
listen to the pronunciation of station
الإنجليزية - التركية

İstasyona giderken ben seni geçtim. - I can beat you to the station.

En yakın tren istasyonu nerede? - Where's the nearest train station?

{i} terminal

Otobüs terminaline nasıl giderim? - How do I get to the bus station?

Otobüs otobüs terminalindedir. - The bus is at the bus station.

{i} durak

Tokyo İstasyonu üçüncü duraktır. - Tokyo Station is the third stop.

Gelecek durakta iniyorum. - I am getting off at the next station.

{i} konum
{i} santral

Bu, bütün Finlandiya'nın en büyük elektrik santralı. - This is Finland's biggest power station of all.

Bu santral, tek başına çeşitli şehirlere elektrik sağlar. - This power station alone provides several cities with electricity.

{i} gar

Tom, Mary'yi tren garında tam saat 2: 30'dan önce bıraktı. - Tom dropped Mary off at the train station just before 2:30.

Hangi otobüs gara gider? - Which bus goes to the station?

{i} merkez

Bir sonraki durak Berlin Merkez İstasyonu - The next stop is Berlin Central Station.

On Mayıs öğleden sonra üçte, pazartesi gün beni Tokyo İstasyonunun Yaesu merkez kapısında karşılar mısın? - Would you please meet me at Yaesu central gate of Tokyo Station on Monday, May 10th at 3:00 p.m.?

(Tıp) stasyon
(Argo) büyük çiftlik
(Askeri) garnizon
istasyon binası

Yeni istasyon binası inşaat halinde ve yakında tamamlanacak. - The new station building is under construction and will be completed soon.

(Mekanik) işlem grubu
(Basın) istasyon (radyo, tv)
(Havacılık) havalimanı
(Politika, Siyaset) araştırma merkezi

Tom hâlâ steyşın araba kullanıyor mu? - Does Tom still drive a station wagon?


Bir insan bulunduğu mevkiyle yargılanmamalıdır. - A man should not be judged by his station in life.

toplumsal konum

Babamın çalıştığı yer istasyonun yakınındadır. - The office where my father works is near the station.

Onun evi istasyona yakın bir yerde mi? - Is her house anywhere near the station?


En yakın karakol nerede? - Where is the nearest police station?

Tom bir kaza raporunu dosyalamak için polis karakoluna gitti. - Tom went to the police station to file an accident report.

{i} istasyon (araştırma kuruluşu): agricultural experiment
(Askeri) İSTASYON, TELSİZ İSTASYONU: Tam bir telsiz muhabere hizmetini yerine getirecek tali teçhizat ile birlikte müstakil bir alıcı veya verici cihaz ya da alıcı ve verici cihazlar düzeni. Telsiz istasyonu, devamlı veya geçici olarak gördüğü hizmete göre sınıflandırılır
{i} üs

Nereye giderseniz gidin, istasyonların yanında kaldırımlar üstünde bırakılmış çok sayıda bisiklet görürsünüz. - Wherever you go, you see a lot of bicycles left on sidewalks near stations.

ordu veya donanmanın özel bir görevle gönderildiği yer
bir kimsenin bulunduğu yer
{i} radyo, TV istasyon
(Tıp) Duruş, vaziyet, durum, hal
istasyon ra
{f} görevlendirmek
{i} kanal

Bir yerel televizyon kanalı için video çekti. - He took the video to a local TV station.


Hangi akla hizmet onu istasyona götürdün? - Why on earth did you take him to the station?

