
listen to the pronunciation of substitution
الإنجليزية - التركية
{i} ikame
yerine koyma
yerine koyma-geçme
(Denizbilim) yerine yerleştirme
(Kimya) yerdeğiştirme
(Bilgisayar) değişim
(Dilbilim,Kimya) değiştirim
(Kimya) sübstitüsyon
(Ticaret) ikame etme
(Bilgisayar) abonelik
(Tıp) substitüsyon
{i} yerine geçme
{i} (geçici bir süre için) (birini) (başkasının) yerine çalıştırma
{i} vekil tayin etme
{i} (geçici bir süre için) (bir şeyi) (başka bir şeyin) yerine kullanma
(Askeri) İKAME, YERİNE KOYMA: Bak. "substitution system"
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) yerine koyma - geçme
{i} yerini alan şey
{i} yer değiştirme

Bir yer değiştirme yapabilir miyiz? - Can we make a substitution?

(Tıp) Yerine koyam, ikame
yerini alma
(Bilgisayar) yerine geçen
(Hukuk) başkasının yerine koyma
{f} yerine geçirmek
yerine geçmek
yedek oyuncu

Sizin yedek oyuncunuz zaten seçildi. - Your substitute has already been picked out.

{i} yerine geçen kimse

Bir yedek öğretmen olarak iş buldum. - I've taken a job as a substitute teacher.

Belki bir yedek bulabiliriz. - Perhaps we could find a substitute.

substitution drills
Sözcük yerleştirme çalışması
substitution cipher
ornatımla kriptolama
substitution measurement
(Bilgisayar) ornatmalı ölçme
substitution measurement
yerine koymalı ölçme
substitution system
(Askeri) ikame sistemi
substitution table
(Bilgisayar) yazıtipleri gönder
substitution bias
ikame önyargı
substitution account
(Ticaret) ikame hesabı
substitution cipher
(Askeri) İKAME USULÜ İLE ŞİFRELEME: Bir haberi kod haline koyma usulü. Bu usulde; kod harfleri ve işaretleri açık metindeki harflerin yerine geçer, fakat asıl haberdeki kelimelerin harf sırası değiştirilmez veya karıştırılmaz
substitution drill
(Dilbilim) değiştirim alıştırması
substitution goods
(Ticaret) ikame mallar
substitution in production
(Ticaret) üretimde faktör ikamesi
substitution interruption
(Spor) oyuncu değiştirme arası
substitution measurement
yerine koymali olcme
substitution system
(Askeri) İKAME SİSTEMİ, YERİNE KOYMA SİSTEMİ: Açık veya kodlu metin unsurlarının esas yerleri veya sıraları muhafaza edilmekle beraber, bunların yerine değişik kıymette başka unsurlar ikamesi suretiyle kodlu metin yapma usulü
substitution zone
(Spor) oyuncu değiştirme bölgesi
{i} 1. (geçici bir süre için) başkasının yerine geçen/konuşan kimse; başkasının görevini yapan kimse; başkasına vekâlet eden kimse, vekil
yerini almak
(Bilgisayar) yerinekoy
yerine kullanmak
başkasının görevini yapan
yerine çalıştırmak
yedek öğretmen

Bir yedek öğretmen olarak iş buldum. - I've taken a job as a substitute teacher.

O sınıf, okulun ilk haftası için bir yedek öğretmene sahipti. - That class had a substitute teacher for the first week of school.

(Kanun) birinin yerine geçmek
(Ticaret) mümessil
ikame etmek
yerine koyma
(Gıda) yerine geçen

Profesör Rosa'nın yerine geçen öğretmen Arjantinlidir. - The teacher who substituted for professor Rosa is from Argentina.

(Kanun) vekil etmek
vekalet ettirmek
(Tıp) yerine geçme
vekalet etmek
rate of substitution
abonman vergini
yerine koymak/kullanmak

Ben vekil öğretmeni sevmiyorum. - I don't like the substitute teacher.

