
listen to the pronunciation of time
الإنجليزية - التركية

İki kere iki dört eder. - Two times two is four.

İki kere yedi on dörttür. - Two times seven is fourteen.


Facebook'taki arkadaşlarının resimlerine bakmak vakit kaybıdır. - Looking at your Facebook friends' photos is a waste of time.

Yarın bu vakitte ailesiyle konuşuyor olacak. - He will be talking with his family at this time tomorrow.


Film yıldızı söylediği bütün düşüncesiz şeylerden dolayı hatasını kabul etmekte defalarca zorlandı. - The movie star ate crow many times because of all the thoughtless things she said.

Savaş alanında defalarca kefeni yırttı. - He cheated death many times on the battlefield.


Zamanın ölçüsü nedir? - What are the measures of time?

Bir zaman makinen olduğunu hayal et. - Imagine that you have a time machine.


Onlar uzun süredir burada yaşıyor. - They have lived here for a long time.

Oda uzun süredir boş. - The room has been empty for a long time.

zamanı göre ayarlamak
zamanını/hızını kaydetmek
{i} tempo
{i} aralık
(Kanun) önel

Dört çarpı beş yirmidir. - Four times five is twenty.

Beş çarpı iki ona eşittir. - Five times two equals ten.


Sanırım hoşça kal dememin zamanıdır. - I think it's time for me to say goodbye.

Ne alışveriş etmek ne de anneme hoşça kal demek için zamanım vardı. - I had neither the time to go shopping, nor to say goodbye to my mother.


Bu ilaçlardan günde üç kez alınmalı. - These medicines should be taken three times a day.

O otobüs günde kaç kez çalışır? - How many times a day does that bus run?


Beni ilk adımla çağırmanı senden kaç kez istemek zorundayım? - How many times do I have to ask you to call me by my first name?

Eski çağlarda tuz az bulunan ve maliyetli bir metaydı. - Salt was a rare and costly commodity in ancient times.

zamanı -e göre ayarlamak

Devir kötü. Güçlü olmaya çalış! - Times are tough. Try to be strong!


Bir müddet yürüyerek göle geldik. - Having walked for some time, we came to the lake.

{f} saat tutmak
{f} zamanlama yapmak
{i} doğum zamanı
{f} süre tutmak
{i} zaman, vakit: It'll take a long time. Çok zaman ister. It's time for bed. Artık yatma zamanı geldi. Now's exactly the right time! Şimdi tam
{f} zamanlama yap
{i} vade
{f} tempo tutmak

Zamana ayak uydurmak kolay değil. - It's not easy to keep up with the times.

Zamana ayak uydurmak için kitaplar ve dergiler okurum. - I read books and magazines to keep up with the times.

{f} kurmak

Duydum ki İngiliz insanlarla arkadaşlık kurmak zaman alıyor. - I hear it takes time to make friends with the English people.

Bu fabrikayı kurmak, uzun bir zamana ve bir sürü paraya mal oldu. - It took a long time and a lot of money to build this factory.

{f} 1. zamanlamak, (belirli bir zamana) denk getirmek, rastlatmak, (belirli bir zamana göre) ayarlamak, planlamak: He timed it so that he'd
zaman saat Saat / Zaman
zamanlamak, (belirli bir zamana) denk getirmek, rastlatmak, (belirli bir zamana göre) ayarlamak, planlamak: He timed it so that he'd
saat tut/ayarla
{i} zaman,zama
{f} temposunu belirlemek
{i} uygun zaman

Ben uygun zamanda bunu ona anlatacağım. - I will tell it to him at the proper time.

Toplantımız için uygun zaman bulabilir misin? - Can you find suitable time for our meeting?

{f} ayarlamak
süresini ölçmek

Bir dahaki sefere bunun bedelini ödersin! - Next time you'll pay for it!

Onlar her iki seferde de başarısız oldu. - They failed both times.


Bir dahaki sefere postaneye gittiğinde lütfen bu mektubu postalar mısın? - Please mail this letter the next time you go to the post office.

Postane saat kaçta kapanır? - What time does the post office close?


Nihayet bu üç hafta içinde aldığım postayı yanıtlamak için zamanım var. - Finally I have time to reply to the mail I received these three weeks.

Tom nihayet öğle yemeği sırasında buraya geldi. - Tom finally got here around lunch time.