{f} atamak
{i} d.y. istasyon/gar; otogar, garaj; (metroya ait) durak
{f} tayin etmek
tevakkuf mahalli
(Tıp) Yer, mahal, mevki, sabit yer, istasyon
tren durağı
durak (metroya ait)
gar (tren)
görev yeri
station log
istasyon günlüğü
station wagon
steyşın araba

Tom hâlâ steyşın araba kullanıyor mu? - Does Tom still drive a station wagon?

station wagon
(Otomotiv) steyşin vagon
station house
polis merkezi
station house
sakçı karakolu
station house
istasyon binası
station wagon
station buffet
istasyon büfesi
station house
station identification signal
istasyon tanıtma sinyali
station in life
sosyal durum
station master
(Tren) İstasyon şefi
station to station call
normal konuşma, santral aracılığıyla konuşma
Station for changing speed
(Tekstil) Hız değişim basamağı
station allowance quarters
station allowance subsistence
station authentication
(Askeri) İSTASYON TEYİDİ: Alıcı veya verici bir istasyonun geçerliliğini tesis etmek üzere. alınan güvenlik tedbiri
station break
istasyon tanıtma zamanı
station clock
(Askeri) istasyon saati
station complement
(Askeri) İDARE VE İŞLETME PERSONELİ: Bir tesisteki, sağlık, ısıtma ve aydınlatma tesisatının bakım ve faaliyetini temin için gerekli bütün iç ve idari işleri yapmak ve tesisin malı bulunan diğer bütün personel ile eğitim, belirli bir iş veya benzeri maksatlarla geçici olarak tesis emrine verilmiş personelin ikmal maddelerini ve hizmetlerini sağlamak üzere bir tesise devamlı olarak atanmış işletme personeli
station control level
(Askeri) GARNİZON STOK SEVİYESİ: Bak. "station stock level"
station designator
(Askeri) İSTASYON TANITMA İŞARETİ: Bir telsiz istasyonunu tanıtmak için kullanılan iki veya üç çağrı harfinden ibaret kod
station dispensary
(Askeri) MEVKİ DİSPANSERİ: Ordu Sağlık Teşkilatının hastanede yatmasına lüzum olmayan ve ayakta tedavi gören askeri personele tıbbi tedavi ve diş tedavisi yapan sağlık tesisi. Bu dispanseri bulunduğu askeri mevki veya garnizonun personeline hizmet eder. Bak. "general dispensary"
station hospital
bölge hastanesi
station hospital
(Askeri) MEVKİ HASTANESİ: Askeri personele tıbbi tedavi ve diş tedavisi yapmak üzere, bir garnizonda veya civarında kurulmuş sabit hastane
station hospital
sabit hastane
station house
station house
itfaiye merkezi
station house
station in life
sosyal durum. station to station call normal konuşma, santral aracılığıyla konuşma
station list
(Askeri) konuş listesi
station list
(Askeri) KONUŞ LİSTESİ: Bir komutanlığa ait çeşitli karargah ve unsurların bulundukları yeri gösteren liste
station log
(Askeri) MERKEZ KAYIT DEFTERİ: Bir telsiz operatörünün tuttuğu günlük kayıtlar. Telsiz operatörünün haberleştiği istasyonlar ile kendi gönderdiği haberlerin kaydedildikleri defter
station model
(Meteoroloji) istasyon modeli
station number
(Askeri) YÜK BÖLMESİ NUMARASI: Uzunluk ölçüsünün bir birimini temsil eden ve yükün uçaktaki yerini göstermek için kullanılan numara
station of initial assignment
(Askeri) ilk tahsis istasyonu
station operations support group
(Askeri) garnizon harekat destek grubu
station point
istasyon noktası
station property
(Askeri) DEMİRBAŞ GARNİZON MALLARI, GARNİZON DEMİRBAŞI: Bir tesiste bulunduğu zaman kullanma yetkisi verilmiş, teşkilat ve malzeme kadrosu dışındaki Ordu malı. Yetki verilmemiş teşkilat ve malzeme kadrosu maddelerine geçici olarak kullanma ihtiyacı gösteren olağanüstü durumlar ve diğer hallerde, bu gibi maddeler, ordu komutanlığının izni alınmak suretiyle, geçici süreler için, garnizon demirbaşı olarak dağıtılabilir. Bu şekilde dağıtılan maddeler, tesis demirbaş kaydına geçilir
station requisition number
(Askeri) GARNİZON İSTEK NUMARASI: Mali kod halinde ele alınmış eyalet ve garnizon kodları ile istek numarasından meydana gelmiş tertip
station roof
istasyon çatısı
station selector
istasyon seçici (radyo)
station serial number
(Askeri) MERKEZ SIRA NUMARASI: Bir telsiz operatörünün doğrudan doğruya muhabere ettiği diğer bir istasyona gönderdiği bir habere kendisi tarafından verilen ve haberin başlığına konan haber kontrol numarası. Bak. "channel number"
station stats
(Bilgisayar) istasyon istatistikleri
station stock
(Askeri) GARNİZON STOKU: Bir tesiste her an mevcut bulunan veya tesise gelmesi beklenen ve günlük ikmal olarak ifade edilen ikmal maddeleri azami miktarı
station stock
(Askeri) garnizon stoku
station stock level
(Askeri) GARNİZON STOK SEVİYESİ: Bir askeri tesiste her an elde bulundurulmasına müsaade edilen veya tesise gelmesi beklenen ve günlük ikmal (days of supply) olarak ifade. edilen ikmal maddeleri azami miktarı. Bu seviye için geçmişte fiilen yapılan dağıtım ve muhtemel talepler esas olarak alınır ve miktar, istek gaye ve hacmini gösterir
station surgeon
(Askeri) GARNİZON BAŞTABİBİ: Bir askeri garnizonda sağlık personelinin başkanı olan tabip üstsubay
station time
(Askeri) hareket saati
station time
(Askeri) toplanma zamanı
station time
(Askeri) TOPLANMA ZAMANI: Hava ulaştırma harekatında, mürettebatın, yolcuların ve yükün uçakta kalkış için hazır olması gereken zaman
station veterinarian
(Askeri) GARNİZON BAŞ VETERİNERİ: Bir askeri garnizonda, veteriner personelinin başkanı olan veteriner üstsubayı
station wagon
station wagon