Hepinizin yeni vekil öğretmeninizle tanışmanızı istiyorum. - I want you all to meet your new substitute teacher.

{f} yerine koy

Bu yerine koymak için bulmak istediğim bir kelime. - It's a word I'd like to find a substitute for.

currency substitution
para ikamesi
import substitution
(Ekonomi) İthal ikâmesi
(isim) başka bir şeyin yerine kullanılan veya kullanılabilen şey
(fiil) for -i (başka bir şeyin) yerine kullanmak
(isim) (geçici bir süre için) başkasının yerine geçen/konuşan kimse; başkasının görevini yapan kimse; başkasına vekâlet eden kimse, vekil; başkasının yerine geçirilen kimse
(fiil) for (geçici bir süre için) (başkasının) yerine çalışmak; (başkasına) vekâlet etmek; -i (başkasının) yerine çalıştırmak; -i (başkasına) vekâlet ettirmek; -i (başkasının) yerine geçirmek
(fiil) spor for (yedek oyuncuyu) (başka bir oyuncunun) yerine oynatmak
(isim) yedek oyuncu
(sıfat) başka bir şeyin yerine kullanılan veya kullanılabilen
(isim) yedek öğretmen
(sıfat) (geçici bir süre için) başkasının yerine geçen/çalışan, başkasının görevini yapan; başkasına vekâlet eden; başkasının yerine geçirilmiş
therapeutic substitution
terapötik ikame
capital labor substitution
sermaye-emek ikamesi
coupled substitution
(Jeoloji) eşli yer-değiştirme
diagraphic substitution
(Askeri) İKİ HARFLİ YERİNE KOYMA: Açık metin ve şifreli metin unsurları, birer harf çiftinden ibaret olan şifreleme
digit substitution
Basamak Değiştirme
elasticity of factor substitution
faktörler arası ikame esnekliği
elasticity of substitution
ikame esnekliği
exceptional substitution
(Spor) zorunlu oyuncu değişikliği
import substitution
(Avrupa Birliği) ithal ikamesi
improper substitution
(Spor) hatalı oyuncu değişikliği
ionic substitution
iyonik yer-değiştirme
monoalphabetic substitution
(Askeri) TEK ALFABELİ İKAME, TEK ALFABELİ YERİNE KOYMA: Tek bir şifre alfabesi kullanmak suretiyle yapılan ikame tipi
monographic substitution
(Askeri) TEK HARFLERLE İKAME: Şifreleme işlemine tabi tutulan tek tek birimlerin tek harflerle ikamesi
multiliteral substitution
(Askeri) ÇOK HARFLİ İKAME: İki veya daha çok şifreli metin harfinin bir açık metin harfini temsil ettiği ikame usulü
polyalphabetic substitution
(Askeri) ÇOK ALFABELİ İKAME: Kriptografide bir ikame usulü. Bu usulde; genellikle, tek harflerden ibaret olan açık metin unsurları, bir defadan daha çok ve belirli bir sıra ile kullanılabilen çeşitli alfabelerden meydana gelmiş bir seri ile birbiri arkasından şifrelenir
polygraphic substitution
(Askeri) ÇOK İBARELİ İKAME: Kriptografide; bir çeşit ikame usulü. Bu usulde; açık metnin bölünme unsurları sayılan ve birbirini takip eden harf toplulukları şifreleme için birim teşkil eder
{i} başka sözcüğün yerine geçen sözcük
(Tıp) Bir şeyin yerine konan başka bir şey, diğeri yerine kullanılan madde (ilaç, v.s.)
(geçici bir süre için) başkasının yerine geçen/konuşan kimse; başkasının görevini yapan kimse; başkasına vekâlet eden kimse, vekil
bedel olarak koymak
yerini al/yerine koy
yedek, yerine koymak Yerine
(Tıp) Bir şeyin yerine başka bir şey koymak
{s} ikâme
{s} yedek
yer değiştirmeyle ilgili
{s} bedel
{s} vekâleten
symptom substitution
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) semptom ikamesi
synthetic substitution
(Matematik) sentetik bölme
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
the act of substituting or the state of being substituted
a substitute or replacement
the replacement of an atom, or group of atoms, in a compound, with another
{n} a putting one thing for antoher
The act or process of substituting an atom or radical for another atom or radical; metathesis; also, the state of being so substituted
this is an error by ASR systems in which an incorrect word is substituted in the transcript for the correct word from the audio source
Procedure by which an adverse report of a committee is overturned Technically, the bill is substituted for the adverse report, reviving the legislation
To replace something the audience thinks they understand with something slightly different
