to clean up

listen to the pronunciation of to clean up
الإنجليزية - التركية

Parkı temizlemek için tüm komşular birleşti. - All the neighbors united to clean up the park.

Ben köpek boku temizlemek istemiyorum. - I don't wanna clean up dog shit.


Tom bu dağınıklığı toparlamak zorunda. - Tom has to clean up this mess.

(Dilbilim) para kazanmak
vurgun vurmak
tertemiz yapmak
temizlik yapmak
çok kâr etmek
temizlik yap

Tom kalmalıydı ve temizlik yapmamıza yardım etmeliydi. - Tom should've stayed and helped us clean up.

Sanırım kalmalıyım ve temizlik yapmana yardım etmeliyim. - I think I should stay and help you clean up.


Benim evimde partiler vermek istiyorsanız, daha sonra her şeyi temizleyin ve bir şey kırmayın, ya da zarar için ödeme yapın. - If you want to have parties in my house, clean up everything afterwards, and don't break anything, or else pay for the damage.

Mutfağı temizlemeliyiz. - We must clean up the kitchen.

yoluna koymak
(Fiili Deyim ) 1- temizlemek 2- elini yüzünü yıkamak
pırıl pırıl yapmak
kazanmak (çok para)
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
To become clean, handsome, smart in appearance, e.g. for a special occasion, especially when it is out of character to be seen as such

He sure cleans up nice.

To make a large profit; to win by a large margin, or to win a large amount, especially in gambling. Also clean house

The investors cleaned up when the stock hit the roof last year.

To make an area or a thing clean; to pick up a mess; to tidy

Clean up your room.

make neat, tidy up; settle in; bathe, wash up; tidying up; large profit, gain
make oneself clean, presentable or neat; "Clean up before you go to the party"
If someone cleans up, they make a large profit or get a lot of money. It has cleaned up at the box office
If you clean up a mess or clean up a place where there is a mess, you make things tidy and free of dirt again. Police in the city have been cleaning up the debris left by a day of violent confrontation Nina and Mary were in the kitchen, cleaning up after dinner
If you go and clean up, you make yourself clean and tidy, especially after doing something that has made you dirty. Johnny, go inside and get cleaned up I cleaned myself up a bit, and got the baby ready
make a big profit; often in a short period of time; "The investor really cleaned up when the stock market went up"
dispose of; "settle the bills"
make a big profit; often in a short period of time; "The investor really cleaned up when the stock market went up
put (things or places) in order; "Tidy up your room!"
To clean up something such as the environment or an industrial process means to make it free from substances or processes that cause pollution. Under pressure from the public, many regional governments cleaned up their beaches
If the police or authorities clean up a place or area of activity, they make it free from crime, corruption, and other unacceptable forms of behaviour. After years of neglect and decline the city was cleaning itself up Since then, the authorities have tried to clean up the sport
to clean up