
listen to the pronunciation of u-test
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف u-test في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.


Sıkı çalışsa, sınavı geçebilir. - If she studied hard, she could pass the test.

Gelecek hafta İngilizcede bütünleme sınavına girmek zorundayım. - I have to take a make up test in English next week.


Antlaşma toprak altındaki nükleer denemeleri yasaklamadı. - The treaty did not ban nuclear tests under the ground.

Neil Armstrong astronot olmak için seçildiğinde deneme pilotuydu. - Neil Armstrong was a test pilot when he was chosen to be an astronaut.


Bu çok ilginç deney senin mesleki kişiliğini meydana çıkarmaktadır. - This very interesting test reveals your professional personality.

Dr. Tanaka üç yüz fare üzerinde iki yıldır deneyler gerçekleştirdi. - Dr. Tanaka carried out tests for two years on three hundred rats.

Static test:
(İnşaat) statik deneme
abrasion test
aşındırma deneyi
abrasion test
(Tekstil) aşınma testi
accelerated test
ivdirilmiş sınama
accelerated test
hızlandırılmış test
accelerated test
(Bilgisayar) ivmeli sınama
acceptance test
kabul deneyi
adhesion test
adezyon testi
aging test
yaşlanma testi
association test
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) çağrışım testi
bench test
(Askeri) bremze muayenesi
benchmark test
denektaşı sınaması
benchmark test
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) denektaşı testi
benchmark test
(Bilgisayar) değerlendirme deneyi
benchmark test
karşılaştırma deneyi
bend test
bükme deneyi
bend test
eğilme testi
bite test
dahili sistem testi
blind test
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) gözü kapalı sınama
bond test
yapışma deneyi
bond test
yapışma sınaması
bond test
yapışma denemesi
bond test
aderans testi
captive test
(Askeri) bremze füze testi
commissioning test
işletmeye alma deneyi
compliance test
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) uyarlık sınaması
compression test
basınç deneyi
compression test
basma deneyi
conditional test
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) koşullu sınama
confidence test
güvenilirlik testi
consistency test
kıvam deneyi
consistent test
(Bilgisayar) tutarlı sınama
consolidation test
yerleşme deneyi
consolidation test
(Jeoloji,Teknik) konsolidasyon deneyi
consolidation test
sıkıştırma deneyi
destructive test
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) örseleyici sınama
diagnostic test
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) hata deneyi
drift expanding test
genişletme deneyi
drop test
(Askeri) paraşüt açılış denemesi
durability test
(Tekstil) dayanıklılık testi
embedded figure test
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) gömülü figür testi
endurance test
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) dayanım testi
endurance test
(Bilgisayar) dayanıklılık sınaması
excess pressure test
aşırı basınç deneyi
excess pressure test
aşırı gerilim deneyi
eye test
(Tıp) göz muayenesi
fatigue test
yorulma testi
feasibility test
(Askeri) kabiliyet derecesi testi
file test
eğe deneyi
flight test
(Askeri) uçuş kontrolü
flight test
(Askeri) uçuş testi
flow test
(İnşaat) yayılma deneyi
flow test
akma deneyi
flow test
sıkılık deneyi
goodness of fit test
(Askeri) uyuşum yoklaması
identity test
(İnşaat) tanımlama deneyi
impact test
çarpma deneyi
impact test
darbeye dayanırlık deneyi
impairment test
(Ticaret) değer düşüklüğü testi
inhibition or enhancement test
(Tıp) inhibisyon
inhibition or enhancement test
(Tıp) artırma testi
initial test
(İnşaat) başlangıç deneyi
integration test
(Bilgisayar) tümleştirme testi
integrity test
(Tıp) bütünlük testi
interface test
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) arayüz testi
leak test
sızdırmazlık testi
leakage test
(Tıp) sızdırma testi
life test
(Bilgisayar) ömür sınaması
life test
(Askeri,Bilgisayar,Tıp) ömür deneyi
likelihood ratio test
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) olabilirlik oranı testi
likelihood ratio test
(Bilgisayar) olabilirlik oran sınaması
link test
(Bilgisayar) bağlantı sınaması
live test
(Dilbilim) yüz-yüze sınav
load test
yük deneyi
load test
yük testi
loop test
(Bilgisayar) döngü sınaması
merge test
(Bilgisayar) birleşik sınama
objective test
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) nesnel test
objective test
(Askeri) hedef testi
objective test
(Dilbilim) nesnel sınav
operational test
oral test
oral test
penetration test
penetrasyon deneyi
penetration test
(Çevre) penetrasyon testi
performance test
(Telekom) başarım testi
placement test
(Eğitim) yerleştirme testi
placement test
(Dilbilim) yerleştirme sınavı
pour test
akma deneyi testi
power test
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) güç testi
pregnancy test
hamilelik testi
pressure test
basınç testi
progress test
(Askeri) gelişme testi
progress test
(Dilbilim) gelişim sınavı
pulmonary function test
(Tıp) akciğer fonksiyon testleri
pulmonary function test
(Tıp) akciğer grafisi
pure test
(Dilbilim) özlü sınav
purity test
(Tıp) saflık testi
reliability test
(Askeri) güvenilirlik testi
required test results
gerekli deney sonuçları
rigid beam test
rijit kiriş testi
root test
(Matematik) kök testi
routine test
tek tek sınama
routine test
parça deneyi
sampling test
örneklemeli sınama
self test
(Otomotiv) kendi kendini test
self test
kendi kendini kontrol
sequential test
ardışık sınama
settlement test
çökme testi
shift test
(Tıp) kayma testi
sight test
(Ticaret) gözden geçirme
sign test
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) işaret testi
significance test
(Ticaret) önemlilik testi
skill qualification test
(Askeri) yetenek tespit testi
skip test
(Bilgisayar) sınamayı geç
slump test
(İnşaat) çökme deneyi
slump test
(Askeri) yayılma deneyi
soil test
(Çevre) toprak analizi
static test
(Askeri) statik deneme
strength test
(İnşaat) dayanım deneyi
strength test
direnç testi
swelling test
şişme testi
tensile test
çekme deneyi
tensile test
(Coğrafya) çekme testi
tension test
çekme testi
deneyden geçirmek
sınava tabi tutmak
denemeden geçirmek
sınava sokmak
tahlil etmek
imtihana tabi tutmak
sınav yapmak
(Tıp) belirli bir muayene
(Bilgisayar) sına

