to stew

listen to the pronunciation of to stew
الإنجليزية - التركية

Bu yahni biraz fazla tuzlu. - This stew is a little too salty.

Ve mösyö için? Bir dana yahni! - And for monsieur? A veal stew!


Mary güveç pişiriyor ve Tom bir salata yapıyor. - Mary is cooking stew and Tom is making a salad.

Akşam yemeği için kalmaya ne dersiniz? Ben büyük bir kap güveç yapıyorum. - How about staying for dinner? I'm making a big pot of stew.

{i} genelev
{i} etli/sebzeli sulu yemek
{i} balıkları canlı saklama havuzu
{f} kısık ateşte pişirmek
{i} endişe
{i} kapama
{i} istiridye havuzu
kapağı kapalı ve ağır ateşte pişirmek
kendi suyunda pişirmek
yavaş yavaş pişirmek
hafifçe ateşte kaynatmak
{f} yavaş yavaş pişir
hafif ateşte kaynatmak
{f} sıcaktan boğulmak
{f} over k.dili. hakkında endişe etmek, -i dert etmek; -in yüzünden telaşa düşmek
{f} hafif ateşte kaynatmak; kaynamak
{f} endişelenmek
{f} sıcak basmak
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A diminutive of the male given name Stewart
A dish cooked by stewing

I noticed then that there was nothing to drink on the table but brandy, and nothing to eat but salted herrings, and a hot, sickly, highly peppered stew.

To cook (food) by slowly boiling or simmering
A cooking-dish used for boiling; a cauldron
A heated bath-room or steam-room; also, a hot bath

Sir Launcelot wente into the chambir, that was as hote as ony styew.

To suffer under uncomfortably hot conditions
A brothel

Although whores were permitted to sit at the door of the stew, they could not solicit in any way nor ‘chide or throw stones’ at passers-by.

A steward or stewardess on an airplane

Dallas was also becoming known as a stew zoo because so many flight attendants were relocating there to work for Southwest, Braniff, and American Airlines.

A pool in which fish are kept in preparation for eating
{n} a food, brothel, hothouse, small pond
{v} to dress, to seeth or be seethed slowly
To brew (tea) for too long, so that the flavour becomes too strong
bear a grudge; harbor ill feelings
food prepared by stewing especially meat or fish with vegetables
To boil slowly or with simmering heat
To be seethed or cooked in a slow, gentle manner, or in heat and moisture
{i} dish of meat and vegetables that is cooked by simmering; state of worry or confusion, agitated state; whorehouse, brothel (Archaic)
A prostitute
An artificial bed of oysters
To be in a state of elevated anxiety or consideration
To cook covered over low heat in a liquid
cook slowly and for a long time in liquid; "Stew the vegetables in wine"
food prepared by stewing especially meat or fish with vegetables cook slowly and for a long time in liquid; "Stew the vegetables in wine" bear a grudge; harbor ill feelings
be in a huff; be silent or sullen
A brothel; usually in the plural
(verb) A method of cooking in which food--usually meat and vegetables--is covered with liquid and cooked slowly for a long period of time Recipe: Brunswick Stew
To boil slowly, or with the simmering or moderate heat; to seethe; to cook in a little liquid, over a gentle fire, without boiling; as, to stew meat; to stew oysters; to stew apples
When you stew meat, vegetables, or fruit, you cook them slowly in liquid in a closed dish. Stew the apple and blackberries to make a thick pulp
To cook food gently in simmering liquid, often in a covered pan
A state of agitating excitement; a state of worry; confusion; as, to be in a stew
A stew is a meal which you make by cooking meat and vegetables in liquid at a low temperature. She served him a bowl of beef stew They made a stew
To slowly cook food in a small amount of liquid, usually in a coveredpan, for a long period of time
To cook slowly in small amount of liquid over a long period of time Stiff Peaks The peaks of whipped cream or egg whites that hold a point after beating when the beaters are slowly raised Stir To incorporate ingredients with a spoon to prevent them from sticking during cooking or to cool them after cooking To combine ingredients with a circular motion until uniform in consistency
A place of stewing or seething; a place where hot bathes are furnished; a hothouse
food prepared by stewing especially meat or fish with vegetables cook slowly and for a long time in liquid; "Stew the vegetables in wine"
agitation resulting from active worry; "don't get in a stew"; "he's in a sweat about exams"
To cook in a liquid that is below the boiling point
Cook in a liquid just deep enough to cover food
{f} cook at a slow boil, simmer; be cooked at a slow boil; worry, be anxious, fret (Informal); swelter, suffer from heat or humidity (Informal)
(1) To simmer a food or foods in a small amount of liquid that is usually served with the food as a sauce (2) A dish cooked by stewing, usually one in which the main ingredients are cut in small pieces
A dish prepared by stewing; as, a stewof pigeons
A small pond or pool where fish are kept for the table; a vivarium
to stew