to ride

listen to the pronunciation of to ride
الإنجليزية - التركية
{f} binmek

Tom bir bisiklete binmek için gitti. - Tom went for a bike ride.

Bir ata binmek istiyorum. - I want to ride a horse.

{i} gezinti

Yabancılardan gezinti kabul etmeyin. - Don't accept rides from strangers.

Sana bir gezinti önerebilir miyim? - Can I offer you a ride?

{f} binmek (at veya bisiklet)
ata binmek

Bir ata binmek istiyorum. - I want to ride a horse.

Her zaman bir ata binmek istemişimdir. - I've always wanted to ride a horse.

{f} arabaya binmek (sürmeden)
{i} binme

Kaldırımda bisiklete binmemelisin. - You shouldn't ride a bicycle on the sidewalk.

Motosiklete binmek eğlencelidir. - It's fun to ride a motorcycle.

{f} arabayla gezmek
{f} yüzmek
{f} kayar gibi görünmek ay
{i} dolaşma
{f} bulut vb
ata bimnek
at gezisi
araba gezisi
yolculuk etmek
bisiklet gezisi

Yeni arabanla gezmeye gidelim. - Let's go for a ride in your new car.

Gezmeye gitmek ister misin? - Want to go for a ride?


Tom uzun otobüs gezintilerini seviyor. - Tom likes long bus rides.

Sana bir gezinti önerebilir miyim? - Can I offer you a ride?

(in ile) yolculuk etmek
gıcık etmek
(su) üstünde kalmak

Bir yere gitmek ister misin bebeğim? - Do you need a ride, babe?

Okula arabayla gitmek istiyorum. - I need a ride to school.

at gezintisi yapmak

Motosiklete binmek eğlencelidir. - It's fun to ride a motorcycle.

Ara sıra ata binmeyi severim. - I like to ride a horse now and then.

(at/bisiklet/motosiklet/vb.) sürmek
{i} gezinti yolu
zorla yönetmek
{f} kafa bulmak
huküm sürmek
{f} taşımak (omuzunda vb)
{f} havada kalmak
{f} gırgıra almak
yüzmek binilmesi rahat olmak
{f} sürüklenmek
binip gitmek
{f} geçmek (yol)
{f} kullanmak

Kasksız motosiklet kullanmak tehlikelidir. - It is dangerous to ride a motorbike without a helmet.

(fiil) binmek (at veya bisiklet), arabayla gezmek, arabaya binmek (sürmeden), süzülmek, kayar gibi görünmek (ay, bulut vb), yüzmek, havada kalmak, karara bağlanmamış olmak, sürüklenmek, üst üste binmek, taşımak (omuzunda vb), kullanmak, geçmek (yol), gırgıra almak, binmek, sataşmak, kafa bulmak
{f} üst üste binmek
{f} (rode, rid.den)
arabaya binmek

Her yerde bir arabaya binmek yerine yürü ya da bisikletine bin. - Walk or ride your bike instead of taking a car everywhere.

Ben arabaya binmekten usanıyorum. - I'm getting sick of the ride.

binip kullanmak veya sürmek
su üstünde gitmek
{f} karara bağlanmamış olmak
araba ile gitmek
{f} (bisiklet, motosiklet v.b.'ne) binmek: Can you ride a bicycle? Bisiklete binebilir misin?/Bisiklete binmeyi biliyor
at veya başka hayvana binmek
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
To be transported in a vehicle; to travel as a passenger

Now, in calm weather, to swim in the open ocean is as easy to the practised swimmer as to ride in a spring-carriage ashore.

An amusement ridden at a fair or amusement park
A lift given to someone in another person's vehicle

Can you give me a ride?.

To cover (a given distance, landscape etc.) on horseback, or later by bicycle etc

Go Peto, to horse: for thou, and I, / Haue thirtie miles to ride yet ere dinner time.

To play defense on the defensemen or midfielders, as an attackman
To travel in (a vehicle) as a passenger

In an elaborately built, indoor San Francisco, passengers ride cable cars through quiet, hilly streets.

a bridleway or other wide country path
To be carried or supported by something lightly and quickly; to travel in such a way, as though on horseback

The witch cackled and rode away on her broomstick.

Of clothing: to gradually move (up) and crease; to ruckle

In athletics, triple jumper Ashia Hansen advises a thong for training because, while knickers ride up, ‘thongs have nowhere left to go’: but in Beijing Britain's best are likely, she says, to forgo knickers altogether, preferring to go commando for their country under their GB kit.

Of clothing: to rest (in a given way on a part of the body)

She's wearing inky-blue jeans that ride low enough on her hips that her aquamarine thong peeks out teasingly at the back.

To transport oneself by sitting on and directing a horse, later also a bicycle etc

The original winner Azizulhasni Awang of Malaysia was relegated after riding too aggressively to storm from fourth to first on the final bend.

To nag or criticize; to annoy (someone)

One old boy started riding me about not having gone to Vietnam; I just spit my coffee at him, and he backed off.

A vehicle

That is a nice ride you are driving.

To rely, depend (on)

With so much riding on the new payments system, it was thus a grave embarrassment to the government when the tariff for 2006-07 had to be withdrawn for amendments towards the end of February.

Of a ship: to sail, to float on the water

By noon the sea went very high indeed, and our ship rode forecastle in, shipped several seas, and we thought once or twice our anchor had come home .

To travel in such a way on (a horse, vehicle etc.)

It is characteristic of her that she hates trains, that she arrives from a rail-road journey a nervous wreck; but that she can ride a horse steadily for weeks through the most dangerous western passes.

To mount (someone) to have sex with them; to have sexual intercourse with

She rode him hard, and he squeezed her breasts, and she came again.

