to superscribe

listen to the pronunciation of to superscribe
الإنجليزية - التركية
üstüne yazmak
{f} dışına yazmak
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
to write (something) on the exterior of an object, such as a document or an envelope

His wife superscribed her own notes on each of his letters before sending them in packets to the editor.

to write on the exterior of, the surface of, or above

He superscribed each character with its Latin-alphabet equivalent.

To address (an envelope etc.)

That Friday, which began like any other, when my fate was brought up from the kitchen, superscribed to me, and put into my ignorant hand.

{v} to write at top or on the outside
write on the outside or upper part of; "superscribe an envelope" write on the top or outside; "superscribe one's name and address
{f} write on the top or outside of (of a book, letter, etc.)
To write or engrave (a name, address, inscription, or the like) on the top or surface; to write a name, address, or the like, on the outside or cover of (anything); as, to superscribe a letter
write on the outside or upper part of; "superscribe an envelope"
write on the top or outside; "superscribe one's name and address
to write on the exterior of
to address an envelope
to superscribe