Sınav kağıtların Pazartesiye kadar teslim edilmelidir. - Your test papers must be handed in by Monday.

Sıkı çalışsa, sınavı geçebilir. - If she studied hard, she could pass the test.

test area
(Bilgisayar) sınama alanı
test bed
(Bilgisayar) sınama ortamı
test case
(Bilgisayar) sınama oyunu
test cell
(Askeri) bremze
test data
(Bilgisayar) sınama verileri
test data
(Bilgisayar) denemelik veri
test log
(Bilgisayar) sınama günlüğü
test mode
(Bilgisayar) sınama modu
test page
(Bilgisayar) sınama sayfası
test run
(Bilgisayar) deneme çalıştırması
test url
(Bilgisayar) url sına
type test
tip sınaması
vacuum test
vakum testi
vibration test
(Çevre) titreşim testi
vibration test
vibrasyon testi
acceptance test
kabul testi
acid resistance test
aside dayanıklılık testi
acid test
asit testi
alpha test
alfa deneyi
barrier collision test
bariyer testi
beilstein test
beilstein deneyi
bench test
sınama testi
bending test
eğilme deneyi
blank test
kör deney
blank transmission test
boşluk gönderme testi
blood test
kan türkümü
calibration test
kalibrasyon deneyi
cauchy's root test
cauchy kök testi
cement test
çimento testi
chi square test
ki kare testi
colour test
renk testi
colour test card
renkli ayar resmi
colour test pattern
renkli ayar resmi
compaction test
sıkıştırma deneyi
comparison test
karşılaştırma testi
compressibility test
kompresibilite deneyi
compression test
sıkıştırma deneyi
continuity test
süreklilik testi
creep test
sünme deneyi
crushing test
ezme deneyi
diagnostic test
hata bulma testi
dielectric test
dielektrik testi
dynamic test
dinamik sınama
field test
arazi deneyi
ignition test
yakma deneyi
immersion test
daldırma testi
impact test
darbe testi
impact test specimen
darbe testi örneği
life test
ömür testi
likeli ratio test
oran testi
macroscopic etching test
makroskopik dağlama deneyi
magnaflux test
magnafluks testi
preliminary test
ön deney
preliminary test
ön deneme
pressure test
basınç deneyi
proficiency test
yeterlik sınavı
program test
bağdarlama testi
psychometric test
psikometrik test
software test
yazılım testi
tensile test
gerilme sınama
tension test
çekme deneyi

