to disarray

listen to the pronunciation of to disarray
الإنجليزية - التركية

Dan'ın yatak odası düzensizlik içindeydi. - Dan's bedroom was in disarray.


Tüm eğlenceden sonra daire büyük bir karışıklık içindeydi. - After all the merrymaking, the apartment was in great disarray.

düzensiz kıyafet
{f} bozmak
düzensiz bir hale getirmek
{f} kargaşaya itmek
kargaşaya it
{f} karıştırmak
{i} dağınıklık
{i} kargaşa

Sami evini kargaşa içinde bıraktı. - Sami left his house in disarray.

الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
To throw into disorder; to break the array of
To take off the dress of; to unrobe
Confused attire; undress; dishabille
Want of array or regular order; disorder; confusion
{n} disorder, confusion, hurry, undress
{i} lack of order, mess
Confused attire; undress
If things or places are in disarray, they are in a very untidy state. She was left lying on her side and her clothes were in disarray. the state of being untidy or not organized in disarray
{f} cause disorder, cause confusion
untidiness (especially of clothing and appearance)
If people or things are in disarray, they are disorganized and confused. The nation is in disarray following rioting led by the military = disorder
a mental state characterized by a lack of clear and orderly thought and behavior; "a confusion of impressions"
bring disorder to
to disarray


    to dis·ar·ray

    التركية النطق

    tı dîsırey


    /tə ˌdəsəˈrā/ /tə ˌdɪsəˈreɪ/