The general assembly of the Northmen, which all capable of bearing arms were bound to attend on occasions requiring deliberation and action The words Volksthing and Storthing are still in use “A shout filled all the Ting, a thousand swords Clashed loud approval ” Frithiof-Saga (The Parting) Tinker The man who tinks, or beats on a kettle to announce his trade John Bunyan (1628-1688) was called The inspired Tinker )
a light clear metallic sound as of a small bell make a light, metallic sound; go `ting' cause to make a ting
(Chinese) - a government department or office at the level of a province or autonomous region; below a bu (Ministry or Bureau at state level, Tibetan: pu’u) and above a ju (local office or department, Tibetan: chu) Tibetan: thing
To imbue or impregnate with something different or foreign; as, to tinge a decoction with a bitter taste; to affect in some degree with the qualities of another substance, either by mixture, or by application to the surface; especially, to color slightly; to stain; as, to tinge a blue color with red; an infusion tinged with a yellow color by saffron
A tinge of a colour, feeling, or quality is a small amount of it. His skin had an unhealthy greyish tinge Could there have been a slight tinge of envy in Eva's voice?. a very small amount of a colour, emotion, or quality tinge of. tinging tingeing to give something a small amount of a particular colour, emotion, or quality tinge sth with sth
A degree, usually a slight degree, of some color, taste, or something foreign, infused into another substance or mixture, or added to it; tincture; color; dye; hue; shade; taste
If something is tinged with a particular feeling or quality, it has or shows a small amount of that feeling or quality. Her homecoming was tinged with sadness. showing a small amount of a colour, emotion or quality tinged with
being colored slightly; sometimes used in combination; "white petals touched with pink"; "the resplendent sun-touched flag"; "pink-tinged apple blossoms"