(Kanun) mehil
senkronize etmek

Biz ne zaman yola çıkarız? - What time do we leave?

Hangi yoldan giderseniz gidin, aynı zamanda götürecektir. - Whichever way you take, it'll take you the same time.

hızını ölçmek
-in zamanını ölçmek

Bir dahaki sefere bunun bedelini ödersin! - Next time you'll pay for it!

Gelecek sefere iyi şanslar. - Better luck next time.

zaman aşımı
in time

Zamanla anlayacaksın. - In time, you will understand.

Bir yenilik zamanla yok olur. - A novelty wears off in time.

at the same time
aynı zamanda

Hepiniz aynı zamanda konuşmayın. - Don't all speak at the same time.

Fahrenheit, termometreyi bulan Alman bir mucittir. Aynı zamanda onun ismi bir sıcaklık birimine verilmiştir. - Fahrenheit is a German inventor who invented the thermometer. At the same time, his name is given to a unit of temperature.

on time

Eğer şimdi başlarsan vaktinde varman gerekir. - You ought to be on time if you start now.

Yalnızca birkaç kişi vaktinde geldi. - Only a few people showed up on time.

all the time

Bugün hava harika fakat bu günlerde hep yağmur yağdı. - The weather today is great, but lately it's been raining all the time.

Anlamıyorum. Niye hep onunla takılıyorsun? - I don't understand. Why do you hang out with her all the time?

this time
bu sefer

Tom bu sefer doları yene çevirmemenin daha iyi olacağını düşünüyor. - Tom thinks it would be better not to change dollars into yen at this time.

Jack bu sefer kesin başaracak. - Jack is bound to succeed this time.

gain time
zaman kazanmak

Zaman kazanmak için uçağa bindik. - To gain time we took the plane.


İki kere iki dört eder. - Two times two is four.

Dört kere beş 20'dir. - Four times five is 20.

this time
bu defa

Bu defa sonuçları aldı. - This time, he got results.

Bu defa hatalı olan benim gibi görünüyor. - This time, it looks like it is me who is wrong.


Tom defalarca Boston'da bulundu. - Tom has been to Boston many times.

Tom'un menüye bakmasına gerek yoktu çünkü daha önce o restoranda defalarca bulunmuştu. - Tom didn't need to look at the menu because he'd been to that restaurant many times before.

this time
bu kez

Bu kez farklı olacak. - This time's going to be different.

Bu kez Tom'a yardım edip edemeyeceğimizi bilmiyorum. - I don't know if we can help Tom this time.

Time range
Zaman aralığı
time flies
Zamanın hızla akıp gittiğini anlatan ifade
time clock
zaman saati
time horizon
(Ticaret) zaman tercihi
time independent
zamandan bağımsız
time is up
zaman dolmak
time is up
vakit bitti vakit geldi
time is up
vakit bitti
time is up
vakit geldi
time of haul
(İnşaat) taşıma süresi
time of war
(Ticaret) savaş zamanı
time off
çalışılmayan saatler
time out
(Spor) taym aut
time out of mind
öteden beri
time period
zaman periyodu
time register
saat yazmacı
time series
(İstatistik,Teknik) zaman dizisi
time series analysis
(Askeri) zaman serileri analizi
time shift
zaman kaydırma
time slot
zaman aralığı

Şebeke gösterinizi başka bir zaman aralığına taşıyor. - The network is moving your show to another time slot.

time slot interchange
zaman dilimi değiştokuşu
time to

Bana yardımcı olmak için zamanın var mı? - Do you have time to help me?

Ne alışveriş etmek ne de anneme hoşça kal demek için zamanım vardı. - I had neither the time to go shopping, nor to say goodbye to my mother.

time to live
(Bilgisayar) yaşam süresi
time to send
(Bilgisayar) gönderme saati
time to send
(Bilgisayar) gönderme zamanı
time value of money
(Ticaret) paranın zaman değeri
time's up!
zaman bitti!
time after time
tekrar tekrar

Tekrar tekrar aynı hataları yapıyorsun. - You continue making the same mistakes time after time.

Yeri tekrar tekrar ziyaret ettim. - I have visited the place time after time.

time after time
sık sık
time and time again
sık sık
time and time again
tekrar tekrar
time bar
iş planı
time bargain
vadeli alışveriş
time bargain
alivre satış
time base
zaman tabanı
time bill
süreli senet
time bill
vadeli poliçe
time bomb
sögenli bomba
time bomb
saatli bomba

Saatli bomba büyük bir gürültüyle patladı. - The time bomb exploded with a loud noise.

