(a person's) deathplace
Pappkamerad (Abbildung einer Person)
cardboard cutout (of a person)
Parteilosigkeit (Person)
Pausenaufsicht (Person)
breaktime supervisor
Pausenaufsicht (Person)
lunchtime supervisor
Person (Theater)
Person (Verbform, Pronomenform)
person (verb form, pronoun form)
Person , die für den Parkservice zuständig ist
Person , die vertrauliche Informationen weitergibt
Person / Persönlichkeit des öffentlichen Lebens
public figure
Person mit einem ausschweifenden Lebenswandel
Person mit einem ausschweifenden Lebenswandel
Person mit einem ausschweifenden Lebenswandel
dissolute person
Person mit gleichen Interessen
kindred spirit
Person mit lockerem Lebenswandel
alley cat
Person mit versteckten Qualitäten
dark horse
Person ohne Handschlagqualität
Person ohne Handschlagqualität
Person ohne Staatsangehörigkeit
stateless person
Person, der man am Valentinstag einen Gruß schickt
Person, die (durch Schwindeleien) eine Schuld oder einen Wetteinsatz nicht begle
Person, die (durch Schwindeleien) eine Schuld oder einen Wetteinsatz nicht begle
Person, die Abfall auf die Straße wirft
Person, die Abfall auf die Straße wirft
Person, die Trends folgt
Person, die obsessiv belanglose Informationen sammelt
Person, die uneingeladen zu einer Feier erscheint
Person/Sache , die Unglück bringt
Person/Sache, die einen versorgt/mit der man ausgesorgt hat
meal ticket
Person/Sache, die etwas zurückholt
Pfau! (bewundernder Ausruf beim Anblick einer Person)
Pfau! (bewundernder Ausruf beim Anblick einer Person)
Pfau! (bewundernder Ausruf beim Anblick einer Person)
Phwoor! (admiring exclamation at the sight of a person)
Pharisäer (scheinheilige Person)
pharisee (hypocritical person)
Platzzuweisung (bei einer Person)
emplacement (rare)
Platzzuweisung (bei einer Person)
Platzzuweisung (bei einer Person)
Platzzuweisung (bei einer Person)
Possenreißer (veraltend) (Person, die sich lustig benimmt)
clown (person who behaves in a funny way)
Publikumsrenner (Person oder Ereignis)
crowd puller (person or event)
Rechtsstellung (einer Person)
legal position (of a person)
Rechtsstellung (einer Person)
legal status
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية

تعريف v-person في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.

a man or woman having a specified role
advance person
Someone who travels to a destination in order to arrange accommodation, meetings, security, etc. for one or more celebrities, politicians, business leaders, or other public figures who will arrive subsequently

What an advance person does, she explains, is find venues for rallies, build the crowd, and create the visuals.

disabled person
A person with a disability
displaced person
a refugee, especially of war or of forced migration
Attributive form of displaced person

displaced-person mentality.

dog person
A person who keeps dogs as pets

Are you a dog person?.

first person
Forms of pronouns or verbs used for the speaker or writer of the sentence in which they occur

Am is the first person singular of to be.

first person
A form of narrative writing using verbs in the first person in order to give the impression that the action is happening to the narrator
Of a verb, in the first person
Of a narrative, using verbs in the first person
Visual presentation through the protagonist or principal character's own eyes
first-person plural
: The form of a verb used (in English and other languages) with the pronoun we (or its equivalent in other languages)

Are is the first-person plural of the verb to be.

first-person plurals
plural form of first-person plural
first-person shooter
A combat or video game in the genre characterized by a three-dimensional view from from the player's perspective, often holding a weapon in front
first-person shooters
plural form of first-person shooter
first-person singular
The form of a verb used to indicate the speaker as the subject of the verb

Am is the first-person singular of the verb to be.

first-person singulars
plural form of first-person singular
fourth person
A variety of the third person sometimes used for indefinite referents, such as one in one shouldn't do that
fourth person
In some languages such as Ojibwe, a variety of the third person used for a secondary, or obviative, third person

The man saw the dog as he was leaving. (if he is the third person, or proximate, it refers to the man; if he is the fourth person, or obviative, it refers to the dog).

