to randomize

listen to the pronunciation of to randomize
الإنجليزية - التركية
rastgele seçmek
rastgele dağıt
rastgele hale getir
{f} rasgele seçmek
(Askeri) rastgele dağıtmak
(fiil) rasgele seçmek
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
{f} make random, make haphazard (also randomise)
arrange in random order; "Randomize the order of the numbers
ran·dom·ize randomizes randomizing randomized in BRIT, also use randomise If you randomize the events or people in scientific experiments or academic research, you use a method that gives them all an equal chance of happening or being chosen. The wheel is designed with obstacles in the ball's path to randomise its movement Properly randomized studies are only now being completed. to choose things in a way that is not carefully controlled or planned in order to do a scientific test
To arrange randomly; to make random
arrange in random order; "Randomize the order of the numbers"
to randomize


    to ran·dom·ize

    التركية النطق

    tı rändımayz


    /tə ˈrandəˌmīz/ /tə ˈrændəˌmaɪz/