to fissure

listen to the pronunciation of to fissure
الإنجليزية - التركية
(Tıp) fissür

Anal fissürler tedavi edilebilir mi? - Are anal fissures curable?

(Tıp) Deri veya mukozanın hafifçe veya yüzeyel olarak çatlaması keyfiyeti, çatlak, yarık, fisür, fissura
{i} ince çatlak
{i} çatlak
cilt veya mukozanın hafifçe veya yüzeysel olarak çatlaması
(Nükleer Bilimler) çizik
{i} çatlama
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
To split forming fissures
a crack or crack-like depression
{v} to cleave, to gape
{n} a cleft, a shasm
{i} narrow crack, narrow opening; natural cleft or groove (Anatomy)
A narrow opening, made by the parting of any substance; a cleft; as, the fissure of a rock
(50) - Pokémon with this attack: Brock's Golem
A narrow opening or crack of considerable length and depth
An extensive crack, break, or fracture in the rocks It may contain mineral-bearing material
A break or fracture in rock
An extensive crack, break, or fracture in the rocks
a roughly linear or sinuous crack or opening on a volcano; a type of vent which commonly produces lava fountains and flows
{f} crack; cleave; split; groove; divide, separate; be divided; be split; break open
Opening or crack in the Earth's crust
A large indentation in the cerebral cortex
a crack or opening, as in a rock
A fissure is a fracture or crack in rock along which there is a distinct separation; fissures are often filled with mineral-bearing materials On volcanoes, a fissure is an elongate fracture or crack at the surface from which lava erupts Fissure eruptions typically dwindle to a central vent after a period of hours or days Occasionally, lava will flow back into the ground by pouring into a crack or an open eruptive fissure, a process called drainback; sometimes lava will flow back into the same fissure from which it erupted
A large crack or break in rocks or veins
(fi'-sure) The fourth part of the bens sinister [See BATON ]
(anatomy) a long narrow slit or groove that divides an organ into lobes break into fissures or fine cracks
a long narrow opening
A groove or natural division, deep furrow in the brain
A deep, long and narrow opening such as a crevasse in a glacier
An open crack in rock or soil Speleology term Ref JJ
A fissure is a deep crack in something, especially in rock or in the ground. a deep crack, especially in rock or earth (; FISSION)
a long narrow depression in a surface
(anatomy) a long narrow slit or groove that divides an organ into lobes
a groove, crack, or natural division Top of Page
break into fissures or fine cracks
a deep and narrow depression cutting across the reef front with origins relating to jointing planes in the reef limestone or non-limestone bedrock
Small cracks radiating from the point of percussion which are produced when a flint is struck during flint working
Deep grooves in the cerebral hemispheres See sulcus
A surface of fracture or a crack in rock along which there is a distinct separation (Bates & Jackson, 1987)
To cleave; to divide; to crack or fracture
to fissure


    to fis·sure

    التركية النطق

    tı fîşır


    /tə ˈfəsʜər/ /tə ˈfɪʃɜr/