the blue sky

listen to the pronunciation of the blue sky
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف the blue sky في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

blue sky
mavi gökyüzü

Kule mavi gökyüzüne doğru yükseldi. - The tower rose up against the blue sky.

Mavi gökyüzü beni yanılttı bu yüzden bir şemsiye getirmedim. - The blue sky fooled me so I didn't bring an umbrella.

the sky
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية

تعريف the blue sky في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.

The sky
The sky
blue sky
{i} clear sky during the day
blue sky
It is a slang term used often within the financial industry that confirms a new issue has been given the legal "stamp of approval" by the Securities commission and can now be distributed
blue sky
the sky as viewed during daylight; "he shot an arrow into the blue
blue sky
A slang term for laws various Canadian provinces and American states have enacted to protect the public against securities frauds The term blue skyed indicates that a new issue has been cleared by a securities commission and may be sold to the public
blue sky
the sky as viewed during daylight; "he shot an arrow into the blue"
blue sky
Refers to securities registration or broker licensing, or the securities regulatory authorities of individual states For example, if a stock broker in the state of New York has complied with licensing or registration requirements for Florida, Texas and Illinois, then he or she is said the be "blue skied" in those states and may solicit sales from account holders residing therein Blue sky often is referred to in private placements, IPOs and secondary underwritings to designate the states in which securities may be sold The term also is frequently used with many securities quoted on the OTC Bulletin Board or the Pink Sheets
blue sky
A synonym for goodwill Often considered the value of the business beyond that of the hard assets, alone
blue sky
To conceptualize freely
blue sky
claims referring to future business profits that are greatly exaggerated or even nonexistent
blue sky
The potential for the movie to make a greater profit than that which is guaranteed by distribution and pre-sale agreements
blue sky
Any intangible portion of a price above the maximum goodwill that can be reasonably supported through the application of established valuation methodology
blue sky
A slang term for laws various Canadian provinces and American states have enacted to protect the public against securities frauds The term "blue skyed" indicates that a new issue has been cleared by a securities commission and may be sold to the public
blue sky
These are state securities laws designed to protect individual investors The phrase purportedly originated from a state judge who said that the securities of a particular company had all the value of a patch of blue sky Both companies and mutual funds are affected by state blue sky laws However, the SEC and Congress are in the process of superseding these rules, because the rules in some states are obsolete, arbitrary and poorly enforced
blue sky
A slang term for laws that various Canadian provinces and American states have enacted to protect the public against securities frauds
blue sky
Popular name given to state statutes regulating the sale of corporate securities, particularly through investment companies, imposed to prevent the sale of securities for fraudulent purposes Typically they regulate the sale of securities by persons considered to be in control of an issuer and purchasers who purchase unregistered securities directly or indirectly from an issuer or control person of an issuer Also, typically construed as laws that refer to restrictions placed on IPOs by various states
blue sky
Laws designed to protect the public from securities frauds Each state has its own securities distribution restrictions and guidelines which must be met by each issue offered therein Blue sky rules relate to state approval or disapproval of distribution within each state
the blue sky


    the Blue sky

    التركية النطق

    dhi blu skay


    /ᴛʜē ˈblo͞o ˈskī/ /ðiː ˈbluː ˈskaɪ/