an event in which one thing is substituted for another; "the replacement of lost blood by a transfusion of donor blood
an event in which one thing is substituted for another; "the replacement of lost blood by a transfusion of donor blood"
-the replacement of an ordered item on a shipping order or a required item on a production order with another item
A situation in which a salesperson offers another product that has performance or functional capabilities equal to or excelling the item which the customer requested
A reaction in which an atom or group of atoms in a compound is replaced by another atom or group of atoms
An appraisal principal that states that the maximum value of a property tends to be set by the cost of purchasing an equally desirable and valuable substitute property, assuming that no costly delay is encountered in making the substitution
occurs when a player comes off the bench to replace a player coming out of the game; can be made at any time and play does not need to stop
replacement of one player on the field with another player not on the field; FIFA rules allow only 2 substitutions per game
May be made between periods, during time-outs, after a goal is scored and for an ejected player
The office or authority of one acting for another; delegated authority
when someone or something is replaced by someone or something else
Putting a player into the game as a substitute for another For example, a play requiring a very fast player may cause the coach to bring out one player and replace him with another, faster player There is quite a bit of substituting in football, especially with special teams
In genetics, a type of mutation due to replacement of one nucleotide in a DNA sequence by another nucleotide or replacement of one amino acid in a protein by another amino acid See also: mutation
The replacement of all free variables by a specific numberal
Given MPFNs A,B,C, it may be possible to form a new MPFN D by noting the prime powers that change in going from the factorization of A to the factorization of B, and substituting these changes in the factorization of C In order to produce a MPFN, the following conditions must hold: every prime power in A which does not exactly divide B must exactly divide C, every prime in B that does not divide A must not divide C, and, if index(A) != index(B), then index(C)*(index(B)/index(A)) must be an integer If these conditions hold, D = C*(B/A) and index(D) = index(C)*(index(B)/index(A)) A common substitution in small MPFNs involves replacing 19^2 127 by 19^4 151 911 ; the index is unchanged
Replacing the fictional elements of the scene with your own personal choices
The doctrine that Christ suffered vicariously, being substituted for the sinner, and that his sufferings were expiatory
The state of being substituted for another
The presence of a non-identical amino acid at a given position in an alignment If the aligned residues have similar physico-chemical properties the substitution is said to be "conservative"
{i} replacement; act or instance of substituting
the act of putting one thing or person in the place of another: "he sent Smith in for Jones but the substitution came too late to help" an event in which one thing is substituted for another; "the replacement of lost blood by a transfusion of donor blood
the act of putting one thing or person in the place of another: "he sent Smith in for Jones but the substitution came too late to help"
The process by which a student who has failed a module at the first attempt and been given an opportunity to retrieve the failure in that module may instead take an alternative module (as permitted within programme requirements) in order to retrieve the failure
The act of substituting or putting one person or thing in the place of another; as, the substitution of an agent, attorney, or representative to act for one in his absense; the substitution of bank notes for gold and silver as a circulating medium