Tom hâlâ steyşın araba kullanıyor mu? - Does Tom still drive a station wagon?

station wagon
steyşın vagon
station wagon

Tom bir pikap sürebilir mi? - Does Tom drive a station wagon?

Tom bir kamyon sürüyor ve karısı bir pikap sürüyor. - Tom drives a truck and his wife drives a station wagon.

staging station
(Askeri) KONAK, KONMA YERİ: Denizaşırı intikalden önce veya böyle bir intikale hazırlık mahiyetinde, bir yerden başka bir yere gitmekte olan kıtaların, hareket ve intikal kontrolu bakımından, geçici olarak alıkonmaları için barınak temini maksadıyla kurulmuş bir tesis veya faaliyet merkezi
fire station
itfaiye, itfaiye binası
fire station
itfaiye merkezi
flag station
trenin bayrakla durdurulduğu tren istasyonu
service station
benzin istasyonu
(isim) kırtasiyeci
crew station
(Askeri) pilot mahalli
crew station
(Askeri) pilot kabini
deputy station leader
(Ticaret) istasyon amir yardımcısı
district heating station
uzaktan ısıtma ile besleme
district heating station
uzaktan ısıtma santralı
docking station
(Bilgisayar) yerleştirme istasyonu
hill station
dağ istasyonu
lift station
(Çevre) kaldırma istasyonu
metering station
ölçüm istasyonu
monitor station
(Bilgisayar) gözetim bilgisayarı
monitoring station
(Bilgisayar,Elektrik, Elektronik) gözleme bilgisayarı
muster station
observation station
(Askeri) gözlem istasyonu
ocean station ship
(Askeri) okyanus istasyon gemisi
parent station
(Askeri) ana ikmal istasyonu
receiving station
(Ticaret) alıcı istasyonu
refuse transfer station
çöp aktarma merkezi
reject station a
birinci red istasyonu
reject station b
ikinci red istasyonu
reject station x
birinci red istasyonu
reject station y
ikinci red istasyonu
relay station
(Askeri) aracı istasyon
unattended station
işletmensiz istasyon
weather station
(Meteoroloji) hava istasyonu
Earth ground station
(Askeri) Dünya yer istasyonu
aid station
yardım merkezi
air station
hava istasyonu
aircraft station
uçak istasyonu
artificial insemination station
yapay tohumlama istasyonu
atomic power station
atom enerji santralı
automatic meteorological observation station
otomatik meteoroloji gözlem istasyonu
beet washing station
pancar yıkama istasyonu
broadcast station
yayın istasyonu
broadcasting station
ünalgı istasyonu
broadcasting station
sınalgı istasyonu
bus station
otobüs terminali
charging station
şarj istasyonu
coaling station
kömür istasyonu
control station
kontrol istasyonu
data station
veri istasyonu
departure station
çıkış istasyonu
departure station
hareket istasyonu
display station
görüntü istasyonu
earth station
yer istasyonu
filling station
benzin istasyonu
filling station
first aid station
ilkyardım istasyonu
forwarding station
nakliye istasyonu
freight station
yük istasyonu
gas station
gas station
benzin istasyonu
generating station
çıngı santralı
ground station
yer istasyonu
hill station
hydroelectric power station
hidroelektrik santralı
hydroelectric power station
hidroelektrik santrali
input station
giriş istasyonu
local station
bölge istasyonu
lubrication station
yağlama istasyonu
main station
ana istasyon
master operating station
ana işletim istasyonu
master station
ana istasyon
meteorological observation station
hava gözlem istasyonu
nuclear station
nükleer çıngı santralı
petrol station
benzin istasyonu
petrol station
police station

