them to

listen to the pronunciation of them to
الإنجليزية - التركية

Beni öldürmekle tehdit ettiler bu yüzden cüzdanımı onlara verdim. - They threatened to kill me so I gave them up my wallet.

Eğer yapmadığım bir şey için ailem beni cezalandırdıysa , onlara doğruları söylerdim ve benim masumiyetle ilgili onları ikna etmeye çalışırdım. - If my parents punished me for something I didn't do, I would tell them the truth and try to convince them of my innocence.


The Network'ün kasım meselesinde görünen raporunun 70 kopyasını üretmek ve onları ajanlarımıza dağıtmak mümkün mü? - Is it possible to reproduce 70 copies of your report which appeared in the November issue of The Network and distribute them to our agents?

Sosyal ağlarda hırsızlar, sahteciler, sapıklar veya katiller olabilir. Güvenliğiniz için, onlara inanmamalısınız. - There may be thieves, fakers, perverts or killers in social networks. For your security, you shouldn't believe them.


Takımımız beyzbolda onları 5-0 mağlup etti. - Our team defeated them by 5-0 at baseball.

Onlar parlak renkli kurbağalar olduğunu söylüyorlar fakat ben onları asla görmedim. - They say there are bright-colored frogs, but I've never seen them.

that to
Bunun için

Onlardan herhangi birini seçebilirsin. - You may choose any of them.

Onlardan hiçbirinin kaza geçirmediğini umuyorum. - I hope that none of them got into an accident.

us to
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية

تعريف them to في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.

Third personal plural pronoun used after a preposition or as the object of a verb

She treated them for a cold. (direct object).

Third person singular pronoun of indeterminate or irrelevant gender

If there be found among you, within any of thy gates which the LORD thy God giveth thee, man or woman, that hath wrought wickedness in the sight of the LORD thy God, in transgressing his covenant, nd hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded; nd it be told thee, and thou hast heard of it, and enquired diligently, and, behold, it be true, and the thing certain, that such abomination is wrought in Israel: hen shalt thou bring forth that man or that woman, which have committed that wicked thing, unto thy gates, even that man or that woman, and shalt stone them with stones, till they die.


Them kids need to grow up.

In non-standard spoken English, them is sometimes used instead of `those'. `Our Billy doesn't eat them ones,' Helen said

Daphnis has forgotten me. He is dreaming of marrying some wealthy maiden. Ah! Why did I make him swear by his goats instead of by the Nymphs! He has forgotten them as he has forgotten me. - Daphnis has forgotten me. He is dreaming of marrying some wealthy maiden. Ah! Why did I make him swear by his goats instead of by the Nymphs! He has forgotten them as he has forgotten me.

You use them instead of `him or her' to refer to a person without saying whether that person is a man or a woman. Some people think this use is incorrect. It takes great courage to face your child and tell them the truth
pron. those people (3rd person)
The objective case of they
You use them to refer to a group of people, animals, or things. Kids these days have no one to tell them what's right and wrong His dark socks, I could see, had a stripe on them
them WEAK STRONG Them is a third person plural pronoun. Them is used as the object of a verb or preposition
{p} plural the oblique case of they
التركية - الإنجليزية

تعريف them to في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.

it to
to push
them to

    التركية النطق

    dhım tı


    /ᴛʜəm tə/ /ðəm tə/


    ... snippets and prepare them to give back to the users because ...
    ... talking about them to you. These problems are a long way off, and of course, they'll ...