to get together

listen to the pronunciation of to get together
الإنجليزية - التركية

Daha sonra buluşmak istiyor musunuz? - Do you want to get together later?

En kısa sürede buluşmak istiyorum. - I'd like to get together as soon as possible.

bir araya gelmek

Bill ve John çene çalmak için ayda bir kez bir araya gelmekten hoşlanıyorlar. - Bill and John like to get together once a month to shoot the breeze.

Bill ve John sohbet etmek için ayda bir kez bir araya gelmekten hoşlanıyorlar. - Bill and John like to get together once a month to chat.


Toplanalım ve bir parti verelim. - Let's get together and have a party.

Ne zaman toplanabiliriz? - When can we get together?

herd up
herd kadar
get together
(Fiili Deyim ) bir araya topla(n)mak , buluşmak
get together
anlaşmaya varmak
get together
(on) (üzerinde) anlaşmaya varmak, mutabık kalmak
get together
(deyim) get oneself together sinirlerini kontrol altına almak,sakinleşmek
get together
get together

Toplanalım ve bir parti verelim. - Let's get together and have a party.

الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
to meet, to gather together, to congregate
to agree
To start dating; to start being a couple
to accumulate, to gather
herd up

The dolphins started to herd us up.

If you get something together, you organize it. Paul and I were getting a band together, and we needed a new record deal
become part of; become a member of a group or organization; "He joined the Communist Party as a young man"
a small informal social gathering; "there was an informal meeting in my livingroom"
If you get an amount of money together, you succeed in getting all the money that you need in order to pay for something. Now you've finally got enough money together to put down a deposit on your dream home. = scrape together
When people get together, they meet in order to discuss something or to spend time together. This is the only forum where East and West can get together. see also get-together
get together socially or for a specific purpose
work together on a common enterprise of project; "The soprano and the pianist did not get together very well"; "We joined forces with another research group"
{i} informal or friendly social gathering, meeting; assemble, gather, congregate
get people together; "assemble your colleagues"; "get together all those who are interested in the project"; "gather the close family members"
to get together


    to get to·geth·er

    التركية النطق

    tı get tıgedhır


    /tə ˈget təˈgeᴛʜər/ /tə ˈɡɛt təˈɡɛðɜr/


    ... where developers and data people get together and just ...
    ... the next time I'm in town, be sure that we can get together. ...