stimmhaft aussprechend

listen to the pronunciation of stimmhaft aussprechend
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف stimmhaft aussprechend في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

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ألمانية - الإنجليزية
a particular arrangement of notes to form a chord
a classification of speech sounds that tend to be associated with vocal cord vibration
Present participle of voice
the final regulation of the pitch and tone of any sound-producing entity, especially a musical instrument
the articulatory process in which the vocal cords vibrate
The process of shaping a signal's characteristic tone, that is the relative intensity of its low, middle and high frequency components
the act of adjusting an organ pipe (or wind instrument) so that it conforms to the standards of tone and pitch and color
Voicing refers to the vertical distribution of the pitches of a chord above the bass When the root of a triad is in the bass, we describe the voicing of chords as chords in either open or close position In open position, in between any two members of the chord, another chord tone could be insterted In close position, no other chord tones could be inserted between two members of the chord
Adjusting organ pipes to have the desired sound
Method of categorizing sounds with regard to presence or absence of vocal cord vibration Sounds are either voiced or unvoiced
the final regulation of the pitch and tone of the pipes of an organ
{i} raising an opinion; adjusting the tone of
The operation of shaping the plectra and regulating the jacks to produce an even and properly functioning stop
stimmhaft aussprechend