switched on

listen to the pronunciation of switched on
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف switched on في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

switch on
(Fiili Deyim ) (ışığı , lambayı vs.) açmak , düğmeye basmak
switch on
(düğmeye basıp) açmak
switch on
elektronik eşyaları açmak
switch on
elektrik devresini açmak
switch on
akım vermek
switch on
devreyi kapamak
switch on
(Elektrik, Elektronik) devreye sokmak
switch on
Elektrikli alet açmak
switch on
elektrik yakmak
switch on
switch on
devreye koymak
switch on

Tom kapıda durdu, ışık anahtarının açık ve kapalı olmasına baktı. - Tom stood at the door, flipping the light switch on and off.

Tom lamba anahtarını açtı. - Tom clicked the light switch on.

switch on
(düğmesini çevirerek) (elektrikli bir aygıtı) açmak
switch on
{f} çalıştırmak
switch on
{f} elektriği yakmak
switch on
{f} açmak
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
on, operational, turned on (as of an electrical switch)
switch on
to change one's expression or appearance as if by turning a switch
switch on
to turn a switch to the "on" position in order to start or enable a device
switch on
If you switch on a light or other electrical device, you make it start working by operating a switch. She emptied both their mugs and switched on the electric kettle He pointed the light at his feet and tried to switch it on. = turn on
switch on
cause to operate by flipping a switch; "switch on the light"; "turn on the stereo
switch on
{f} turn on (the light, television, etc.)
switch on
cause to operate by flipping a switch; "switch on the light"; "turn on the stereo"
If you describe someone as switched-on, you mean that they are aware of the latest developments in a particular area or activity. I am very impressed with Brian Hanlon, who seems a switched-on sort of guy. quick to notice new ideas and fashions
switched on

    التركية النطق

    swîçt ôn


    /ˈswəʧt ˈôn/ /ˈswɪʧt ˈɔːn/


    ... GPS, and so on--, can be switched on without your knowledge, and the data can be cached ...