to yellow

listen to the pronunciation of to yellow
الإنجليزية - التركية
to sary
{i} sarı

Bahçe güzel sarı çiçeklerle doluydu. - The garden was full of beautiful yellow flowers.

Bahçedeki bütün çiçekler sarı. - All the flowers in the garden are yellow.

(Tıp) Rengi sararmış
{s} sararmış

Piyanonun tuşları yaşı nedeniyle sararmış. - The keys of the piano are yellow due to age.

Çok fazla sigara içmekten, dişleri sararmış. - His teeth are yellow from smoking too much.

{i} sarılık
{f} sararmak
{s} k.dili. ödlek, korkak
sarı renk

Birkaç top, sarı renktedir. - A few of the balls are yellow.

Oğlumun lastik ördeği sarı renklidir. - My son's rubber duck is yellow.


Güneş sarıdır. Bu sizin bakış açınıza bağlı. Ben sarılığın güneşli olduğu fikrindeyim. - The sun is yellow. That depends on your perspective. I am of the opinion that yellowness is sunny.

{s} kıskanç
yumurta sarısı

Yumurta sarısı omleti yapıyorum. Biraz ister misin? - I'm making an egg yellows omelet. Do you want some?

{s} sansasyon yaratan
{f} sarartmak
sarı boya

Mavi boyayı sarı boyayla karıştır. - Blend the blue paint with the yellow paint.

yellow atrophy tıb
karaciğeri sarartan tehli
heyacan yaratan kıskanç
sarı renkli

O ağacın tohumları sarı renklidir. - The seeds of that tree are yellow.

Oğlumun lastik ördeği sarı renklidir. - My son's rubber duck is yellow.

الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
To become yellow or more yellow
Chinese (relating to Chinese people)
Characterized by sensationalism, lurid content, and doubtful accuracy

The denizens of the gossipy world of the pink press, purple prose and yellow tabloids are shivering over disputed photographs of Princess Caroline of Monaco.

The colour of gold or butter; the colour obtained by mixing green and red light, or by subtracting blue from white light
One of the colour balls used in snooker with a value of 2 points
{a} bright, like gold
{n} a bright color
Being of a bright saffronlike color; of the color of gold or brass; having the hue of that part of the rainbow, or of the solar spectrum, which is between the orange and the green
Anglo-Saxon, geolu, yellow; Italian, giallo; Danish, guul; Icelandic, gull, our gold, yellow metal Yellow indicates jealousy, inconstancy, and adultery In France the doors of traitors used to be daubed with yellow In some countries the law ordains that Jews be clothed in yellow, because they betrayed our Lord Judas in mediæval pictures is arrayed in yellow In Spain the vestments of the executioner are either red or yellow- the former to indicate blood-shedding, and the latter treason Yellow, in blazonry, is gold, the symbol of love, constancy, and wisdom Yellow, in Christian symbolism, also gold, is emblematical of faith St Peter is represented in a robe of a golden yellow colour In China yellow is the imperial colour
9th kyu
Lacking courage
If something yellows, it becomes yellow in colour, often because it is old. The flesh of his cheeks seemed to have yellowed She sat scanning the yellowing pages. the colour of butter or the middle part of an egg. yellow bunting Yellow River yellow poplar yellow fever yellow jacket yellow journalism Yellow Sea Yellow Turbans
{s} having a yellow color; cowardly (Slang); jealous; sensationalistic (about a newspaper)
affected by jaundice which causes yellowing of skin etc
similar to the color of an egg yolk cowardly or treacherous; "the little yellow stain of treason"-M
Hue of a subtractive primary and a four-colour process ink It reflects red and green light and absorbs blue light
One of the subtractive primaries (cyan, magenta, yellow, and black) used in four-color process inks
One of the process ink colors or printing Pure yellow is the "blueless" color; it absorbs all wavelengths of blue from light and reflects all red and green wavelengths
the quality or state of the chromatic color resembling the hue of sunflowers or ripe lemons turn yellow; "The pages of the book began to yellow"
{i} color yellow; yolk of an egg; coward (Slang)
typical of tabloids; "sensational journalistic reportage of the scandal"; "yellow journalism"
the quality or state of the chromatic color resembling the hue of sunflowers or ripe lemons
similar to the color of an egg yolk
amarillo / amarilla
Aamaenglish | adronato
changed to a yellowish color by age; "yellowed parchment
the quality or state of the chromatic color resembling the hue of sunflowers or ripe lemons turn yellow; "The pages of the book began to yellow" similar to the color of an egg yolk cowardly or treacherous; "the little yellow stain of treason"-M
To cause to become yellow or more yellow
asfar yes, I understand na am fahamt yes aewa, naam you inta you are welcome ahlan wa sahlan you are learning (praise) inta betettallam you are doing good (praise) shughlak tamam
Cowardly; hence, dishonorable; mean; contemptible; as, he has a yellow streak
Something that is yellow is the colour of lemons, butter, or the middle part of an egg. The walls have been painted bright yellow
(or "gold") seals were issued for American troops fighting in North Africa Both these series of notes may be considered as forerunners of Military Payment Certificates, qv
One of the subtractive primaries the hue of which is used for one of the 4-color process inks It reflects red and green light and absorbs blue light
One of the subtractive primary colors Yellow absorbs all blue light, reflecting red and green
as, yellow journal, journalism, etc
To make yellow; to cause to have a yellow tinge or color; to dye yellow
Success, creativeness, jealousy, selfishness It has been my experience that a person with a thin line (1-4 inches) of yellow takes on the characteristics of this color in either their personal or professional life, but not both A yellow aura wider then 5 inches, indicates characteristics in both aspects of the subjects life
The colour/color of gold or butter; the colour obtained by mixing green and red light, or by subtracting blue from white light
turn yellow; "The pages of the book began to yellow"
card A card from the referee signifying a warning has been issued to a fencer for violating a rule
printing term
Straight; "too yellow to stand and fight"
be careful, go slowly, no passing
One of the three subtractive primary colors used in process printing
Function inferred from similarity to known gene
Master Kuthumi Used to stimulate and develop the mental body, thinking, logic, systems, and calculation
Having yellow as its colour
easily frightened
You can only cast it on yourself
To become yellow or yellower
Add an extension phone
A yellow pigment
{f} make yellow, paint or dye yellow; turn yellow (e.g. old paper)
A bright golden color, reflecting more light than any other except white; the color of that part of the spectrum which is between the orange and green
changed to a yellowish color by age; "yellowed parchment"
one of three colors used in process printing, the others being magenta and cyan Yellow is often, but not always, printed first
Straight; "too yellow to stand and fight" changed to a yellowish color by age; "yellowed parchment
cowardly or treacherous; "the little yellow stain of treason"-M W Straight; "too yellow to stand and fight"
Informs drivers of an accident on the race track and forces all drivers to reduce speed and maintain current position Drivers can catch up to the leader but cannot gain position on the track while the yellow is displayed When the yellow flag is initially displayed, the pit road is closed When pit road is reopened cars may enter the pits for service
Sensational; said of some newspapers, their makers, etc
to yellow


    to yel·low

    التركية النطق

    tı yelō


    /tə ˈyelō/ /tə ˈjɛloʊ/


    ... maps and directions, yellow pages, those kind of things. ...
    ... ELON MUSK: You open the yellow pages. ...