to room

listen to the pronunciation of to room
الإنجليزية - التركية
{i} oda

Bu oda uyumak için uygun değil. - This room is not suitable for sleeping.

Odanın etrafında koşma. - Don't run around in the room.

{f} kalmak

Hangi odada kalmak istersiniz? - In which room would you like to stay?

(Bilgisayar) odası

Bu ev yakında, iki yatak odası ve bir oturma odası var, ve dekorasyonu kötü değil; ayda 1500. - This house is nearby, it has two bedrooms and a living room, and the decoration isn't bad; it's 1500 a month.

Oturma odasında video oyunları oynarken annem bana onunla birlikte alışverişe gidip gitmeyeceğimi sordu. - When I was playing video games in the living room, Mother asked me if I would go shopping with her.


Sami iyi bir mekandaydı. - Sami was in a good room.

ABD'de tuvalet ve banyonun aynı mekanda olduğunun farkında değildim. - I wasn't aware that the toilet and the bath are in the same room in the United States.


Bekleme salonunda beş hasta vardı. - Five patients were in the waiting room.

Oda salonun sonundadır. - The room is at the end of the hall.


Odadaki herkes ne meydana geldiğiyle ilgili sersemledi. - Everyone in the room was stunned by what happened.


Apartmanında tek başına olduğunda, bağımsız hissedersin. Odanda tek başına olduğunda, özgür hissedersin. Yatağında tek başına olduğunda, yalnız hissedersin. - When you're alone in your apartment, you feel independent. When you're alone in your room, you feel free. When you're alone in your bed, you feel lonely.


Arabada bir kişilik yer vardı. - There was room for one person in the car.

Arabanızda ayıracak yer var mı? - Is there any room to spare in your car?


Bir pansiyonda yaşıyorum. - I live in a rooming house.

{i} neden

Çin halkının yaşamı şimdi gittikçe iyileşmesine rağmen, gelişme için hâlâ bir neden vardır. - Although the life of Chinese people is getting better and better now, there is still room for improvement.

Neden odanı temizlemedin? - Why haven't you cleaned your room?

{i} boş yer

Herkes için yeterli boş yer var. - There's enough room for everybody.

{f} oturmak

O odada gerçekten oturmak istemiyorum. - I really don't want to sit in that room.

الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
To reside, especially as a boarder or tenant

Doctor Watson roomed with Sherlock Holmes at Baker Street.

The people in a room

The room was on its feet.

Space for something, or to carry out an activity

He explains they have enough room to stand and lie down, points out the little cup to brush our teeth, and the place where they pray.

With possessive pronoun: one's bedroom

Go to your room!.

A specific area of space
Reason, cause or opportunity (to do something)

Nor shalt thou give me room to doubt whether it be necessity or love, that inspires this condescending impulse.

An area for working in a coal mine; also, in spelunking, a portion of a cave that is wider than a passage
A set of rooms inhabited by someone; one's lodgings
A separate part of a building, enclosed by walls, a floor and a ceiling

Miss Bingley made no answer, and soon afterwards she got up and walked about the room.

A space between the timbers of a ship's frame
Opportunity or possibility to do something

There are major disagreements within the Coalition and politicians always want to retain room for manoeuvre.

A forum or chat room

Some users may not be able to access the AOL room.

{n} space, place, stead, chamber, apartment
opportunity for; "room for improvement
Unobstructed spase; space which may be occupied by or devoted to any object; compass; extent of place, great or small; as, there is not room for a house; the table takes up too much room
If you room with someone, you share a rented room, apartment, or house with them, for example when you are a student. I had roomed with him in New Haven when we were both at Yale Law School
If you talk about your room, you are referring to the room that you alone use, especially your bedroom at home or your office at work. If you're running upstairs, go to my room and bring down my sweater, please
an area within a building enclosed by walls and floor and ceiling; "the rooms were very small but they had a nice view"
Place or position in society; office; rank; post; station; also, a place or station once belonging to, or occupied by, another, and vacated
{f} occupy a room, lodge, dwell
A particular portion of space appropriated for occupancy; a place to sit, stand, or lie; a seat
an area within a building enclosed by walls and floor and ceiling; "the rooms were very small but they had a nice view" the people who are present in a room; "the whole room was cheering" space for movement; "room to pass"; "make way for"; "hardly enough elbow room to turn around" opportunity for; "room for improvement
A room is one of the separate sections or parts of the inside of a building. Rooms have their own walls, ceilings, floors, and doors, and are usually used for particular activities. You can refer to all the people who are in a room as the room. A minute later he excused himself and left the room The whole room roared with laughter
the people who are present in a room; "the whole room was cheering"
If there is room for a particular kind of behaviour or action, people are able to behave in that way or to take that action. The intensity of the work left little room for personal grief or anxiety
A division in a building, enclosed by walls, a floor and a ceiling
To reside, especially as a border or tenant
space for movement; "room to pass"; "make way for"; "hardly enough elbow room to turn around"
to give something houseroom: see houseroom see also changing room, chat room, common room, consulting room, dining room, drawing room, dressing room, elbow room, emergency room, ladies' room, leg room, living room, locker room, men's room, morning room, powder room, reading room, reception room, rest room, spare room, standing room. to rent and live in a room somewhere room with to share a room or house with someone, especially at college
If there is room somewhere, there is enough empty space there for people or things to be fitted in, or for people to move freely or do what they want to. There is usually room to accommodate up to 80 visitors see also leg room, standing room
Possibility of admission; ability to admit; opportunity to act; fit occasion; as, to leave room for hope
To occupy a room or rooms; to lodge; as, they arranged to room together
If you have room for manoeuvre, you have the opportunity to change your plans if it becomes necessary or desirable. With an election looming, he has little room for manoeuvre
Spacious; roomy
Especially, space in a building or ship inclosed or set apart by a partition; an apartment or chamber
Space for something or to carry out an activity
A room is a bedroom in a hotel. Toni booked a room in an hotel not far from Arzfeld
{i} compartment of space marked off by walls within a building; space, two- or three-dimensional area
to room

    التركية النطق

    tı rum


    /tə ˈro͞om/ /tə ˈruːm/


    ... will let him go down to a wind in this room in the basement where he didn't ...
    ... to everyone in this room. ...