En yakın karakol nerede? - Where is the nearest police station?

Tom bir kaza raporunu dosyalamak için polis karakoluna gitti. - Tom went to the police station to file an accident report.

police station
polis merkezi

Sami polis merkezindeydi. - Sami was at the police station.

polling station
oy verme hücresi
power station
güç istasyonu
power station
çıngı santralı
pumping station
pompa istasyonu
query station
sorgulama istasyonu
radio station
ünalgı istasyonu
railroad station
tren istasyonu
railway station
demiryolu istasyonu
rebroadcasting station
aktarma istasyonu
receiving station
alıcı istasyon
relay station
röle istasyonu
remote station
uzak istasyon
satellite station
uydu istasyonu
sender transmitting station
verici istasyon
service station
servis istasyonu
shore station
sahil istasyonu
slave station
bağımlı uçbirim
solar power station
güneş enerjili güç istasyonu
space station
uzay istasyonu

Kosh, Babylon 5 uzay istasyonunda Vorlon büyükelçisidir. - Kosh is a Vorlon ambassador in the Babylon 5 space station.

Babylon 5 uzay istasyonunda, Delenn bir Minbari elçisidir. - In the Babylon 5 space station, Delenn is a Minbari ambassador.

subway station
metro istasyonu
television station
sınalgı istasyonu
television station
televizyon istasyonu
tracking station
izleme istasyonu
train station
tren istasyonu
transmitting station
verici istasyon
tributary station
bağımlı uçbirim
tv station
televizyon istasyonu
unwinding station
sarıcı istasyon
weather station
meteoroloji istasyonu
work station
iş istasyonu
electric power station
(Enerji Üretimi) Elektrik santrali
evaporation station
buharlaştırma istasyonu
reading station
okuma istasyonu

Sen nerede konuşluydun? - Where were you stationed?

Tom bir yıldır Almanya'da konuşluydu. - Tom was stationed for a year in Germany.

tape station
şerit istasyonu
tune in to a station
Bir istasyon için nağme
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A regular stopping place for ground transportation

The next station is Esperanza.

Any of a sequence of equally spaced points along a path
A place used for broadcasting radio or television

I used to work at a radio station.

A harbour or cove with a foreshore suitable for a facility to support nearby fishing
A place where one stands or stays or is assigned to stand or stay

...Meanwhile, lest anything should really be amiss, or any malefactor seek to escape by the back, you and the boy must go round the corner with a pair of good sticks and take your post at the laboratory door. We give you ten minutes, to get to your stations..

A ground transportation depot

It's right across from the bus station.

A stopping place
Standing; rank; position

She had ambitions beyond her station.

A broadcasting entity

I used to listen to that radio station.

