
listen to the pronunciation of standard
الإنجليزية - التركية

Daha yüksek eğitim kalitesi, en yüksek uluslararası standartlara cevap vermelidir. - The quality of higher education must answer to the highest international standards.

Bu ülkede adalet biraz çifte standartlıdır: fakirlerin adaleti ve zenginlerin adaleti. - Justice in this country is a bit of a double standard: there is the justice of the poor and the justice of the rich.

{i} sancak
(Mekanik) tek biçim
standartlara uygun

Onun işi standartlara uygun değil. - His work is not up to standard.

(Ticaret) para standardı
ahlaki değer

Bizim standardizasyona ihtiyacımız var. - We need standardization.

kabul edilen
{s} herkesçe kabul edilmiş
{i} derece
{i} ayar
standard deviation istatistikte ortalama ile bunu teşkil eden
{s} klasik
{i} kalite

Daha yüksek eğitim kalitesi, en yüksek uluslararası standartlara cevap vermelidir. - The quality of higher education must answer to the highest international standards.

{i} standart: standard of living hayat standardı, yaşam düzeyi
{s} standart olarak kullanılan
{i} sembol
{i} ölçü

Dilbilgisinde ve kelime hazinesinde, bazı lehçeler standart dilden önemli ölçüde farklıdır - In grammar and vocabulary, some dialects differ significantly from the standard language.

Bu fabrika parçalardan bitmiş ürünlere kadar ölçünlenmiş entegre üretim sistemi kullanmaktadır. - This factory uses an integrated manufacturing system standardized from parts on through to finished products.

{i} payanda
{i} dik destek
ölçü olarak kabul edilen ve ayar edilen bir mumun saçtığı ışık
umumca kabul edilen standard candle ayar mumu
{i} ahlaki değer: She has high standards. Onun ahlaki değerleri yüksek. 3
{s} normal
{i} seviye
herkesçe itibar edilen
(Tıp) Belirlenmiş veya ayaralnmış miktar, belli ölçü, belli miktar
{i} ölçüt

Güzellik için tek bir ölçüt yoktur. - There is no one standard for beauty.

