this is where things started to run amok

listen to the pronunciation of this is where things started to run amok
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف this is where things started to run amok في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

This is where
burası neresi
this is where things started to run amok


    this I·s where things started to run a·mok

    التركية النطق

    dhîs îz hwer thîngz stärtıd tı rʌn ımʌk


    /ᴛʜəs əz ˈhwer ˈᴛʜəɴɢz ˈstärtəd tə ˈrən əˈmək/ /ðɪs ɪz ˈhwɛr ˈθɪŋz ˈstɑːrtəd tə ˈrʌn əˈmʌk/