Havaalanında bir saatli bomba patladı ve 13 kişi öldü. - A time bomb went off at the airport and killed 13 people.

time capsule
zaman kapsülü
time card
time card
mesai kartı
time clock
kontrol sögeni
time constant
zaman sabiti
time consuming
zaman tüketici
time delay
time deposit
time deposit
vadeli mevduat
time deposit account
teminat hesabı
time deposits
vadeli mevduat
time draft
vadeli senet
time exposure
uzun pozlu resim
time format
zaman biçimi
time frame
zaman dilimi
time freight
ekspresle gönderilen mal
time fuse
ihtiraklı tapa
time fuse
ayarlı fitil
time immemorial
çok eski zaman
time interval
zaman aralığı

Eğer konsantre olursanız, daha kısa zaman aralığında bitirebileceksiniz. - If you concentrate, you'll be able to finish within a shorter time interval.

time invariant
zamanla değişmeyen
time is up
vakit tamam
time lag
time limit
belirli limit
time limit
zaman sınırı

Zaman sınırı var mıydı? - Was there a time limit?

Bu testin bir zaman sınırı yok. - This test doesn't have a time limit.

time loan
vadeli borç
time lock
sögenli kilit
time of day
günün bir saati
time of departure
hareket zamanı
time of life
yaşam süresi
time of origin
başlangıç zamanı
time of payment
time of payment
ödeme zamanı
time of year
yılın belli zamanı
time out of mind
eskiden beri
time payment
taksitle ödeme
time period
zaman aralığı

Merkezin hedefi, diğer ülkelerden gelen gençleri belli bir zaman aralığında eğitmek olmalıdır. - The goal of the center should be to train young people from other countries within a specific time period.

time phased
zaman fazı
time quantum
zaman kuantumu
time saving
zaman kazandıran
time saving
zaman kazandırıcı
time scale
zaman cetveli
time scale factor
zaman cetveli faktörü
time series
frekans dağılımı
time shared
zaman paylaşımlı
time sharing
zaman paylaşımı
time sharing
süre paylaşım
time sheet
iş cetveli
time sheet
time signal
sögen ayarı
time slicing
zaman dilimleme
time study
zaman etüdü
time tested
zamanı test edilmiş
time to go
gitme zamanı
time unit
zaman birimi
time waveform
time work
gündelik iş
time zone
zaman dilimi

ABD'de Pasifik Zaman Dilimi'nde yaşıyorum. - I live in the Pacific time zone in the USA.

Benim zaman dilimimde burada sabah. - It's morning here in my time zone.

time zone
zaman kuşağı
eski ve geçerli
oyunda kısa ara
time-share holiday
devre mülk
time factor
zaman faktörü
time keeping
zamanı izleme
time to time
zaman zaman

Ben zaman zaman onunla karşılaşırım. - I meet him from time to time.

Zaman zaman çocuklara bakmalısın. - You should look after the children from time to time.

time value
zaman değeri
time waster
zaman waster
Zaman fazlı
time after time
time frame, time slice
zaman dilimi
time zone indicator for Universal Time
(Askeri) Evrensel Saat saat dilimi göstergesi 1

Otobüs her gün kaç kez çalışır? - How many times does the bus run each day?

O otobüs günde kaç kez çalışır? - How many times a day does that bus run?


İnternet hakkında sevdiğim tek şey onun ebediyetidir. - One thing I love about the internet is its timelessness.

Bu film gerçekten ebedi bir başyapıt. - This movie is indeed a timeless masterpiece.


Zamanlaman mükemmeldi. - Your timing was excellent.

Zamanlama her şeydir. - Timing is everything.

from time to time
zaman zaman

Ben zaman zaman onunla karşılaşırım. - I meet him from time to time.

Zaman zaman çocuklara bakmalısın. - You should look after the children from time to time.

time is over
zaman aşıldı
time out

Bir stratejiyi özenle hazırlamak için ara verelim. - Let's take time out to elaborate a strategy.

from time to time
ara ara
time is up
süre bitti
time is up
zaman doldu
time keeper
time keeper
time lag
(Otomotiv) gecikme zamanı
time limit
(Ticaret) süre
time limit
süre sınırı
time off
mesai dışı saatler
time out
zaman dışı
time period
(Bilgisayar) süre
time to
var (zaman)
hiç bitmeyen
zaman üstü
(Bilgisayar) kere dene
(Bilgisayar) times

Viking zamanında, Grönland bugünkünden daha yeşildi. - In Viking times Greenland was greener than today.

