the christian science monitor

listen to the pronunciation of the christian science monitor
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Daily newspaper of national and international news and features, published Monday through Friday in Boston under the auspices of the Church of Christ, Scientist (see Christian Science). Established in 1908 at the urging of Mary Baker Eddy as a protest against the sensationalism of the popular press, it became one of the most respected U.S. newspapers, famous for its thoughtful treatment of the news and for the quality of its assessments of political, social, and economic developments. It strictly limits the kinds of advertising it accepts. It maintains its own bureaus to gather news abroad and publishes a weekly world edition. The newspaper won its sixth Pulitzer Prize in 1996, in the category of international reporting
Christian Science Monitor
a US daily newspaper, owned by the Christian Science religion, which has articles about politics, national and international news, and short stories
Christian Science Monitor
major daily newspaper published in the United States
the christian science monitor


    the Chris·tian sci·ence mon·i·tor

    التركية النطق

    dhi krîsçın sayıns mänıtır


    /ᴛʜē ˈkrəsʧən ˈsīəns ˈmänətər/ /ðiː ˈkrɪsʧən ˈsaɪəns ˈmɑːnətɜr/