Intentionally disrupting a Usenet newsgroup by posting obviously inaccurate or inflammatory information hoping to get a rise out of people The perpetrators are known as "trolls"
Deliberately posting false information in order to elicit responses from people who really want to help
the vessel tows a number of lines on the surface or at various depths using artificial lures or bait to attract the fish
Posting outrageous messages to newsgroups (or sending outrageous emails to many recipients) to generate many irate responses, or similar conduct
1 Fishing technique in which an angler pulls the fly or lure behind a boat 2 When an angler drags the fly behind while wading
Refers to looking for trauma in the past without first finding a symptom in the present
a method of fishing using several lines, each hooked and baited, which are slowly dragged behind the vessel
The act of deliberately posting false or inflammatory information in order to start a flame war or cause aggravation to others
Deliberately posting false information in order to illicit responses from people who really want to help A typical response might be, "No, Bart Simpson was NOT one of our founding fathers "
to fish by trailing a lure or baited hook from a moving boat Trolling is illegal at the ESPN Great Outdoor Games Bass Fishing competition (provides unfair advantage)
{i} act of a person who trolls; sending of intentionally erroneous messages to message boards in order to lure others to respond (Internet); fishing by trailing a baited line through the water
Deliberately posting false information in order to elicit responses from people who really want to help A typical response might be, "No, Bart Simpson was NOT one of our founding fathers "
A person who posts to a newsgroup, bulletin board, etc., in a way intended to anger other posters and to cause drama, or otherwise disrupt the group's intended purpose
A term used to define a public message (either on a USENET newsgroup or other public message board on an online service) that is posted for the sole purpose of offending people and/or generating an enormous flood of non-topic replies (submitted by Brett Palmer)
A purposely stupid, inflammatory, or downright wrong article (closely related to flamebait) Its purpose is to get people mad and make them look stupid and gullible
A troublemaker who deliberately posts provocative, hostile or annoying messages in a newsgroup or mailing list with the specific intent of starting a flamewar The practice is known as trolling Related terms: Flame, Flamewar, Post, POST, Mailing list, Newsgroup
sing loudly and without inhibition angle with a hook and line drawn through the water sing the parts of (a round) in succession cause to move round and round; "The child trolled her hoop"
A feral race living primarily in the mountains, trolls are a tribal race somewhat taller than humans and far stronger Their appearance is rather ghastly from their ability to crossbreed with virtually any race (which their repugnant behavior often indulges in, with or without consent) Trolls are best known for their amazing powers of healing ("regeneration") that will allow them to survive most wounds, even those thought mortal, and even regrow limbs (save for the head) [See also: Feral Race, Dark Troll]
If you troll through papers or files, you look through them in a fairly casual way. Trolling through the files revealed a photograph of me drinking coffee in the office. A supernatural creature of Scandinavian folklore, variously portrayed as a friendly or mischievous dwarf or as a giant, that lives in caves, in the hills, or under bridges. an imaginary creature in stories that looks like an ugly person (troll and trold, from troll )
(Scandanavian folklore) a supernatural creature (either a dwarf or a giant) that is supposed to live in caves or in the mountains speak or recite rapidly or in a rolling voice praise or celebrate in song; "All tongues shall troll you"
An annoyance usually on Messageboards who posts for the purpose of causing a disturbance Often by making comments of a slanderous nature, accusatory, or just general pain-in-the-assness
An outrageous message posted to a newsgroup or mailing list or message board to bait people to answer Trolling is a form of harassment that can take over a discussion Well meaning defenders can create chaos by responding to trolls The best response is to ignore it Also, the person who posts such messages
This is the Scandanavian term for elf Sometimes they are described as being hairy and ugly, although they are able to change their shape into anything they please They are said to have lots of treasure, and live in beautiful palaces
To post an ostensibly sincere article on an Internet newsgroup for the real purpose of eliciting a reaction from readers A well-crafted troll may not be detected at all the first time around, in which case the poster usually follows it up with an more outrageous and less plausible variation
angling by drawing a baited line through the water a fisherman's lure that is used in trolling; "he used a spinner as his troll" (Scandanavian folklore) a supernatural creature (either a dwarf or a giant) that is supposed to live in caves or in the mountains speak or recite rapidly or in a rolling voice praise or celebrate in song; "All tongues shall troll you" sing loudly and without inhibition angle with a hook and line drawn through the water sing the parts of (a round) in succession cause to move round and round; "The child trolled her hoop" circulate, move around
An outrageous message posted to a newsgroup or mailing list to bait people to answer Trolling is a form of harassment that can take over a newsgroup or mailing list Well meaning defenders can create chaos by responding to trolls The best response is to ignore it
a partsong in which voices follow each other; one voice starts and others join in one after another until all are singing different parts of the song at the same time; "they enjoyed singing rounds"
{f} fish by pulling the bait and line through the water; sing in a loud or fish by trailing a baited line through the water; speak or sing in a loud rolling manner; roll; send intentionally erroneous messages to message boards in order to lure others to
n A mythical creature, first found in Scandinavian folklore, that is portrayed with a variety of personalities: as a friendly, mischievous dwarf or as a giant (often of evil disposition) who lives in caves or under bridges Warcraft III art
A person who posts to a newsgroup, bulletin board, etc., in a way intended to anger other posters and to cause drama, or otherwise disrupt the groups intended purpose