O zamanlar hiç radyo yoktu. - There were no radios in those times.

from time to time
ara sıra

Ara sıra oğlum beni ziyarete geliyordu. - My son came to see me from time to time.

Amcam ara sıra beni görmeye gelir. - My uncle comes to see me from time to time.

a time
in a time
amount of time, length of time
zaman miktarı, süresi uzunluğu
from time the time
Arada bir, zaman zaman
from time to time
Zaman zaman, arada sırada
in less than no time/in no time/in no time at all
çok çabuk, çabucak, çabucacık
time bomb
Zaman ayarlı bomba

Zaman ayarlı bomba gürültüyle patladı. - The time bomb exploded with a loud noise.

time bound
zamana bağlı
time bound
zaman kısıtlamalı
time course
zamanın akışı
time course

time course of growth.

time course
zamanın yönü
time expression
(Dilbilim) Zaman belirteci, zaman belirtmekde kullanılan ifade
time flies
(deyim) Used to mean that time passes very and surprisingly quickly: Time flies when you're having fun
time flies
(deyim) Zaman ne kadarda çabuk geçiyor
time honored
zaman onur
time is over
Süre doldu. Zaman bitti
time lag
İNTİKAL SÜRESİ: Bir mekanizmanın bir parçasının hareketi ile buna raptedilmiş diğer bir parçanın hareketi arasında geçen süre. Örneğin: Bir bombardımancının bomba salis düğmesine basmasından sonra, bombanın hamilinden kurtulmasına kadar geçen ve saniyenin bir kesri kadar olan süre
time left
kalan zaman
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
How much of a day has passed; the moment, as indicated by a clock or similar device

A computer keeps time using a clock battery.

An experience

We had a wonderful time at the party.

A person's youth or young adulthood, as opposed to the present day

In my time, we respected our elders.

A numerical indication of a particular moment

These times were erroneously converted between zones.

Ratio of comparison

That is four times as heavy as this.

To measure seconds, hours etc passed, especially using a clock of some kind
The measurement under some system of region of day or moment

Let's synchronize our watches so we're not on different time.

An instance or occurrence

Okay, but this is the last time. No more after that!.

An era; (with the, sometimes in plural) the current era, the current state of affairs

O the times, O the customs! (Cicero).

To choose how long something lasts

The bomb was timed to explode at 9:20 p.m.

A measurement of a quantity in time; a numerical or general indication of a length of progression

The algorithm runs in O(n^2) time.

The inevitable progression into the future with the passing of present events into the past

the ebb and flow of time.

A particular moment or hour; the appropriate moment or hour for something (especially with prepositional phrase or imperfect subjunctive)

It's time we were going.

A quantity of availability in time

The two of us can never find time to see each other any more.

The serving of a prison sentence

He is not living at home because he is doing time.