A place where one performs a tasks or where one is on call to perform a task

The waitress was at her station preparing three checks.

A military base

She had a boyfriend at the station.

The fact of standing still; motionlessness, stasis

the cross legs moving or resting together, so that two are always in motion and two in station at the same time .

One of the Stations of the Cross
To put in place to perform a task

The host stationed me at the front door to greet visitors.

To put in place to perform military duty

They stationed me overseas just as fighting broke out.

A very large sheep or cattle farm

There was movement at the station, for the word had passed around, that the colt from old Regret had got away (A. B. Patterson, poet).

{f} assign to a particular post or position, appoint
{n} the act of standing, post, rank, character
A computer device on a local area network 1
proper or designated social situation; "he overstepped his place"; "the responsibilities of a man in his station"; "married above her station"
A computer connected to the network
A computer attached to a network
The place at which an instrument is planted, or observations are made, as in surveying
The spot or place where anything stands, especially where a person or thing habitually stands, or is appointed to remain for a time; as, the station of a sentinel
{i} position, place where a person or thing is usually found; place where vehicles regularly stop; headquarters; radio or television studio; broadcast frequency; position in society; military post
(nautical) the location to which a ship or fleet is assigned for duty
French: poste One of the input or output points of a communications system
The act of standing; also, attitude or pose in standing; posture
Post assigned; office; the part or department of public duty which a person is appointed to perform; sphere of duty or occupation; employment
a facility equipped with special equipment and personnel for a particular purpose; "he started looking for a gas station"; "the train pulled into the station"
A state of standing or rest; equilibrium
Refers to the place where a geophysical instrument is located
The fast of the fourth and sixth days of the week, Wednesday and Friday, in memory of the council which condemned Christ, and of his passion
A facility that communicates or tracks a spacecraft This includes receiving telemetry data, transmitting command data, and/or ranging data A station has at least one antenna, and can be permanent or movable Examples: Merrit Island (MIL), movable vans, airplanes (ARIA), or Tracking Data Relay Satellite (TDRS)
In Australia, a sheep run or cattle run, together with the buildings belonging to it; also, the homestead and buildings belonging to such a run
A place or region to which a government ship or fleet is assigned for duty
A place calculated for the rendezvous of troops, or for the distribution of them; also, a spot well adapted for offensive measures
This is where the trains load, and unload passengers
A station is: (a) The site of a telecommunications transmission facility, as in repeater station, radio station, etc (b) In data communications, one or more data terminals, etc , which are co-located and share a common transmission path giving access to a data network
any location from which (1) LDMTS or Switched Digital Service calls can be placed and/or received or (2) AT&T Satellite Service is originated or terminated
If you station yourself somewhere, you go there and wait, usually for a particular purpose. The musicians stationed themselves quickly on either side of the stairs = position see also fire station, gas station, petrol station, police station, power station, service station, space station, way station. Grand Central Station International Space Station space station
(nautical) the location to which a ship or fleet is assigned for duty assign to a station
A single addressable unit on a network, representing one or more user devices that receive and transmit data
a device connected to the LAN that has a LAN address and communicates with other devices on the LAN
An addressable node on an FDDI network capable of transmitting, repeating, and receiving information A station has exactly one SMT, at least one MAC, at least one PHY, and at least one PMD
  One or more transmitters or receivers or a combination of transmitters and receivers, including the accessory equipment, necessary at one location for carrying on a radiocommunication service, or the radio astronomy service   Each station shall be classified by the service in which it operates permanently or temporarily   [NTIA] [RR]
One of the places at which ecclesiastical processions pause for the performance of an act of devotion; formerly, the tomb of a martyr, or some similarly consecrated spot; now, especially, one of those representations of the successive stages of our Lord's passion which are often placed round the naves of large churches and by the side of the way leading to sacred edifices or shrines, and which are visited in rotation, stated services being performed at each; called also Station of the cross
The particular place, or kind of situation, in which a species naturally occurs; a habitat
If you talk about a particular radio or television station, you are referring to the programmes broadcast by a particular radio or television company. an independent local radio station It claims to be the most popular television station in the UK
State; rank; condition of life; social status
A regular stopping place in a stage road or route; a place where railroad trains regularly come to a stand, for the convenience of passengers, taking in fuel, moving freight, etc
A bus station is a building, usually in a town or city, where buses stop, usually for a while, so that people can get on or off
An enlargement in a shaft or galley, used as a landing, or passing place, or for the accomodation of a pump, tank, etc
This is an assigned point in the air Generally a combat air patrol (CAP) station is made up of two aircraft When a contact appears, the station is assigned to cover the contact Therefore both the leader and his wingman proceed to the designated intercept When the station is reset that means that the aircraft are to return to their assigned location and await further instructions
The building-like portion of a coaster This area houses, the loading area, unloading area train storage area, control booth, and often a maintenance area
The headquarters of the police force of any precinct
A place where one stands or stays in order to perform a task
A place to which ships may resort, and where they may anchor safely
A defined location from which a player can receive streams In effect, it is an IP address and a port Windows Media server components use stations with ASF streams only, and save station information as a file with an nsc extension
Area of a restaurant allocated to one waiter or waitress
An operator's workstation, the machine they are working at Each station belongs to a checkout center See Also: Security Station
The station is a building or structure that houses the loading and unloading platforms for a roller coaster The station may also contain the ride's control panel, maintenance shed and a train storage area or transfer track
A unique, addressable device on a network Sometimes referred to as a node
The points in a planet's retrograde cycle where it is standing still and hence concentrating its energies heavily on a single zodiacal position Comes in 2 flavors, the retrograde station and the direct station See also Retrograde Zone Info
Wilhelm Mil
the position where someone (as a guard or sentry) stands or is assigned to stand; "a soldier manned the entrance post"; "a sentry station"
An input or output point of a system that uses telecommunication facilities; for example, one or more systems, computers, terminals, devices, and associated programs at a particular location that can send or receive data over a telecommunication line
Situation; position; location
If soldiers or officials are stationed in a place, they are sent there to do a job or to work for a period of time. Reports from the capital, Lome, say troops are stationed on the streets
station bill
A bill posted in the crew’s quarters and other conspicuous places, listing the station of the crew at maneuvers and emergency drills; sometimes called the muster roll
station break
a short intermission between programmes in a radio or television broadcast to identify the network, station or channel
station breaks
plural form of station break
station sedan
A station wagon
station sedans
plural form of station sedan
station throat
the often constricted area at the end of a railway station where running lines divide into platform tracks
station throats
plural form of station throat
station wagon
The body style for cars, popular with families, which has an enclosed area where the boot or trunk would be on a sedan / saloon
station wagons
plural form of station wagon
A contranym which may mean:

A strategy in which a team attempts to score runs by eschewing the stolen base and small ball, instead allowing baserunners to advance only on hits or other balls in play.

Attributive form of station wagon

station-wagon driver.

station break
An intermission in a radio or television program for identification of the network or station. a pause during a radio or television broadcast in the US, so that local stations can give their names or broadcast advertisements
station house
the local office of the police in a town, part of a city etc = police station
station house
police station: a station that serves as headquarters for police in a particular district; serves as a place from which policemen are dispatched and to which arrested persons are brought; "in England they call a police station a police office"
station master
someone who is in charge of a railway station
station master
one in charge of a train station
station wagon
a car that has a long body and rear door with space behind rear seat
station wagon
A station wagon is a car with a long body, a door at the rear, and space behind the back seats. An automobile having an extended interior with a third seat or luggage platform and a tailgate. a large car with extra space at the back, with a door there for loading and unloading British Equivalent: estate car
station wagon
family-sized automobile, elongated car
base station subsystem
that section of a GSM network which is responsible for transmitting radio signals to and receiving radio signals from a mobile phone
broadcast station
A station from where a signal is emitted (more commonly a radio station or a television station)
Attributive form of broadcast station

broadcast-station employee.

bus station
A major bus stop, one that serves as a transfer point between a large number of routes

The square was near the bus station in the new part of Antibes.