An appraisal principle that states that the maximum value of a property tends to be set by the cost of purchasing an equally desirable and valuable substitute property, assuming that no costly delay is encountered in making the substitution (See appraisal)
A reaction in which one substituent on a molecule is replaced by another
The designation of a person in a will to take a devise or legacy, either on failure of a former devisee or legatee by incapacity or unwillingness to accept, or after him
means, in relation to an orchestra, the playing of any part scored for another employee, provided that the substitution is not involved when
When a player comes off the bench to take the place of another player on the field
Recognition error which occurs when one word is recognized as another valid word, for example, if the user says "five" and the system understands "nine"
A substitution is a function that maps a set of variables to a set of terms, and is usually denoted We write to indicate that the term results when we apply substitution to term
The principle of substitution says that the maximum value of a property tends to be set by the cost of an equivalent, equally desirable, similar substitute property at a certain date The cost of an addition or the cost of remodeling work may not increase the value of your house by a value equivalent to the construction cost The value of a component part of the property's value depends on the amount that it contributes to the value of the whole property For example, if the cost of building an attached greenhouse is $16,000, the actual amount that increases and contributes to the total property value may be only $3,000 A prudent buyer will buy a feature at the lowest price given a choice of features
substitution cipher
a method of encryption by which units of plaintext are substituted with ciphertext according to a regular system; the "units" may be single letters (the most common), pairs of letters, triplets of letters, mixtures of the above, and so forth. The receiver deciphers the text by performing an inverse substitution
substitution code
A substitution cipher
substitution of attorney
A document in which the party to a lawsuit states that his/her attorney of record is being substituted for by another attorney or by the party acting for himself/herself (in propria persona)
substitution reaction
a reaction in which one functional group is replaced with another
substitution drill
A classroom technique used to practise new language that involves the teacher first modelling a word or a sentence and the learners repeating it. The teacher then substitutes one or more key words, or changes the prompt, and the learners say the new structure
substitution bias
(Ekonomi) Substitution bias describes a bias in economics index numbers arising from tendency to purchase inexpensive alternatives for expensive items when prices change
substitution class
the class of all items that can be substituted into the same position (or slot) in a grammatical sentence (are in paradigmatic relation with one another)
substitution elasticity
rate of change in the willingness to exchange two products in relation to their prices
substitution variance
(Ticaret) A cost variance created by using an alternative component or material on a production order that has a higher or lower cost than the standard component. Substitution variances should be separated from usage variances, which track over or under quantity usage of standard material
electrophilic substitution
in aromatic organic chemistry, a form of substitution reaction in which the leaving functional group (normally hydrogen) is replaced with an electrophile
free substitution
A rule in some sports that allows players to enter and leave the game for other players many times during the course of the game; and for coaches to bring in and take out players an unlimited number of times
nucleophilic substitution
in aliphatic organic chemistry, a form of substitution reaction in which the leaving functional group is replaced with a nucleophile
To serve as a replacement (for someone or something)

