to clout

listen to the pronunciation of to clout
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
To hit, especially with the fist
Influence or effectiveness, especially political
{v} to cover with a clout or cloth, to insert nails, strike
{n} a piece of cloth for cleanliness, a plate of iron on an axletree, a slender nail, a blow
To give a blow to; to strike
To quard with an iron plate, as an axletree
An iron plate on an axletree or other wood to keep it from wearing; a washer
A piece; a fragment
A swaddling cloth
A blow with the hand
A swadding cloth
A person or institution that has clout has influence and power. Mr Sutherland may have the clout needed to push the two trading giants into a deal = influence. to hit someone or something hard
A cloth; a piece of cloth or leather; a patch; a rag
special advantage or influence; "the chairman's nephew has a lot of pull"
The center of the butt at which archers shoot; probably once a piece of white cloth or a nail head
{f} strike (especially with the hand)
If you clout someone, you hit them. Rachel clouted him The officer clouted her on the head. Clout is also a noun. I was half tempted to give one of them a clout myself
(boxing) a blow with the fist; "I gave him a clout on his nose"
{i} rag, piece of cloth; blow (Slang); shoplifter (Slang)
a target used in archery strike hard, especially with the fist; "He clouted his attacker
To stud with nails, as a timber, or a boot sole
a short nail with a flat head; used to attach sheet metal to wood
To cover with cloth, leather, or other material; to bandage; patch, or mend, with a clout
strike hard, especially with the fist; "He clouted his attacker"
a target used in archery
To join or patch clumsily
to clout