{n} the measure, regulate, suit, adapt, fit
{i} weekly American magazine that covers topics of general interest (world news, politics, current events, etc.)
If you do something ahead of time, you do it before a particular event or before you need to, in order to be well prepared. Find out ahead of time what regulations apply to your situation
An element of dance, relating to the rhythmic aspects of dance Drama
The Time protocol is used to allow computers to find the time of day which another computer believes it to be It is sent in binary form, rather than the human-readable format of the similar Daytime protocol This is often useful when computers are located in different time zones around the world Not as accurate as NTP See also: Daytime, NTP
Blake means Time as a religious and philosophical sense, as well as just the "time of day" He means Time, with a beginning and an end, as compared to Eternity, which is endless The sunflower is tired of following the sun day after day: it is also tired of Time itself
If you make time for a particular activity or person, you arrange to have some free time so that you can do the activity or spend time with the person. Before leaving the city, be sure to make time for a shopping trip
If you tell someone that something will happen in good time or all in good time, you are telling them to be patient because it will happen eventually. There will be many advanced exercises that you won't be able to do at first. You will get to them in good time
The time of a piece of music is the number of beats that the piece has in each bar. A reel is in four-four time, and a jig is in six-eight time
If you are marking time, you are doing something that is not particularly useful or interesting while you wait for something more important or interesting to happen. He's really just marking time until he's old enough to leave
If you play for time, you try to make something happen more slowly, because you do not want it to happen or because you need time to think about what to do if it happens. The president's decision is being seen as an attempt to play for time
Duration, considered independently of any system of measurement or any employment of terms which designate limited portions thereof
To ascertain or record the time, duration, or rate of; as, to time the speed of horses, or hours for workmen
adjust so that a force is applied an an action occurs at the desired time; "The good player times his swing so as to hit the ball squarely"
a suitable moment; "it is time to go"
{f} set a time, determine a time
If you take your time doing something, you do it quite slowly and do not hurry. `Take your time,' Cross told him. `I'm in no hurry.'
Your time is the amount of time that you have to live, or to do a particular thing. Now Martin has begun to suffer the effects of AIDS, and he says his time is running out
Displays the current time (also found as the final point on the vs T plot) The current time affects the forcing at the boundaries
If something is the case or will happen for the time being, it is the case or will happen now, but only until something else becomes possible or happens. For the time being, however, immunotherapy is still in its experimental stages
If you say that you made good time on a journey, you mean it did not take you very long compared to the length of time you expected it to take. They had left early in the morning, on quiet roads, and made good time
If you call time on something, you end it. Scott Hastings has called time on his international career by cutting short his contract
time a simple command or give resource usage
The number of beats per measure and the type of notes that receive a beat i e 4/4 time = four beats per measure; 3/4 time = three beats per measure
You use time after numbers to say how often something happens. It was her job to make tea three times a day
emphasis If you say that it is high time that something happened or was done, you are saying in an emphatic way that it should happen or be done now, and really should have happened or been done sooner. It is high time the Government displayed a more humanitarian approach towards victims of the recession
Time is what we measure in minutes, hours, days, and years. a two-week period of time Time passed, and still Ma did not appear The social significance of religion has changed over time
A concept which organizes movement; it encompasses tempo, rhythm, and duration
the continuum of experience in which events pass from the future through the present to the past
emphasis If you say not before time after a statement has been made about something that has been done, you are saying in an emphatic way that you think it should have been done sooner. The virus is getting more and more attention, and not before time
set the speed, duration, or execution of; "we time the process to manufacture our cars very precisely
If you say there is no time to lose or no time to be lost, you mean you must hurry as fast as you can to do something. He rushed home, realising there was no time to lose
When you describe the time that you had on a particular occasion or during a particular part of your life, you are describing the sort of experience that you had then. Sarah and I had a great time while the kids were away She's had a really tough time the last year and a half
17. Someone's time in a race is the amount of time it takes them to finish the race. He was over a second faster than his previous best time
If something happens in no time or in next to no time, it happens almost immediately or very quickly. He expects to be out of prison in next to no time
To appoint the time for; to bring, begin, or perform at the proper season or time; as, he timed his appearance rightly
{i} system used to place one event in relation to another (such as past vs. present, yesterday vs. today); period, era; hour; rate
If you say that something has been happening for a time, you mean that it has been happening for a fairly long period of time. He stayed for quite a time After a time they came to a pond
The hour of the day reckoned by the position of a celestial reference point relative to a reference celestial meridian Time may be designated solar, lunar , or sidereal as the reference is the sun, moon, or vernal equinox, respectively Solar time may be further classified as mean or astronomical if the mean sun is the reference, or as apparent if the apparent sun is the reference Time may also be designated according to the reference meridian, either the local or Greenwich meridian or, additionally, in the case of mean solar time, a designated zone meridian Standard and daylight saving time are variations of zone time Time may also be designated according to the timepiece, as chronometer time or watch time , the time indicated by these instruments
If you time an action or activity, you measure how long someone takes to do it or how long it lasts. He timed each performance with a stop-watch. see also timing
a nonspatial continuum that is measured in terms of events which succeed one another from past through present to future
A particular occasion
Differences in time zones and in working hours introduces obstacles in distributed collaboration Participants have to use a combination of synchronous and asynchronous tools when dealing with time differences
the continuum of experience in which events pass from the future through the present to the past a person's experience on a particular occasion; "he had a time holding back the tears"; "they had a good time together"
The measured duration of sounds; measure; tempo; rate of movement; rhythmical division; as, common or triple time; the musician keeps good time
an indefinite period (usually marked by specific attributes or activities); "he waited a long time"; "the time of year for planting"; "he was a great actor is his time"
the fourth coordinate that is required (along with three spatial dimensions) to specify a physical event
Performance or occurrence of an action or event, considered with reference to repetition; addition of a number to itself; repetition; as, to double cloth four times; four times four, or sixteen
meter, as in "3/4 time "
measure the time or duration of an event or action or the person who performs an action in a certain period of time; "he clocked the runners"
time and again: see again in the fullness of time: see fullness. Time magazine a US weekly news magazine which is sold in the US and is also available in many countries around the world. Major U.S. weekly newsmagazine, published in New York City. It was founded in 1923 by Henry R. Luce (as business manager) and Briton Hadden (as editor). It became the most influential newsmagazine in the U.S., with a format of short articles arranged in subject "departments," which became the standard for later general newsmagazines. After Hadden's death in 1929, Luce was long the magazine's guiding force, and it reflected his moderately conservative political viewpoint. By the 1970s it had assumed a more neutral, centrist stance in its reportage. In addition to the U.S. circulation, editions are published in Canada, Europe, Asia, and the Pacific. Measured or measurable period. More broadly, it is a continuum that lacks spatial dimensions. Philosophers have sought an understanding of time by focusing on the broad questions of the relation between time and the physical world and the relation between time and consciousness. Those who adopt an absolutist theory of time regard it as a kind of container within which the universe exists and change takes place, and believe that its existence and properties are independent of the physical universe. According to the rival relationist theory, time is nothing over and above change in the physical universe. Largely because of Albert Einstein, it is now held that time cannot be treated in isolation from space (see space-time). Some argue that Einstein's theories of relativity vindicate relationist theories, others that they vindicate the absolutist theory. The primary issue concerning the relation between time and consciousness is the extent, if any, to which time or aspects of time depend on the existence of conscious beings. Events in time are normally thought of in terms of notions of past, present, and future, which some philosophers treat as mind-dependent; others believe that time is independent of perception and hold that past, present, and future are objective features of the world. See also geologic time, Greenwich Mean Time, standard time, Universal Time. daylight saving time Dream Time geologic time Greenwich Mean Time just in time manufacturing Precambrian time space time standard time time dilation Time Warner Inc. time and motion study Troubles Time of Universal Time Financial Times Los Angeles Times New York Times The Times Literary Supplement Times The
If a child can tell the time, they are able to find out what the time is by looking at a clock or watch. My four-year-old daughter cannot quite tell the time
The time when something happens is the point in the day when it happens or is supposed to happen. Departure times are 08: 15 from St Quay, and 18: 15 from St Helier. see also opening time
The amount of time consumers spent reading or looking at their newspaper both on weekdays and Sundays One of three elements comprising the Reader Behavior Score, along with frequency and completeness
If you say that something happens or is the case nine times out of ten or ninety-nine times out of a hundred, you mean that it happens on nearly every occasion or is almost always the case. When they want something, nine times out of ten they get it
Time Sharing Option
an IBM interactive command line interpreter for mainframe operating systems
time after time
Again and again; repeatedly; every time; always

