to lighten

listen to the pronunciation of to lighten
الإنجليزية - التركية
açmak renk
(Ticaret) layter
(Ticaret) salapurya
(Ticaret) mavna

O, atmosferi hafifletmek için bir şarkı söyledi. - He sang a song to lighten the atmosphere.

Yükü hafifletmek zorundayız. - We have to lighten the load.


Yükü hafifletmek zorundayız. - We have to lighten the load.

O, atmosferi hafifletmek için bir şarkı söyledi. - He sang a song to lighten the atmosphere.

{f} ışık saçmak
{f} rahatlatmak
{f} hafifletmek, yükünü azaltmak; hafiflemek, yükü azalmak
{f} açmak (renk)
{f} parlamak
{f} parlatmak
{f} rengini açmak
(Tekstil) (to) ağartmak ( beyazlatmak )
{f} şimşek çakmak
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
To become less serious or more cheerful
To alleviate; to reduce the burden of
To make light or lighter in weight
To make brighter or clearer; to illuminate
To make less serious or more cheerful
{v} to flash with lightening, ease, cheer
If someone lightens a situation, they make it less serious or less boring. Anthony felt the need to lighten the atmosphere
If your attitude, or mood lightens, or if someone or something lightens it, they make you feel more cheerful, happy, and relaxed. As they approached the outskirts of the city, Ella's mood visibly lightened The sun was streaming in through the window, yet it did nothing to lighten his mood
To become brighter or clearer; to brighten
If you lighten something, you make it less heavy. It is a good idea to blend it in a food processor as this lightens the mixture He pulled the lightened sled with all his strength
To make light or clear; to light; to illuminate; as, to lighten an apartment with lamps or gas; to lighten the streets
To become light or lighter in weight
become lighter; "The room lightened up"
make more cheerful
To emit or disclose in, or as in, lightning; to flash out, like lightning
To illuminate with knowledge; to enlighten
become lighter; "The room lightened up" make more cheerful
To burst forth or dart, as lightning; to shine with, or like, lightning; to display a flash or flashes of lightning; to flash
make lighter or brighter; "The paint will brighten the room"
To free from trouble and fill with joy
When something lightens or when you lighten it, it becomes less dark in colour. The sky began to lighten Leslie lightens her hair and has now had it cut into a short, feathered style. darken
To cheer; to exhilarate
To make less burdensome or afflictive; to alleviate; as, to lighten the cares of life or the burden of grief
{f} make lighter; lessen the weight or load; relieve of worry; become lighter; become less heavy; become cheerful; illuminate; brighten; make a color lighter
To make lighter, or less heavy; to reduce in weight; to relieve of part of a load or burden; as, to lighten a ship by unloading; to lighten a load or burden
become brighter; "The sky brightened"
To descend; to light
To grow lighter; to become less dark or lowering; to brighten; to clear, as the sky
to lighten


    to light·en

    التركية النطق

    tı laytın


    /tə ˈlītən/ /tə ˈlaɪtən/