cattle station
A large farm in Australia, (the equivalent of ranch), usually in the outback, whose main activity is the raising of cattle, and run by a grazier. In most cases the stations are in a rangeland context on pastoral leases. Many are larger than small countries
docking station
A piece of hardware into which a laptop computer can be plugged for use as a desktop computer, peripherals such as the monitor being connected directly to the docking station
filling station
facility which sells fuel and lubricants for motor vehicles

1948 — Here and there, under the porches of ruined filling stations, in the gaping doorways of office buildings, lie heaps of human bones. — Aldous Huxley, Ape and Essence.

fire station
The building where fire fighters and fire trucks are housed when not answering an alarm
fuel station
A filling station
fueling station
filling station
fuelling station
filling station
gas station
A place which sells gasoline to pump directly into a car or into an approved container
guard station
a booth to shelter guards while on duty
hill station
In Southeast Asia a small community located at a relatively high elevation which serves as a retreat or vacation location during the hot summers; historically, a village or military post so used by colonial officials

For builder Rakesh Prajapati, the ideal weekend is trekking up the wild path to reach hill station Matheran.

Alternative spelling of hill station
how do I get to the bus station
Used to ask for directions in order to go to a bus station
how do I get to the train station
Used to ask for directions in order to go to a train station
hydrogen station
a service station for hydrogen vehicles
listening station
A facility established to monitor radio and microwave signals and analyse their content to secure information and intelligence for use by the security and diplomatic community and others
metro station
a railway station for suburban passenger service
mobile station
All the user equipment (mobile phone, SIM card etc) and software needed for communication with a GSM network
Attributive form of mobile station, noun
motor station
filling station
petrol filling station
filling station, especially one attached to a supermarket
petrol station
A filling station, gas station ; a facility selling fuel for road motor vehicles
police station
A building serving as the headquarters of a branch of the police force
polling station
a place where voters go to cast their ballot in an election or referendum; a voting station
power station
an industrial complex where electricity is produced
pull station
A button, lever, or other device in a building used to set off the fire alarm when manually pulled, pushed or otherwise activated
radio station
broadcast station emitting an audio signal
Attributive form of radio station

radio-station employee.

railroad station
A place where trains stop for passengers to embark and disembark
railway station
A place where trains stop for passengers to embark and disembark
service station
a filling station, gas station or petrol station; a facility selling fuel for road motor vehicles
space station
a manned artificial satellite designed for long-term habitation, research etc
Attributive form of space station, noun
Present participle of station
the putting in a place to perform military duty
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of station
the stations, an infrequent religious gathering of family and friends spread over a few days, where Mass and the Rosary will be said in the home
plural form of station
television station
An organization which operates a television channel
television station
The studio or building from where a television channel is broadcasted
television station
A radio frequency or band assigned to a television broadcaster
Attributive form of television station

television-station employee.

train station
A place where trains stop for passengers to embark and disembark
urination station
voting station
A public place, normally used for some other function, that has been authorized for the registering of votes in an election; it will contain voting booths and officials with an up-to-date electoral register or similar list of voters; a polling station
way station
A service area or temporary lodging used during a longer journey
way station
A small railway station between the principal stations or a station where the train stops only on a signal
weigh station
A place on the highway where trucks stop to get weighed
{n} one who sells paper a bookseller
A station
A stationer is a person who sells paper, envelopes, pens, and other equipment used for writing
a merchant who sells writing materials and office supplies
{i} person who sells stationery, person who sells writing implements
A bookseller or publisher; formerly so called from his occupying a stand, or station, in the market place or elsewhere
A person or business that sells stationery
One who sells paper, pens, quills, inkstands, pencils, blank books, and other articles used in writing
plural of stationer
Third person singular simple present of to station
an infrequent religious gathering of family and friends spread over a few days, where Mass and the Rosary will be said in the home
Plural of station
(Roman Catholic Church) a devotion consisting of 14 prayers before the 14 stations of the cross (referring to Jesus' suffering and crucifixion)
التركية - الإنجليزية

تعريف station في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.

station araba
station wagon
ocean weather station