Time after time he tries, and time after time, he fails.

time and a half
a rate of pay 50% greater than normal; especially for overtime
time and again
often; repeatedly
time and material
A form of contractual compensation involving payment for materials used and at agreed rates for the those involved in performing the services

The remodelling of the second floor will be fixed-price, but the repair work has to be on a time and material basis.

time and materials
plural form of time and material
time and motion study
an analysis of the motions used in an industrial process with an aim to improve efficiency and productivity
time and tide
Shortened form of time and tide wait for no man
time and tide wait for no man
action is necessary without delay
time and time again
often; repeatedly
time average
the average (if it exists) of a function over iterations of T, a measure-preserving transformation on a measure space, starting from some initial point x
time ball
A large wooden or metal ball that drops at a predetermined time to enable sailors to check their marine chronometers from their boats offshore
time balls
plural form of time ball
time bill
a bill of exchange that is to be paid at some future date
time bills
plural form of time bill
time bomb
A situation that threatens to have disastrous consequences at some future time
time bomb
A bomb that has a mechanism such that detonation can be preset to a particular time
time bombs
plural form of time bomb
time capsule
a sealed container, buried at some location, that contains records of contemporary life - to be rediscovered in the distant future
time capsules
plural form of time capsule
time clock
A device that records, on timecards, the times that employees start and finish work
time clocks
plural form of time clock
time code
A numeric code generated at regular intervals by a timing system
time codes
plural form of time code
time complexities
plural form of time complexity
time complexity
the amount of time an algorithm requires to run, as a function of the amount of input, measured in such a way as to ignore constant terms and multiplication by constant terms

