to level

listen to the pronunciation of to level
الإنجليزية - التركية

Onun oyunculuğu profesyonel düzeydedir. - Her acting is on the level of a professional.

Şirket iflasları geçen ay yüksek bir düzeyde devam etti. - Corporate bankruptcies continued at a high level last month.


Çok fazla balık avı dolayısıyla, bazı balık stokları şimdi tehlikeli derecede düşük seviyelerde. - Due to overfishing, some fish stocks are now at perilously low levels.

Tom kolesterol seviyesinin biraz yüksek olabileceğinden endişeliydi. - Tom was worried that his cholesterol level might be a little high.

{f} yıkmak
aynı seviyeye getir
aynı düzeyde
aynı düzlemde olma
bir seviyede olan
mükemmel bir şekilde yatay
iyi dengelenmiş
duvarcı terazisi
eşit düzeye getirmek

Dağ, deniz seviyesinden 2000 metre yüksekliktedir. - The mountain is 2000 meters above sea level.

Bu ağacın tepesi çitle aynı yükseklikte. - The top of this tree is level with the fence.

ufki bir yüzey sağlamak
egalize etmek
hedef olarak seçmek
amaç olarak seçmek
düzlük yer
hizaya getirmek
kabarcıklı düzeç
aynı yükseklikte olma
hedefe doğru yöneltmek
alkol seviyesi
yatay yüzey
yatay düzlem

Tom bir kahkaha kulübüne katıldı ve onun stres seviyeleri önemli ölçüde düştü. - Tom has joined a laughter club and his stress levels have decreased significantly.

Çoğumuz ebeveynlerimiz ve büyük ebeveynlerimizden önemli ölçüde daha varlıklı olmamıza karşın, onu yansıtan mutluluk seviyeleri değişmemiştir. - While most of us are significantly better off financially than our parents and grandparents, happiness levels haven't changed to reflect that.

{i} düzeç

Çok fazla balık avı dolayısıyla, bazı balık stokları şimdi tehlikeli derecede düşük seviyelerde. - Due to overfishing, some fish stocks are now at perilously low levels.

Su, deniz seviyesinde 100 santigrat derecede kaynar. - Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius at sea level.

düz yer
bir seviyede

İyi bir seviyede olmadığımın farkındayım; bu yüzden, daha fazla pratik yapmam gerekiyor. - I'm aware I'm not at a good level; therefore, I need to practice more.

(of ile) miktar

Şirket iflasları geçen ay yüksek bir düzeyde devam etti. - Corporate bankruptcies continued at a high level last month.

Onun oyunculuğu profesyonel düzeydedir. - Her acting is on the level of a professional.

düzgün bir biçimde
be.düz olarak
aynı hizada
düzey,v.aynı seviyeye getir: n.düzey
{s} seviyeli

Tom geçen yılın ders planlarını benimsedi böylece onları bu yılın daha düşük seviyeli öğrencileri için kullanabildi. - Tom adapted last year's lesson plans so he could use them with this year's lower level students.

{i} zemin
{s} akılcı
{i} düzlük
{f} nişan almak
(Askeri) RUHLU DÜZEÇ: Bir hat veya yüzeyin yataylığını tayine yarayan herhangi bir cihaz. Gerekli ayarlamanın yapılması halinde, bir düzeç, dikey bir hat veya yüzeyi tayinde kullanılabilir. Düzeç, nişan veya ateş idare cihazlarının belli başlı bir parçasıdır
{f} dengelemek
{f} eşitlemek
{s} makul
{s} mantıklı
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
an area of almost perfectly flat land
Unvaried in frequency

His pulse has been level for 12 hours.

In an Internet post, an indication of the number of previous replies at which a portion of text was written
A floor of a multi-storey building

Take the elevator and get off at the promenade level.

A tool for finding whether a surface is level, or for creating a horizontal or vertical line of reference

Hand me the level so I can tell if this is correctly installed.

One of several discrete segments of a game generally increasing in difficulty. Often numbered. Often, each level occupies different physical space (levels don't require any direct physical relationship to each other, e.g. vertically stacked, horizontally chained, etc)

Watch out for the next level; the bad guys there are really overpowered.

To adjust so as to make as flat or perpendicular to the ground of possible

You can level the table by turning the pads that screw into the feet.

Degree or amount

We've reached a new level of success.

To aim or direct (a weapon, a stare, an accusation, etc)

He levelled an accusation of fraud.

A distance relative to a given reference elevation

By the end of the day, we'd dug down to the level of the old basement floor.


He kept a level head under stress.

The same height at all places; parallel to a flat ground

This table isn't quite level; see how this marble rolls off it?.

A periodic progression of integer values that quantify a character's experience and power

My half-orc barbarian reached fifth level before he was squashed by a troll.

