to twitter

listen to the pronunciation of to twitter
الإنجليزية - التركية
{f} cıvıldamak
{i} cıvıltı

Kuşların cıvıltısını işitiyorum. - I hear the twittering of birds.

heyecandan titremek
sesi titremek
hızlı/heyecanlı bir şekilde konuşmak
{i} heyecan
{f} kıs kıs gülmek
{i} kıkırdama
cıvıldar gibi söylemek

Kuşlar neşeyle cıvıldarlar. - The birds twitter cheerfully.

الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
The sound of a succession of chirps as uttered by birds

I often listen to the twitter of the birds in the park.

To use the microblogging service Twitter
To utter a succession of bird's chirps
{v} to make a noise like swallows
{n} a disorder of passion, fit of laughter, fear, fright, confusion, agitation, fret
To make the sound of a half-suppressed laugh; to titter; to giggle
a series of chirps
to utter a succession of birds chirps
{f} rapidly utter chirping noises; giggle; chatter; tremble in excitement or agitation
A slight trembling or agitation of the nerves
To utter with a twitter
To make a succession of small, tremulous, intermitted noises
to talk in an excited or nervous manner
To have a slight trembling of the nerves; to be excited or agitated
{i} rapid uttering of chirping noises; chatter; state of excitement, agitation
One who twits, or reproaches; an upbraider
make high-pitched sounds, as of birds
The act of twittering; a small, tremulous, intermitted noise, as that made by a swallow
When birds twitter, they make a lot of short high-pitched sounds. There were birds twittering in the eucalyptus trees. a tree filled with twittering birds. Twitter is also a noun. Naomi would waken to the twitter of birds
A half-suppressed laugh; a fit of laughter partially restrained; a titter; a giggle
If you say that someone is twittering about something, you mean that they are speaking about silly or unimportant things, usually rather fast or in a high-pitched voice. debutantes twittering excitedly about Christian Dior dresses She laughs, blushes and twitters: `Oh, doesn't Giles have just the most charming sense of humour?'
a succession of chirps as uttered by birds
to twitter


    to twit·ter



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