(Nükleer Bilimler) standard
(Askeri) STANDART: Bir mamul işin yeterlik derecesi hakkında karar vermeye esas olmak üzere kurulmuş veya kabul edilmiş bir kural, ölçü veya model. Bak. "limited standard", "substitute standard", "absolete item"
(Tıp) Belirlenmiş şekil, belli tip
{i} norm
{s} dik sap üzerinde yetiştirilen
{i} dik sap üzerinde yetiştirilen bitki
{i} miyar
standart olarak kabul edilmiş
{i} model
belli bir tip
standard bearer
standard lamp
(Aydınlatma) ayaklı ışıklık
standard parts
standart parçalar
standard time
(Askeri) standart memleket saati
standard width
(Tekstil) standart genişlik
standard bearer
standard bearer
standard bearer
standard cable
standart kablo
standard cell
standart pil
standard compass
miyar pusulası
standard conditions
standart şartlar
standard costs
standart maliyetler
standard deviation
standart sapma
standard electrode
standart elektrot
standard equipment
standart teçhizat
standard error
standart hata
standard film
standart film
standard form
standart biçim
standard format
standart format
standard frequency
ayar frekansı
standard frequency
standart frekans
standard function
standart işlev
standard gauge
normal hat
standard gauge
normal ray açıklığı
standard length
standart uzunluk
standard of knowledge
bilgi derecesi
standard of living
yaşam standardı
standard of value
değer standardı
standard part
standart parça
standard part
değişmeyen parça
standard pressure
standart basınç
standard rate
standart oran
standard set
standart takım
standard size
standart boy
standard size
normal ebat
standard size
normal boy
standard solution
standart çözelti
standard star
standart yıldız
standard star
ayar yıldızı
standard state
standart hal
standard temperature
ölçünlü sıcaklık
standard temperature
normal sıcaklık
standard time
normal sögen ayarı
standard units
standart birimler
standard voltage
normal gerilim
standard acid
standart asit, numune asit
standard air properties
(Mühendislik) havanın özgül işi oranı 1.4 ve viskozitesi 1.222E-05 lbm/ft•s ( 1.8185E-03 Pa•s) olan özellikleri. Yaklaşık olarak bu özelliklere 68°F ( 20°C) , 50 % bağıl nemlilikte, 29.92 in.HgS ( 101.325 kPa) olan hava sahiptir
standard barometric pressure
(Mühendislik) 14.696 psi, 29.92 in Hg ( 101.325 kPa) değerindeki barometrik basınç. Yada 1.01 E+05 Pa [29.92 in. of Hg at 0°C ( 32°F) ] barometrik basıncı
standard beam approach system
standart hüzmeli yaklaşma sistemi
standard component
standart bileşen
standard deviation
(Mühendislik) standart sapma, tek biçim sapması
standard frequency
standart frekans, ayar frekansı
standard gauge film
normal film, standart film
standard gauge railway
normal hatlı demiryolu
standard illuminant
standart aydınlatıcı
standard interface
standart arayüzey
standard language
standart dil
standard oil trust
standart petrol tröstü
standard part
standart parça, değişmeyen parça
standard poodle
Standart kaniş
standard spelling
standart yazım
standard star
standart yıldız, ayar yıldızı
standard subroutine
standart altyordam
standard tar viscometer
standart katran viskozimetresi
standard temperature
normal sıcaklık, ölçünlü sıcaklık
standard template library
standart kütüphane şablonu
Standard Army Management Information System
(Askeri) Standart Kara Kuvvetleri İdari Bilgi Sistemi
standard advanced base units
(Askeri) STANDART İLERİ ÜS BİRLİKLERİ: İleri üs birlikleri halinde vazife görmek üzere teşkil edilen ve ileri deniz üslerinin tesisinde kullanılan özel görev unsurlarını da içeri alan personel ve malzeme. Bu gibi ileri üs birlikleri denizaşırı bölgelerde onarım üsleri, ikmal depoları, hava meydanları, hava üsleri veya diğer deniz kıyı tesislerini kurarlar. Bak. functional component" (Not ABD Savunma Kurulu tanımı "deniz kıyı tesisleri" ile biter)
standard air
normal atmosfer
standard air
normal hava
standard air
(Tıp) standart hava
standard air conditions
(Askeri) STANDART HAVA ŞARTLARI: Meteoroloji bakımından, herhangi bir bölgede sıcaklığı 59° Fahrenheit (15°C); barometrik basıncın 29.29 inç (7662 mm.) rüzgar hızının sıfır ve nisbi nemin, bu bölge için, yıllık ortalama miktar olması şeklindeki hava durumu
standard air munitions package (USAF)
(Askeri) standart hava mühimmat paketi
standard ammunition magazine
standard arm
(Askeri) Radar vericilerini imha etmek ve homing (hedefte güdüm) için yapılmış havadan fırlatılan karşı-yayın füzesi