Demokrasinin ölçüsü eleştiri özgürlüğüdür. - The test of democracy is freedom of criticism.

muayene etmek
test acid
standart asit
test bench
test bençi
test card
test resmi
test card
tanıtma kartı
test case
emsal dava
test flight
deneme uçuşu
test fly
deneme uçuşu
test injection signal
test uyarı sinyali
test instrument vehicle
test aletleri aracı
test load
deneme yükü
test paper
deney kağıdı
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية

تعريف u-test في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.

Charpy impact test
A test of the impact strength of a material, used to determine its relative ductility or brittleness. The test is executed by swinging a large, heavy hammer on a pendulum from a predetermined height. The hammer fractures the material sample, usually a block of a certain size with a notch cut in it. The height to which the pendulum swings is used to calculate the energy necessary to fracture the sample
Cooper test
A test of physical fitness in the US military
Dick test
a test to check whether someone is immune or not to scarlet fever
Grubb's test
A statistical test for deciding whether a data point is an outlier
Kesternich test
A test which simulates acid rain conditions by subjecting test specimens to a sulfur dioxide atmosphere as well as condensing moisture for the purpose of evaluating rust/corrosion characteristics
Lemon test
That a government action violates the Establishment Clause of the United States' constitution if it lacks a secular purpose, has its primary effect as promoting or inhibiting religion, or fosters an excessive entanglement of government with religion
Mantoux test
A skin test for tuberculosis, involving an injection of PPD (purified protein derivative)
Mull of Kintyre test
Alternative form of Mull of Kintyre rule
Pap test
A screening test to detect pre-cancerous and cancerous cells by taking a sample ('smear') of cells from the cervix
Rorschach test
A method of psychological evaluation that uses a person's interpretations of inkblots or similar images to discover information concerning his or her personality, emotional functioning, or unconscious mind
Student's t test
any statistical hypothesis test in which the test statistic has a Student's t-distribution if the null hypothesis is true
Test cricket
The highest level of international cricket, where Test sides compete against each other in five-day matches
Test match
An international match between the teams of two nations
Test match
A five-day first class match between sides representing the official Test nations
Test nation
Any of the officially recognised nations who play Test cricket: - Australia, Bangladesh, England, India, New Zealand, Pakistan, South Africa, Sri Lanka, West Indies, Zimbabwe
Test side
Any national cricket team that is authorized to compete in Test cricket
Test sides
plural form of Test side
Turing test
A test of a computer's ability to demonstrate intelligence, as measured by whether a human judge can reliably distinguish the computer from another human being by conversing with both in natural language over a terminal
Wada test
a test used to establish which cerebral functions are localised to which hemisphere
Widal test
The agglutination test for typhoid fever
Winogradsky test
A soil test for fertility by determining its suitability for growing Azotobacter
acid test
a rigorous test or appraisal of the quality or worth of something
babysitter test
A test for the ease of use of household appliances

At the devices’ launch, the company claimed this ease of use would pass “the babysitter test” of making TVs and DVD players intuitive to use.

babysitter test
An informal method for assessing the maturity, reliability, or probity of a person, inviting one to judge whether one would entrust this person with the care of one's own children

I use a babysitter test when it comes to Israel, Indyk said. Do I trust this man or woman with my child? Will he or she be in the trenches when it really counts? Obama would.

