Your super-ego is the part of your mind which makes you aware of what is right and wrong, and which causes you to feel guilty when you have done something wrong
superegos used in Freudian psychology to refer to the part of your mind that tells you whether what you are doing is morally right or wrong = conscience ego, id id. In Freudian psychoanalytic theory, one of the three aspects of the human personality, along with the id and the ego. The last of the three elements to develop, the superego is the ethical component of the personality, providing the moral standards by which the ego operates. The superego is formed during the first five years of life in response to parental punishment and approval; children internalize their parents' moral standards as well as those of the surrounding society, and the developing superego serves to control aggressive or other socially unacceptable impulses. Violation of the superego's standards gives rise to feelings of guilt or anxiety
{i} partially conscious portion of the psyche that represents the conscience and serves to moderate the animalistic impulses of the id (Psychoanalysis)
a major sector of the psyche that is only partly conscious and that aids in character formation by reflecting parental conscience and the rules of society