Kırık test tüpleri, kırık deney şişeleri - Laboratuvarda dikkatsiz öğrencilerin çalışması.
- Broken test tubes, cracked beakers - the work of careless students in the laboratory.
İnternet tüpler dizisidir.
- The Internet is a series of tubes.
Whose pens are these?
- Wem gehören diese Stifte?
There are no pens on the desk.
- Es sind keine Stifte auf dem Schreibtisch.
Whose pencils are these? They are Walt Disney's.
- „Von wem sind diese Stifte?“ — „Sie sind von Walt Disney.“
He bought pencils, notebooks, dictionaries and so on.
- Er kaufte Stifte, Notizbücher, Wörterbücher und so weiter.