bleeding time test
A test used to assess the ability of a person's blood to clot, carried out by cutting the skin and measuring the time it takes for the resulting bleeding to stop
blood test
A serologic analysis of a sample of blood
blot test
The Rorschach test
borax bead test
in qualitative inorganic analysis, a test for the presence of certain metallic elements by observing the colours given to a bead of borax in a loop of platinum wire held in the oxidizing and reducing parts of a Bunsen burner flame
central location test
The testing of a product by consumers in an artifical setting; contrast laboratory test and home-use test
chi-square test
any statistical hypothesis test in which the test statistic has a chi-square distribution if the null hypothesis is true
copy test
A method of market research that predicts in-market performance of an ad before it airs
copy test
A method of also known as a pre-test
copy test
A research tool that evaluates the execution and promise of an ad by analyzing audience levels of attention, brand linkage, motivation, entertainment, communication, as well as breaking down the ad’s Flow of Attention and Flow of Emotion

Thankfully, the company’s copy test included Flow of Emotion results that showed the ad’s tagline (slogan) made female consumers angry.

crash test
A test of crashworthiness, usually involving the controlled crashing of a vehicle with dummies in place of human passengers
crash test dummy
An anthropomorphic mannequin designed to be used for experiments in vehicle collisions, to see the effects on human occupants
day-after recall test
A method of advertising research measuring the percentage of people who remember seeing an advertisement the day after it was shown on television

The day-after recall test is one of the original forms of advertising research but few people still use it because the data and analysis is limited.

drug test
Any chemical check for the presence of (usually illegal) drugs in a sample of one's blood, hair or urine
elk test
moose test
emissions test
A measurement performed on motor vehicles, required by the DMV, to prevent issuing valid registration if an excessive amount of waste fumes are produced during typical use. Cars typically are placed on a dynamometer to simulate different driving speeds
eye test
A series of examinations carried out by an optician to assess a patient's vision
To test something using the conditions that it was designed to operate under, especially out in the real world instead of in a laboratory or workshop
flame test
in qualitative inorganic analysis, a simple test for the presence of a range of metallic elements based on the colour imparted to a flame by a sample
flood test
the procedure in which a controlled amount of water is temporarily retained over a horizontal surface to determine the effectiveness of the waterproofing system
fluorine test
fluorine dating
fuzz test
Any test that uses the fuzz testing methodology
Premium gasoline
hit test
The test used in collision detection to determine whether two objects are touching
hot iron test
a supposed test for witchcraft in which a hot iron was applied to the skin (or the tongue) - the skin of a witch would be unharmed
inkblot test
A Rorschach test
litmus test
Any test which produces a decisive result by measuring a single indicator

He opposes a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage—a litmus test for many social conservatives.

litmus test
A simple test for the acidity or alkalinity of a substance, using litmus paper
liver function test
any of several biochemical blood assays designed to give information on the state of a patient's liver; include total protein, albumin, alanine transaminase, alkaline phosphatase and bilirubin
means test
An inquiry into the financial position of a person applying for a government benefit in order to determine their eligibility
To subject a person to a means test, or to require a means test in order to receive a benefit
moose test
Any stringent test of the quality of a product; also used figuratively

He passed the moose test.

moose test
A test to determine how a vehicle, usually an automobile, responds when avoiding a sudden danger, such as a moose
nose test
An inspection of an object using the sense of smell, as for freshness of food

Make the nose test sniffing for fumes, before starting engines.

nose test
An informal method for determining whether something is authentic, credible, or ethical, by using one's common sense or sense of propriety

In many cases, said Henry J. Stern, the president of the Citizens Union, a civic group, and a former city Parks Commissioner, you have to apply the nose test. Does it smell? he said, referring to such deals. Is it based on a personal relationship? Does it run contrary to the city's interest?.

nose test
An inspection of the nasal passages or a trial of their function, as for breathing difficulties

The pollen blocker cream appeared to help; after using the cream, people did better on the nose test.

paternity test
A test done to determine the biological father of a child
pen test
A penetration test
penetration test
Either a static or dynamic test of the relative density of sand, slit etc using a penetrometer
penetration test
A test for vulnerabilities in a computer network in which an authorized person attempts to gain access from outside
perfect gold standard test
A test that measures the value of a binary variable without error
placement test
A test done before a course, to determine the students' level
platelet function test
Any of several diagnostic procedures that test the blood clotting function of platelets
Any test done as practice, before an official test
precipitin test
any of several tests to measure a specific reaction between antigen and antibody which results in a visible precipitate
pulmonary function test
A test of the function of lungs, such as spirometry
put to the test
To test something or someone; to evaluate, scrutinize or explore by testing or experimentation