{a} even, smooth, plain, flat, equal, adapted
{v} to make or lay flay, take aim, direct
{n} a plain, flat, equality, instrument
If you draw level with someone or something, you get closer to them until you are by their side. Just before we drew level with the gates, he slipped out of the jeep and disappeared into the crowd Level is also an adjective. He waited until they were level with the door before he turned around sharply and punched Graham
Having a dropsical habit of body, with a white bloated skin
To be level; to be on a level with, or on an equality with, something; hence, to accord; to agree; to suit
If something is at a particular level, it is at that height. Liz sank down until the water came up to her chin and the bubbles were at eye level
A horizontal passage, drift, or adit, in a mine
an abstract place usually conceived as having depth; "a good actor communicates on several levels"; "a simile has at least two layers of meaning"; "the mind functions on many strata simultaneously"
If someone or something such as a violent storm levels a building or area of land, they destroy it completely or make it completely flat. The storm was the most powerful to hit Hawaii this century. It leveled sugar plantations and destroyed homes
Another term for concentration or the amount of a substance in a given volume of air, liquid, or solid
(Ticaret) The presentation of single or multiple part numbers in a bill of material that describes how an assembly is put together through level codes. The finished or end item is typically coded as level 0, which denotes the highest level in a bill of material, and its immediate components are coded as level 1. If a level 1 component is a subassembly, its immediate components are coded as level 2, and so on. An indented bill of material is normally used in representing levels
a specific identifiable position in a continuum or series or especially in a process; "a remarkable degree of frankness"; "at what stage are the social sciences?"
{i} degree; rank; height; plane, flat horizontal surface; plain, flat horizontal area of land; device used to determine if a surface is horizontal; floor, storey
height above ground; "the water reached ankle level"; "the pictures were at the same level"
The presentation of single or multiple part numbers in a bill of material that describes how an assembly is put together through level codes The finished or end item is typically coded as level 0, which denotes the highest level in a bill of material, and its immediate components are coded as level 1 If a level 1 component is a subassembly, its immediate components are coded as level 2, and so on An indented bill of material is normally used in representing levels
A periodic progression of integer values that quantify a characters experience and power
If you level an object at someone or something, you lift it and point it in their direction. He said thousands of Koreans still levelled guns at one another along the demilitarised zone between them
Coinciding or parallel with the plane of the horizon; horizontal; as, the telescope is now level
The level of a river, lake, or ocean or the level of liquid in a container is the height of its surface. The water level of the Mississippi River is already 6.5 feet below normal The gauge relies upon a sensor in the tank to relay the fuel level. see also sea level
of the score in a contest; "the score is tied"
indicator that establishes the horizontal when a bubble is centered in a tube of liquid
A colorless substance isomeric with chlorophyll, contained in parts of plants capable of becoming green
To adjust so as to make level
The total number of job openings, hires, total separations, quits, layoffs and discharges and/or other separations
Hence, figuratively, a certain position, rank, standard, degree, quality, character, etc
The same height at all places; parallel to the ground
The logarithm of the ratio of a given quantity to a reference quantity of the same kind The base of the logarithm, the reference quantity, and the kind of level must be indicated
indicator that establishes the horizontal when a bubble is centered in a tube of liquid height above ground; "the water reached ankle level"; "the pictures were at the same level"
aim at; "level criticism or charges at somebody"
The hierarchical tier of an executive branch organization in the federal government Levels 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, are respectively referred to in RaDiUS as Agency, Bureau, Program, Project, and Award/Task (RAND, 1996)
A mineral of a greenish yellow color; it is a silicate of glucina, lime, and soda with fluorine
When something is level, it is completely flat with no part higher than any other. The floor was level, but the ceiling sloped toward his head. a plateau of fairly level ground
A level is a point on a scale, for example a scale of amount, quality, or difficulty. If you don't know your cholesterol level, it's a good idea to have it checked We do have the lowest level of inflation for some years The exercises are marked according to their level of difficulty
To levy
A term for the amount of audio that is present
a training step on the Grade Chart which one does for classification He is then eligible to deliver the auditing grade represented by that level See also Classification, Gradation and Awareness Chart
Being sensible
to direct the eye, mind, or effort, directly to an object
not showing abrupt variations; "spoke in a level voice"; "she gave him a level look"- Louis Auchincloss
a level playing field: see playing field. Device for establishing a horizontal plane. It consists of a small, sealed glass tube containing liquid and an air bubble; the tube is fixed horizontally in a block or frame with a smooth lower surface. When the bubble is in the middle of the glass tube, the device is on a level surface; adjustment to the horizontal is indicated by movement of the bubble. The glass tube is slightly bowed, and the level's sensitivity is proportional to the radius of curvature
{f} straighten, flatten, make even; equalize, adjust two or more things so they are level with each other; destroy, tear down; knock down; direct, aim (weapon, etc.); be open and honest, be frank; use a level
To destroy by reducing to ground level; to raze
To adjust or adapt to a certain level; as, to level remarks to the capacity of children
Level is an expression of the relative signal strength at a point in a communications circuit compared to a standard
horizontally; hence, to aim or point a weapon in direct line with the mark; fig
To bring to a lower level; to overthrow; to topple down; to reduce to a flat surface; to lower
A dropsical habit of body, or the commencement of anasarca; paleness,with viscid juices and cold sweats
An instrument the surveyor uses to determine elevations Is used in conjunction with a level rod The level is used to read the measurement on the level rod
A horizontal line or plane; that is, a straight line or a plane which is tangent to a true level at a given point and hence parallel to the horizon at that point; this is the apparent level at the given point
To make level; to make horizontal; to bring to the condition of a level line or surface; hence, to make flat or even; as, to level a road, a walk, or a garden
In caves, the height relation of a point in a cave to the entrance or a datum eg sea level Survey & Mapping term Ref WM
To aim a gun, spear, etc
(also "level par, even, even par") anytime one's score is level with, or equivalent to, par during, or at the conclusion of, a round of golf Example: Jill was at level/level par/even par/even/par with two holes still to play
Even; flat; having no part higher than another; having, or conforming to, the curvature which belongs to the undisturbed liquid parts of the earth's surface; as, a level field; level ground; the level surface of a pond or lake
A branch within a dimension The levels are numbered incrementally from the leaf member (level 0) to the root
to level


    to lev·el

    التركية النطق

    tı levıl


    /tə ˈlevəl/ /tə ˈlɛvəl/


    ... matter and grade level. ...
    ... level fertility.   So I am going to introduce that by telling ...