Classical computers cannot sort a list of size n in less than O(n\,\log\, n) time.

time constant
A characteristic of an exponential function, represented by τ in the function:

y(t) \ = \ y_o e^{-t / \tau} \ .

time constant
The time in which a physical system's response to a step-wise change in an external variable reaches approximately 63% of its final (asymptotic) value
time delay
A delay used to separate the occurrence of two events, especially in a mechanical or electronic device
time delays
plural form of time delay
time deposit
a deposit in a bank that cannot be withdrawn before a specified date
time difference
The difference in clock time between two or more different time zones

I want to call Nick – what's the time difference between here and Hong Kong?.

time difference
The difference between one measurement of time and another taken later; the length of a time interval
time dilatation
A less common variant of time dilation
time dilation
The slowing of the passage of time experienced by objects in motion relative to an observer; measurable only at relativistic speeds
time domain
The set of values, representing time, over which a function dependent on time is defined
time domains
plural form of time domain
time exposure
An exposure made by leaving a camera's shutter open for a period greater than a fraction of a second; an image so obtained
time flies
Time seems to pass quickly

Time flies when you're having fun.

time flies when you're having fun
Time seems to pass quicker when one is enjoying oneself
time frame
the period of time during which something is expected to occur, or does occur
time frames
plural form of time frame
time heals all wounds
Negative feelings eventually erode away
time horizon
A fixed point of time in the future where certain processes will be evaluated or assumed to end
time immemorial
Time that extends beyond memory or record
time interval
A period of time with fixed, well-defined limits
time is money
Money is wasted (in lost wages, missed opportunities, etc.) when a person's time is not used productively; time is valuable and should not be wasted

His words and manner carried the crisp terseness of the busy man whose time is money.

time is of the essence
Used to express a need for haste in action or response
time is of the essence
Said when something must be done immediately: When transporting organs for transplant, time is of the essence
time is of the essence
When used in a contract, places the other party on notice that failure to complete a required performance by a date certain set forth therein will constitute an incurable breach
time killer
An activity which unproductively consumes a large amount of time; a distraction
time killers
plural form of time killer
time limit
a time by which something must finish
time limit
a duration beyond which something may not exceed
time lock
a lock, typically in on a door in a bank vault, that cannot be unlocked before a specified time
time locks
plural form of time lock
time machine
A hypothetical device used to travel into the past or the future

Using a time machine caused Gene serious confusion. -.

time machines
plural form of time machine
time management
The management of time in order to make the most out of it
time note
a promissory note that specifies a date (or dates) when repayment must be made
time notes
plural form of time note
time of arrival
The time when an airplane, etc, is scheduled to arrive
time of departure
The time when an airplane, etc, is scheduled to depart
time of pitch
The moment when the pitcher begins the motion of pitching the ball and, by the rules of the game, has committed himself to throwing the pitch
time of the month
the time when a woman is menstruating
time of year
A particular period in the year
time off
A period of time where one is not required to work

I've got some time off next week, so maybe we could meet up then?.

time out
Alternative spelling of time-out
time out
To call for a suspension of activity or conversation
time out
To call for a time-out
time out
of a task, to be terminated because it was not completed before a time limit
time out
to end (an incomplete task) after a time limit
time out of mind
A lengthy duration of time, longer than is readily remembered

They were Episcopalians, and for time out of mind had rented a half-pew in the church of their denomination on California Street.

time out of mind
The distant past beyond anyone's memory

By the Steep Place of the Strangers and the Gap of the Wind.

time out of mind
For a lengthy period of time; on numerous occasions

I tell you that Cashel never was beaten, although times out of mind it would have paid him better to lose than to win.

time outs
plural form of time out
time preference
A measure of the preference a consumer has for enjoyment at a time in the future that is either more immediate or more remote
time preferences
plural form of time preference
time reversal
time reversal
an operation that transforms a physical system undergoing a sequence of events into one in which the events take place in the reverse sequence
time reversals
plural form of time reversal
time scale
a series of events used as a rough measure of duration
time scales
plural form of time scale
time series
A set of data points, each of which represents the value of the same variable at different times, normally at uniform intervals
time served
Time spent in remand awaiting trial, when credited after a guilty verdict usually by subtracting from the sentence