He got a new bicycle yesterday, so I expect that today he will want to take it out riding and put it to the test.

red face test
A hypothetical test of a person's embarrassment, that is either passed or failed. Saying one passes the red face test means one would not blush and thus would not be embarrassed by disclosing something to others or doing something, and saying one fails the red face test means a situation would cause them discernible embarrassment
saliva test
A medical test in which a sample of saliva is analyzed, often in order to measure a person's hormone levels; such a test administered to an athlete in order to conclusively determine gender

Women competitors in the Olympic Games have to pass a saliva test to prove they are not long-haired men.

screen test
a filmed audition to test the screen-acting ability of a potential actor
shit test
Usually unconscious effort by a woman to test man's worthiness and social status
shovel test
An excavation unit of small extent and shallow depth, made quickly with a shovel or trowel to determine whether archeologically significant material is present below the ground surface
shovel test
To examine a site or area using one or more small excavation units
smear test
A screening test to detect pre-cancerous and cancerous cells by taking a sample (‘smear’) of cells from the cervix
smell test
An informal method for determining whether something is authentic, credible, or ethical, by using one's common sense or sense of propriety

It just doesn't pass the smell test. It just creates too many opportunities for cutting corners, doing unethical things and basically not telling the truth.

smell test
An assessment of a subject's ability to detect and distinguish odors

Although scientists have yet to pin down any biological basis for cigarette smokers' impaired performance on the smell test, Doty says he suspects that certain chemicals in smoke . . . damage the olfactory receptor cells in the nose.

smell test
An inspection of an object using the sense of smell, as for freshness of food

I give the smell test to many foods when I shop.

smoke test
A test to make sure that theatrical smoke will not set off the smoke alarms in a building
smoke test
To perform any of the above tests
smoke test
A test for leaks involving blowing smoke into a tube or pipe
smoke test
A preliminary test on a newly-constructed piece of electronic equipment, consisting simply of the application of electrical power, to make sure that no egregious wiring errors exist which would cause the circuitry to emit smoke, catch fire, explode, etc
smoke test
By extension, such an initial test on some other (not necessarily electronic) system, such as a computer program, again, not to perform any exhaustive tests of functionality, but simply to make sure that the system can be activated without any unexpected fireworks
sniff test
An informal reality check of an idea or proposal, using one's common sense or sense of propriety

niff-test issues... try to answer the basic question Does this venture appear to make sense?.

spot test
The addition of a single drop of a reagent to a small sample as a qualitative analytical test for the presence of a specific compound or class of compounds

The DPA test referred to by Martz is a color spot test for a range of oxidizing compounds, which include but are not limited to nitrates.

stand the test of time
To remain useful or valued over a long period of time; to last a long time

Pop music comes and goes, but classical music has stood the test of time.

stress test
A test of cardiac function after a standardized amount of exertion
stress test
Any test of function in response to stress
stress test
A test of an organization's ability to meet its financial obligations in adverse financial circumstances
t test
Student's t test
Student's t-test
The external calciferous shell, or endoskeleton, of an echinoderm, e.g. sand dollars and sea urchins.thumb|right|Two sea urchin tests
An examination, given often during the academic term
To administer or assign an examination that is given often during the academic term
A session in which a product or piece of equipment is examined under everyday or extreme conditions to evaluate its durability, etc
To place a product or piece of equipment under everyday and/or extreme conditions and examine it for its durability, etc
Of a Test match

His test average was nearly 100.

A Test match
A challenge
To be shown to be by test

He tested positive for cancer.