Accumulation of wealth by this route may substitute for personal saving.

To use in place of something else, with the same function

I had no shallots so I substituted onion.

In the phrase "substitute X for Y", to use X in place of Y

I had to substitute new parts for the old ones.

A player who is available to replace another if the need arises, and who may or may not actually do so
In the phrase "substitute X with/by Y", to use Y in place of X

I had to substitute old parts with the new ones.

To remove (a player) from the field of play and bring on another in his place

He was playing poorly and was substituted after twenty minutes.

Of or pertaining to substitution or to a substitute
Of or pertaining to substitution; standing in the place of another; substituted
{v} to put in the place of another
{n} one who acts for another, a deputy, one thing used in place of another
Therapeutic substitution
(Eczacılık) Therapeutic substitution is a pharmacist-initiated act by which a pharmaceutical or therapeutic alternate for the physician-prescribed drug is dispensed without consulting the physician. This denotes replacement of the prescribed drug with a chemically different drug within the same therapeutic category, eg, hydrochlorothiazide for furosemide; ranitidine for cimetidine; chloramphenicol for erythromycin
generic substitution
(Eczacılık) Generic substitution is a pharmacist-initiated act by which a different brand or an unbranded drug product is dispensed instead of a drug brand that was prescribed by the physician. This means substituting the same chemical entity in the same dosage form for one marketed by a different company
automatic substitution
(Ticaret) Software functions that automatically substitute a pre-approved alternate component or product for picking to a production or customer order when the primary item is not available
currency substitution
something used in place of cash (check, credit card, etc.)
{s} of or pertaining to a substitute, acting as a substitute; made up of substitutes
In team games such as football, a substitute is a player who is brought into a match to replace another player. Coming on as a substitute, he scored four crucial goals for Cameroon
a replacement or stand-in for something that achieves a similar result or purpose
artificial and inferior; "ersatz coffee"; "substitute coffee"
be a substitute; "The young teacher had to substitute for the sick colleague"; "The skim milk substitutes for cream--we are on a strict diet"
If you say that one thing is no substitute for another, you mean that it does not have certain desirable features that the other thing has, and is therefore unsatisfactory. If you say that there is no substitute for something, you mean that it is the only thing which is really satisfactory. The printed word is no substitute for personal discussion with a great thinker There is no substitute for practical experience
A replacement for the item of business under consideration There are substitute amendments and substitute bills If a substitute bill is offered by a committee it is called a committee substitute If a substitute is offered when the bill is being perfected, it is called a House Substitute or a Senate Substitute If it is offered by a conference committee it is called a Conference Committee Substitute
act as a substitute; "She stood in for the soprano who suffered from a cold"
One who, or that which, is substituted or put in the place of another; one who acts for another; that which stands in lieu of something else a person who enlists for military service in the place of a conscript or drafted man
a player who comes into the game to replace a player on the court
A motion, amendment or entire bill introduced in place of the pending legislative business Passage of a substitute measure kills the original measure by replacing it The substitute may also be amended
A good that can replace another, so that a rise in the price of one increases demand for the other (p 79)
A motion, an amendment or an entire bill that is introduced to replace the pending legislative business
A substitute is something that you have or use instead of something else. tests on humans to find a blood substitute made from animal blood
put in the place of another; switch seemingly equivalent items; "the con artist replaced the original with a fake Rembrandt"; "substitute regular milk with fat-free milk"
an athlete who plays only when another member of the team drops out
a good that has many of the same characteristics of, and can be used in place of, another good (chapter 3)
to replace with something that should function the same way
{i} replacement, person or thing that takes the place of another
A good that can be used in place of another good
a person or thing that takes or can take the place of another
To put in the place of another person or thing; to exchange
a person or thing that takes or can take the place of another an athlete who plays only when another member of the team drops out put in the place of another; switch seemingly equivalent items; "the con artist replaced the original with a fake Rembrandt"; "substitute regular milk with fat-free milk"
If you substitute one thing for another, or if one thing substitutes for another, it takes the place or performs the function of the other thing. They were substituting violence for dialogue You could always substitute a low-fat soft cheese Would phone conversations substitute for cosy chats over lunch or in the pub after work? He was substituting for the injured William Wales. + substitution substitutions sub·sti·tu·tion In my experience a straight substitution of carob for chocolate doesn't work
{f} replace, exchange, interchange, put in the place of another; take the place of another
Put numbers into a formula Replace letters with numbers in a formula
someone who takes the place of another (as when things get dangerous or difficult); "the star had a stand-in for dangerous scenes"; "we need extra employees for summer fill-ins"
act as a substitute; "She stood in for the soprano who suffered from a cold
being a replacement or substitute for a regular member of a team
two goods are substitutes if the demand for one increases when the price of the other increases
a good for which demand increases when the price of a closely related good increases
products that can easily replace each other
capable of substituting in any of several positions on a team; "a utility infielder"
{s} alternative, designed to or capable of substituting; pertaining to substitution
Substitutions may be made between periods, during time-outs and after goals
replacing one player with another This may occur between periods, after a goal is scored, or to replace an ejected player
plural of substitution



    التركية النطق



    /ˌsəbstəˈto͞osʜən/ /ˌsʌbstɪˈtuːʃən/