unter einsatz aller kräfte

listen to the pronunciation of unter einsatz aller kräfte
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف unter einsatz aller kräfte في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

davetsiz olarak bir ziyafete katılm
(Bilgisayar) arızalanmak

Yoğun trafikteki zincirleme bir kazaydı. - There was a chain-reaction crash during rush hour.


O, çarpışmada ölmedi, aslında kazadan önce bir kalp krizi geçirdi. - He did not die in the collision. Actually, he had a heart attack before crashing.

Zırh giyen büyük bir çarpışmayla düşer! - He who wears armor falls with a big crash!

şangır şungur

1930'lardaki kriz sırasında, çok sayıda zengin insan borsanın iflasında her şeyini kaybetti. - During the Depression in the 1930's, many wealthy people lost everything in the stock market crash.

Borsa niçin iflasa gitti. - Why did the stock market crash?

konuşma dili (bir yere) davetsiz/izinsiz/biletsiz girmek/dalıvermek/katılmak
(taşıta ait) kaza: "airplane crash - uçak kazası."
çarpa çarpa şiddetli ve gürültülü bir şekilde gitmek veya koşmak: "A bull was crashing around in the china shop. - Zücaciye dükkânında bir boğa etrafı kira döke koşuyordu
(fiil) kırılmak, parçalanmak, gürültüyle düşmek; gürültü etmek; batmak, iflas etmek; düşmek; çarpmak; davetsiz olarak gitmek; sabahlamak
{i} (Bilgisayar) arıza
{f} sabahlamak

Sabahlamak için bir yere ihtiyacım var. - I need a place to crash.

paldır küldür gitmek/hareket etmek
ألمانية - الإنجليزية
To terminate extraordinarily
To severely damage or destroy something by causing it to collide with something else
To make or experience informal temporary living arrangements

Hey dude, can I crash at your pad?.

{v} to make a noise, break, bruise, crush
to stay at someone's house for the night

Can I crash at your place on Monday night?.

A problem (often caused by a bug) thatcauses a program, or an entire operating system, to unexpectedly stop working If a program crashes, you sometimes can recover with the force quit commane, but you often have to restart the Mac Also see bomb and hang
A collective term for a group of rhinoceroses
Plain linen
A computer malfunction that is caused by faulty software, and makes the system either partially or totally inoperable
A loud, sudden, confused sound, as of many things falling and breaking at once
AKA "Head Crash" - Occurs when the read/write head collides with the disk latter, causing physical damage to the disk
The failure of a hardware component, software application, or the computer itself A crash can affect the program you are using, the operating system, or the entire computer, and often results in the need to restart the computer
to turn up at or join a social event without having been invited
A system shutdown caused by a hardware malfunction or a software error
Even Spock tripped up every once in a while Just because your computer locks up at random times doesn't mean it's evil (or even broken) Restarting will usually resolve the problem, although chances are you didn't save your work
A sudden stop of normal operation Supposedly, the original hard drives would sometimes experience a catastrophic failure in which the read/write heads would crash into the media, possibly sending the media flying; hence a crash is a unintentional termination of software or hardware due to some failure or error - especially a termination in a final, catastrophic, or unpleasant way
A sudden, usually drastic failure of a computer system
If a bug in a program is severe enough, it can cause that program to crash, or to become inoperable without being restarted On machines that are not multitasking, the entire machine will crash and have to be rebooted On machines that are only partially multitasking the entire machine will sometimes crash and have to be rebooted On machines that are fully multitasking, the machine should never crash and require a reboot
The abrupt failure of a computer system or program More specifically, a system crash is the abrupt failure of a computer--- or of a computer's operating system---causing the computer to halt the execution of programs; and a program crash is the abrupt failure of a computer program resulting either from a flaw in the logic of the program itself, or from some peculiar interaction with the operating system, the storage management facility, another program, or the user---or from an act of God A hardware crash (e g , a disk crash) is a crash which results from the failure of the computer electronics or electro-mechanics, and a software crash is one which results from a flaw or an inadequacy in program logic, or in operating system program logic A soft crash is a crash from which it is easy to recover--- i e , to restart the computer and resume work A hard crash is the opposite
unter einsatz aller kräfte