To challenge
test bed
Any venue, setup, etc. used for experimentation, testing, proving a concept, etc

Since that set of articles is already fairly complete, they might serve as a good test bed for the different organizational systems we want to try.

test bench
a laboratory bench upon which a device is physically tested
test bench
a virtual simulation of a device for the same purpose
test card
A test signal, typically broadcast at times when the transmitter is active but no programme is being broadcast (often at startup and closedown)
test cards
plural form of test card
test case
A legal action intended to set a precedent
test case
Any of a set of conditions and variables used to test an application
test cases
plural form of test case
test drive
A sample use of a motor vehicle done in order to assess its quality before purchase
test drive
Any preliminary assessment of something through use
test drive
To take a motor vehicle on the road to assess its quality before purchase
test drive
To make a preliminary assessment of something through its use
test driven
Past participle of test drive
test drives
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of test drive
test drives
plural form of test drive
test driving
Present participle of test drive
test drove
Simple past of test drive
test firing
A launch of a rocket or missile in order to investigate its performance, handling characteristics etc
test harness
A software framework containing tests to verify the behaviour of other software components
test harnesses
plural form of test harness
test of time
The correlation of longevity with validity of an idea or trend

Reason away, but the test of time will prove me right.

test paper
a paper submitted to an examination by a student
test paper
a small piece of paper impregnated with a chemical indicator for making qualitative tests
test portion
A measured amount (volume) of a test sample being used in a test
test the water
Alternative form of test the waters
test the waters
To explore or probe, as before making a commitment

Taking classes in a subject is a good way to test the waters and explore a potential career.

test tube
conceived or developed in vitro by artificial insemination
test tube
a glass tube, rounded at one end and open at the other; used for small-scale laboratory tests
test tube
produced in a test tube
test tube babies
plural form of test tube baby
test tube baby
a baby who was conceived by in vitro fertilisation and then implanted in the uterus of the mother
test tubes
plural form of test tube
To drive a motor vehicle in order to evaluate it, especially before potential purchase
To fly an aircraft in order to evaluate its performance
Alternative spelling of test paper
test-retest method
a technique used to estimate the reliability or consistency of some measurement by correlating the results of multiple measurements, spread over time
time test
A test of fitness in which a person exercises for a defined period
triangle test
A test in which a potential consumer is asked to determine blindly which of three similar items is not identical to the other two
unit test
An individual test in unit testing
white glove test
An examination of cleanliness, hygiene or other cleaning-related standards

Looking at the imprint his hand had left on the visible layer of dust, he realized his home would certainly not pass his mother's white glove test.

white-glove test
An examination of cleanliness, hygiene or other cleaning-related standards

Looking at the imprint his hand had left on the visible layer of dust, he realized his home would certainly not pass his mother's white-glove test.

test anxiety
fear of taking tests
التركية - الإنجليزية

تعريف u-test في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.

test etmek
birim test
(Askeri) unit test
otomatik test
(Otomotiv) self test
standart test
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) standardized test
(Dilbilim) tests

Those selected will have to face extensive medical and psychological tests. - Seçilmiş olanlar kapsamlı tıbbi ve psikolojik testlerle yüzleşmek zorunda kalacak.

Tests start next week. - Testler önümüzdeki hafta başlar.

test aparatı
testing apparatus
test aracı
(Askeri) test vehicle
test aracı
test tool
test basıncı
test pressure
test belgesi
(Ticaret) test certificate
test cihazı
testing machine
test cihazı
test cihazı
test instrument
test cihazı
(Askeri) test equipment
test ederek
test edilmek
be tested
test ekipmanı
(Otomotiv) testing equipment
test ekipmanı
test equipment
test etme

The research director had the department do a thorough job in testing the new product. - Araştırma müdürü, departmana yeni bir ürünü test etmede esaslı bir iş yaptırdı.

test etmek
test etmek

She wanted to test her limits. - O, sınırlarını test etmek istedi.

I want to test my limits. - Ben sınırlarımı test etmek istiyorum.

test işlemi
(Otomotiv) test procedure
test makinesi
testing machine
test malzemesi
(Askeri) sample
test metodu
test method
test modeli
(Askeri) mock-up
test odası
test room
test raporu
test report
test resmi
(Teknik,Televizyon) test pattern
test sistemi
test system
test sonucu
test result
test sonuçları
test scores
test standı
(Askeri) test stand
test tezgahı
test bench
test uygulamak
test yapma
test yasağı
(Askeri) test ban
test yatağı
test çubuğu
ön test
(Askeri) pretesting
ön test
preliminary test



    ... by this test ' if they don't pass it: Is the program so critical it's worth borrowing ...
    ... And so some of them, I would find the occasional lab test ...