The defendant was not innocent, but he was let go with time served.

time sheet
A record of the number of hours worked by an employee
time sheets
plural form of time sheet
time shifting
The practice of network affiliates from different time zones of making television programs/programmes available at multiple times during the day
time shifting
The practice of recording a broadcast with the intention of watching or listening to it later at a more convenient time
time signal
a visible, audible, mechanical, or electronic signal used as a reference to determine the time of day
time signals
plural form of time signal
time signature
A numerical sign placed on a stave to indicate the meter; the numerator is the number of beats per bar, the denominator represents the value of each beat
time signatures
plural form of time signature
time sink
Something that consumes a great deal of time, usually with little benefit; a waste of time
time sinks
plural form of time sink
time slice
The period of time for which a process is allowed to run in a preemptive multitasking system
time slices
plural form of time slice
time slots
plural form of time slot
time spread
Another term for calendar spread
time standard
An agreed method of measuring time; a specification or standard of either the rate at which time passes, or of points in time, or of both
time study
time and motion study
time tables
plural form of time table
time test
A test of fitness in which a person exercises for a defined period
time to kill
A period during which one has no responsibilities to fulfill, often while waiting for some event or outcome, and therefore must find some activity to partake in to prevent boredom
time travel
Hypothetical or fictional travel at will to the past or the future, typically by means of a machine (a time machine) or a wormhole
time trial
An unpaced race in which riders or teams, leaving at regular intervals are timed over a preset course or distance, the winner being the rider or team to finish in the fastest time
time trial
Any competitive event in which competitors are timed rather than racing against each other
time trials
plural form of time trial
time tunnel
a passageway enabling travel through time
time warp
A line dance popularized by the movie The Rocky Horror Picture Show, in which the dancers take a jump to the left, a step to the right, put their hands on their hips, bend their knees, thrust their pelvises, spin in a circle, jump forward and back, and wiggle
time warp
a hypothetical discontinuity in the flow of time that would move events from one time period to another
time warps
plural form of time warp
time will tell
The results of an action cannot be known beforehand

This may not be a good idea, but time will tell.

time zone
A range of longitudes where a common standard time is used
time zones
plural form of time zone
time's arrow
Alternative form of arrow of time
Rare spelling of time ball
Alternative form of time bill
Alternative spelling of time bomb
requiring significant amounts of time
Alternative form of time delay
Determined by the value of a variable representing time
Alternative spelling of time frame
honored because of great age, or long usage
Not time-dependent; not determined by the value of a variable representing time
Alternative spelling of time killer
of or relating to a technique in which exposures are taken at fewer intervals than usual so that, on playback, a naturally slow process may be viewed at an accelerated pace
Set a time limit on
A variant of time limit
A variant of timeline
Alternative form of time lock
Used attributively to describe various processes, devices, etc, that use the time an object or light takes to travel a certain distance. See [[#Derived terms|Derived terms]]
time-of-flight mass spectrometry
a technique of separating ions of different masses by measuring the time taken to traverse a fixed distance through a magnetic field
Alternative spelling of time off
A short break in the action of a sport, for substitution, consultation, etc

We're being beaten! We need a time-out!.

A break from a tense, heated or stressful situation (often enforced, sometimes as a disciplinary measure); a cooling-off period

Hitting people is not acceptable! Go to your room and take a time-out!.

The intentional ending of an incomplete task after a time limit considered a long enough for it to end normally
Describing something (a device or process) that improves efficiency and reduces time needed to perform a task

This time-saving device will do in minutes what once took hours to do.

Alternative spelling of time scale
The action of a time-server
To own or lease (a property) by time-sharing
To use (a computer) by time-sharing
A property jointly owned or leased by multiple people who are allowed to use it only during specified periods each year
The joint ownership or lease of a property by multiple people who can only use it for specified periods each year
A technique that allows many users to use a central computer simultaneously through remote terminals
Present participle of time-share
Alternative form of time signal
Alternative form of time signature
A technique used to share a processor in round robin manner with all the tasks of the same priority, allowing lower priority tasks when idle
time-space convergence
The process, made possible by technological innovations in transportation and communication, by which distant places are brought closer together in terms of the time taken to travel (or send messages) between them
التركية - الإنجليزية

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(Bilgisayar) times