(Askeri) STEREOSKOP: Herbirine ayrı gözle bakılmak üzere, bu cismin veya sahanın iki bindirmeli fotoğrafının aynı zamanda görülmesini temin eden optik alet. Bu aletle, cisim veya sahanın bindirmeli fotoğrafına bakılınca, zihinde mücessem bir model teşekkül eder ve bakılan saha, bütün yükseklik ve derinlikleriyle tabi haldeki gibi görünür
A binocular instrument for viewing stereo-image pairs, such that each eye sees only one of the pictures, producing a sensation of depth as is obtained with direct binocular vision
An optical instrument through which two pictures of the same object, taken from slightly different perspectives, are viewed, one by each eye, producing the effect of a single picture with depth Used with maps
a viewing instrument that uses special lenses and/or mirrors to produce the illusion of depth when looking at pairs of overlapped air photos A stereoscope makes air photos look three dimensional, allowing for easier identification of elevation changes and landforms