تعريف tavırları في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.
- attitude
- The orientation of an aircraft or other vehicle relative to the horizon, direction of motion etc
The airliner had to land with a nose-up attitude after the incident.
- A negative, irritating, or irritated attitude; posturing
Don't give me your attitude..
- Your attitude to something is the way that you think and feel about it, especially when this shows in the way you behave. the general change in attitude towards handicapped people His attitude made me angry
- If you refer to someone as a person with attitude, you mean that they have a striking and individual style of behaviour, especially a forceful or aggressive one. In psychology, a mental position with regard to a fact or state. Attitudes reflect a tendency to classify objects and events and to react to them with some consistency. Attitudes are not directly observable but rather are inferred from the objective, evaluative responses a person makes. Thus, investigators depend heavily on behavioral indicators of attitudes what people say, how they respond to questionnaires, or such physiological signs as changes in heart rate. Attitude research is employed by social psychologists, advertising professionals, and political scientists, among others
- inclination of aircraft in relation to the ground (heading, pitch, and roll)
- The position of a spacecraft as determined by the relationship between its axes and a reference plane
- one of two basic personality postures: introversion, in which a person is mostly inner-directed, his libido proceeding from object to subject; and extraversion, outer-direct-edness Conscious introversion is compensated by unconscious extraversion and vice versa A person's attitude combines with her most differentiated function to produce a personality type Each of us alternates between the two attitudes but feels more comfortable in one
- The position or orientation of a vehicle
- Fig
- An individual's enduring evaluation, feelings and behavioural tendencies towards an object or activity p 125
- position of aircraft or spacecraft relative to a frame of reference (the horizon or direction of motion)
- An aircraft's position in relation to the horizon (i e , whether the aircraft is flying level, nose up, nose down, or banking left or right)
- A learned predisposition, feeling, or conviction manifesting itself in a general state of readiness either to evaluate or to react toward an object or class of objects in either a favorable or unfavorable manner in a more or less consistent and characteristic way Attitudes are relatively stable and have three components: a cognitive or belief component, an affective or feeling component, and a connotative or action-disposition component Although behavior may be a function of attitude at times, attitudes are not necessarily predictors of behavior Consequently, changes in attitudes do not always result in changes in behavior
- Disposition or state of mind
- The posture, action, or disposition of a figure or a statue
- Someones learned opinion or manner towards something
- generally, the position and orientation of an object or the observer in a scene
- The direction in which the satellite is oriented in space
- (of a satellite)--The direction in which the satellite is oriented in space
- a complex mental state involving beliefs and feelings and values and dispositions to act in certain ways; "he had the attitude that work was fun"
- tavır
- manner
Tom's facial features and mannerisms are very much like those of his father.
- Tom'un yüz hatları ve tavırları babasınına çok benzer.
Your manners aren't very good.
- Senin tavırların çok iyi değil.
- tavır
- attitude
Everybody took a hostile attitude toward illegal aliens.
- Herkes yasadışı yabancılar karşı düşmanca bir tavır aldı.
With these stupid attitudes, Maria doesn't do more than proving her own arrogance.
- Bu aptalca tavırlarıyla Maria kendi kibrini kanıtlamaktan daha fazlasını yapmaz.
- tavır
- face
- tavır
- {i} behavior
I couldn't put up with her arrogant behavior.
- Onun küstah tavırlarına dayanamadım.
His smug behavior is offensive.
- Onun kendini beğenmiş tavırları kırıcı.
- tavır
- {i} form
- tavır
- disposition
- tavır
- comportment
- tavır
- arrogance
With these stupid attitudes, Maria doesn't do more than proving her own arrogance.
- Bu aptalca tavırlarıyla Maria kendi kibrini kanıtlamaktan daha fazlasını yapmaz.
- tavır
- tone
- tavır
- front
- tavır
- behaviour
- tavır
- style
- tavır
- fashion
- tavır
- {i} demeanor
Layla's demeanor changed.
- Leyla'nın tavırları değişti.
- tavır
- aspect
- tavır
- {i} port
- tavır
- air
When he was young, he had an arrogant air.
- Ben gençken onun küstah bir tavırı vardı.
- tavır
- posture
- tavır
- demeanour [Brit.]
- tavır
- manner, attitude, behaviour, bearing; arrogance, pose
- tavır
- put on
- tavır
- address
- tavır
- deportment
- tavır
- manner, air, attitude; (facial) expression
- tavır
- airs, affectation, put-on; pose, attitudinizing
- tavır
- pose
- tavır
- presence
- tavır
- mien
- tavır
- carriage
- tavır
- behaviour [Brit.]
- tavır
- figure
- tavır
- {i} demeanour
- tavır
- doings