To transport (someone) in a vehicle

The cab rode him downtown.

{v} to carry, to make subservient
{v} to be carried on horseback, or in a vehicle, to float
To transport oneself with a bicycle, a horse
Relatively long, trench like valley; has relatively steep walls and usually flat bottoms
be contingent on; "The outcomes rides on the results of the election"; "Your grade will depends on your homework"
To sit on and control an animal for sport or recreation
sit on and control a vehicle; "He rides his bicycle to work every day"; "She loves to ride her new motorcycle through town"
A term for any mechanically operated amusement device where users are subjected to a variety of motions Sometimes used by enthusiasts to denote any amusement park device that is not a roller coaster
An instance of riding
When you ride a horse, you sit on it and control its movements. I saw a girl riding a horse Can you ride? He was riding on his horse looking for the castle They still ride around on horses
To be carried on the back of an animal, as a horse
A person giving someone a lift with their vehicle
To convey, as by riding; to make or do by riding
If you say that someone or something is riding high, you mean that they are popular or successful at the present time. He was riding high in the public opinion polls
have certain properties when driven; "This car rides smoothly"; "My new truck drives well"
To sit on, so as to be carried; as, to ride a horse; to ride a bicycle
(1) (noun) (B) large penalty; phone number
To manage a horse, as an equestrian
Français : VOYAGE Deutsch : FAHRGAST-FAHRTABSCHNITT, Reiseanteil in einem Fahrzeug A part of a TRIP corresponding to the theoretical movement of a user (passenger, driver) on one and only one public transport vehicle, from one STOP POINT to another, on one JOURNEY PATTERN
If you say that one thing is riding on another, you mean that the first thing depends on the second thing. Billions of pounds are riding on the outcome of the election = depend see also riding
a mechanical device that you ride for amusement or excitement
sit and travel on the back of animal, usually while controlling its motions; "She never sat a horse!"; "Did you ever ride a camel?"; "The girl liked to drive the young mare"
If you say that someone faces a rough ride, you mean that things are going to be difficult for them because people will criticize them a lot or treat them badly. The Chancellor could face a rough ride unless the plan works
a mechanical device that you ride for amusement or excitement copulate with; "The bull was riding the cow" keep partially engaged by slightly depressing a pedal with the foot; "Don't ride the clutch!" move like a floating object; "The moon rode high in the night sky" ride over, along, or through; "Travel the highways of America"; "Ride the freeways of California" be carried or travel on or in a vehicle; "I ride to work in a bus"; "He rides the subway downtown every day" sit and travel on the back of animal, usually while controlling its motions; "She never sat a horse!"; "Did you ever ride a camel?"; "The girl liked to drive the young mare" climb up on the body; "Shorts that ride up"; "This skirt keeps riding up my legs" sit on and control a vehicle; "He rides his bicycle to work every day"; "She loves to ride her new motorcycle through town" continue undisturbed and without interference; "Let it ride" lie moored or anchored; "Ship rides at anchor" be sustained or supported or borne; "His glasses rode high on his nose"; "The child rode on his mother's hips"; "She rode a wave of popularity"; "The brothers rode to an easy victory on their father's political name
{f} travel on or in; be carried or transported by; cause to travel; depend upon, be contingent upon (Informal); continue without interference (Informal); move out of position, shift
To overlap (each other); said of bones or fractured fragments
to ride roughshod over: see roughshod. American astronaut who in 1983 became the first U.S. woman to enter outer space
a mechanical device that you ride for amusement or excitement copulate with; "The bull was riding the cow"
To copulate on, have sexual intercourse with (a woman)
{i} act of traveling on or in; trip, journey; path, road; means of transportation; mechanical device used for riding in an amusement park (such as a roller coaster)
- Cleared area of woodland, often linear, for access, fire breaks and to provide open areas for game and wildlife
To be borne or in a fluid; to float; to lie
continue undisturbed and without interference; "Let it ride"
An adventure, task, or undertaking As in, "What's the ride today, boss?"
The ability of a shoe to provide a smooth transfer of a runner's weight from heel-strike to toe-off Ride is a largely subjective quality, but shoe wearers know it when a shoe has or lacks a good ride
The act of riding; an excursion on horseback or in a vehicle
To snowboard
To manage insolently at will; to domineer over
be carried or travel on or in a vehicle; "I ride to work in a bus"; "He rides the subway downtown every day"
A road or avenue cut in a wood, or through grounds, to be used as a place for riding; a riding
When you ride a bicycle or a motorcycle, you sit on it, control it, and travel along on it. Riding a bike is great exercise Two men riding on motorcycles opened fire on him He rode to work on a bicycle
To lie at anchor
To support a rider, as a horse; to move under the saddle; as, a horse rides easy or hard, slow or fast
If you say that someone has been taken for a ride, you mean that they have been deceived or cheated. When he had not returned with my money an hour later I realized that I had been taken for a ride
When you ride in a vehicle such as a car, you travel in it. He prefers travelling on the Tube to riding in a limousine I remember the village full of American servicemen riding around in jeeps
In a fairground, a ride is a large machine that people ride on for fun
copulate with; "The bull was riding the cow"
keep partially engaged by slightly depressing a pedal with the foot; "Don't ride the clutch!"
A ride is a journey on a horse or bicycle, or in a vehicle. Would you like to go for a ride?
A Opportunity to drive a race car
See Synonym, below
To be borne in a carriage; as, to ride in a coach, in a car, and the like
to ride

    التركية النطق

    tı rayd


    /tə ˈrīd/ /tə ˈraɪd/


    ... I want to journey to that place just to ride on that thing. ...
    ... I don't know if my kids are tall enough to ride it. ...