give a person line
to allow a person more or less liberty until it is convenient to stop or check him/her, like a hooked fish that swims away with the line
in person
With one's own body and presence, as opposed to radio, the telephone, television, or the Internet. Actually present. In actual presence

Have you ever seen a celebrity in person?.

lay person
An alternative spelling of layperson. While lay person is not uncommon the spelling layperson seems to be more common and by analogy with the words layman and laywoman the single word spelling more logical
legal person
An organisation or a group of people who have (some of) the legal rights and responsibilities of an individual under the law
litigant in person
A litigant without an attorney
missing person
A person whose whereabouts are unknown and who is being sought
morning person
A person whose who wakes up without difficulty early each morning and who is alert and active during the first part of the day

I'm a confirmed morning person, a wind-up doll who starts my day in near-manic motion and ends it with slow, mechanical tasks requiring little energy or thought.

people person
Someone who is happier or more skilled at dealing with people rather than things or concepts
Someone who likes or knows (the specified thing)
Any individual or formal organization with standing before the courts

By common law a corporation or a trust is legally a person.

A specific human being

Where is the person?.

person of color
A non-white person
person of ordinary skill in the art
In United States patent law, the hypothetical individual whose likely knowledge determines whether an improvement on existing technology would be obvious, and therefore nonpatentable
person of size
A person who is significantly overweight
Such that the caller is only connected and charged if the person he specified is available to speak
Such that the lender and borrower are individuals rather than companies
pod person
A conformist person, especially one who lacks personality or originality

I'm not stalking you, she said, with all the sincerity of a pod person in The Body Snatchers.

reasonable person
A fictional person used as a comparative legal standard to represent an average member of society and how he or she would behave or think, especially in determining negligence; sometimes formulated as "a person of ordinary prudence exercising due care in like circumstances."
Attributive form of reasonable person

reasonable-person doctrine.

second person
In grammar, the form of a verb used when the subject of a sentence is the audience. In English, the second person is used with the pronouns thou and you. In many languages the singular, applying to one person, and plural, applying to several people, are distinct

amais is the second person plural of the Spanish verb amar.

Of a verb, in the second person
second-person plural
The form of a verb used (in English and other languages) with the pronoun you in its plural sense (or its equivalent in other languages)

Are is the second-person plural of the verb to be.

second-person plurals
plural form of second-person plural
second-person singular
The form of a verb used (in English and other languages) with the pronouns thou and you in its singular sense (or their equivalents in other languages)

The second-person singular of to be is art or are.

second-person singulars
plural form of second-person singular
third person
A form of narrative writing using verbs in the third person in order to give the impression that the action is happening to another person
third person
The pronouns he, she, it, they and one
third person
In grammar, the form of a verb used when the subject of a sentence is not the audience or the one making the statement. In English, pronouns used with the third person include he, she, it, one, they, and who

Is is the third person singular of to be.

Of a verb, in the third person
Of a narrative, using verbs in the third person
third-person plural
: The form of a verb used (in English and other languages) with plural nouns and with the pronoun they (or its equivalents in other languages)

Are is the third-person plural of the verb to be.

third-person plural
The pronoun they (or its equivalents in other languages)
third-person plurals
plural form of third-person plural
third-person shooter
A combat video game of a kind with a perspective view, typically positioning the camera over the shoulder of the player
third-person shooters
plural form of third-person shooter
third-person singular
The form of a verb used (in English and other languages) with singular nouns and with the pronouns he, she, it and one (or their equivalents in other languages)

Is is the third-person singular of to be.

third-person singulars
plural form of third-person singular
very important person
A person who is accorded special privileges due to his or her status or importance. Examples include celebrities, heads of state, high rollers, politicians, high-level corporate officers, wealthy individuals, or any other person who receives special treatment for some reason. In some cases, such as tickets to events, VIP may be used in a similar way to premium, and can be purchased by anyone.For example, see
If you make a person-to-person call, you say that you want to talk to one person in particular. If that person cannot come to the telephone, you do not have to pay for the call. involving communication between people
involving direct communication or contact between persons or parties; "a person-to-person interview"; "person-to-person telephone calls
directly between one person and another; referring to a collect call that is directed at a particular person at the number being dialed
الإنجليزية - ألمانية


    ... on a crazy person myself when I fly on a plane ...
    ... as the first time as usual person there's a good austrians ...