standard ballistic conditions
(Askeri) STANDART BALİSTİK ŞARTLAR: Atış çizelgelerinin hesaplanmasında standart olarak kabul edilen itibari balistik şartlar. Buna kısaca (standard conditions) da denir
standard bearer
(Askeri) BAYRAKTAR, SANCAKTAR, SANCAK ÇAVUŞU: Bir bayrak veya sancağı taşıyan er
standard bearer
standard bin
(Bilgisayar) standart sele
standard bit
standart kesici
standard cargo
(Askeri) standart yük
standard cargo
(Askeri) STANDART YÜK: Sandık, varil, teneke, v. s. gibi normal ambalajları içinde bulunan maddeler. Bak. "cargo classification"
standard cipher alphabet
(Askeri) STANDART ŞİFRE ALFABESİ: Şifreli unsurdaki (cipher component) harflerin sırası normal şekildekinin aynı fakat açık unsura (plain component) intibak eden normal noktası kaydırılmış ve istikamet bakımından ters olan veya her ikisinden terekküp eden alfabe
standard civil time
(Askeri) STANDART MEMLEKET SAATİ: Güneşin saat meridyeni (time meridian) denilen belirli bir meridyen üzerinden geçişine göre hesaplanan ve oldukça geniş bir bölgede kullanılmak üzere kabul edilen vasati güneş saati. Standart memleket saati, bazı istisnalarıyla, Greenwich meridyeninden 15 derecenin kat sayısı oranında değişen bir meridyene göre hesaplanır. Standart memleket saati gece yarısı başlar. Buna (standard time) da denir
standard clothing monetary allowance
standard coin
(Ticaret) standart para
standard commodity classification number
(Askeri) STANDART MALZEME SINIFLANDIRMA NUMARASI: Belirli bir madde, malzeme veya malzeme grubuna Devlet Basım Bürosu Standart Malzeme Sınıflandırmasında (Standard Commodity Classification of the Government Printing Office) tahsis edilen numara
standard conditions
standard conventional load
(Askeri) standart konvansiyonel yük
standard data system
(Askeri) STANDART BİLGİ SİSTEMİ: İki veya daha çok komutanlık dahilinde müşterek olan ve aşağıdaki hususlarda yeknesak bir düzen takip eden Hava Kuvvetleri otomatik bilgi sistemi: a) Dış işlemler veya hazırlık işlemleri. b) Giren bilgiler c) Dosya içi d) Lojik işlemler veya hesaplamalar. c) Muhtıra, şekil veya uygunluk aranmaksızın meydana getirilmiş çıkan bilgiler
standard day of supply
(Askeri) GÜNLÜK İKMAL STANDARDI: Daimi Grup NATO değerlerine veya milli değerler için gereken günlük ortalama ikmal maddeleri miktarı
standard day of supply
(Askeri) günlük ikmal standardı
standard detention unit
(Askeri) HAPİSHANE TECRİT KISMI: ABD ordu hapishane tesislerinde, disiplin ve koruma tedbiri olarak mahpusların tecridi için yapılan 4 hücreden mürekkep standart bölme
standard deviotion syncronication offset
Ölçünlü Sapma Eşzamanlama Kayması
standard dictionary
(or main) Standart sözlük
standard ec
(Bilgisayar) standart ec
standard edition
(SE) Standart Sürüm / Baskı
standard embarkation management system
(Askeri) standart bindirme yönetim sistemi
standard english
(Dilbilim) ölçünlü ingilizce
standard equipment
standard equipment publication
standard error
(Askeri) STANDART HATA: Bütün hatalar toplamı ortalamasının kare kökü
standard errot
(Ticaret) standart hata
standard font
(Bilgisayar) standart yazı tipi
standard font
(Bilgisayar) standart yazıtipi
standard form
standard format
Standart Biçim
standard frequency action format
(Askeri) standart frekans faaliyet formatı
standard fuel element
(Nükleer Bilimler) standart yakıt elemanı
standard gauge
(Askeri) (GAGE) NORMAL HAT: Rayları arasında 4 fit 1 1/2 inç (143.59 cm) açıklık bulunan demiryolu hattı. Bak. "broad gauge" ve "narrow gauge"
standard gauge
(Askeri) standart ray ölçüsü
standard glove
(Çevre) standart eldiven
standard gold
(Ticaret) standart altın
standard goods
(Ticaret) standart mal
standard group
(Bilgisayar) standart grup
standard inspection procedure
(Askeri) STANDART MUAYENE TALİMATI, STANDART DENETLEME USULÜ: İkmal maddelerinin kabul edilebilir durumda olup olmadıklarını tayin hususunda bir kılavuz olmak üzere tedarik müfettişine verilen talimat
standard intelligence documents list
(Askeri) standart istihbarat dokümanları listesi
standard item
(Askeri) STANDART MALZEME, STANDART MADDE: Askeri standartlar arasında yer almış veya Federal ve Endüstri standardı olarak kabul edilmiş bir malzeme, parça ana parça, tali komple parça veya cihaz
standard jis
(Bilgisayar) standart jıs
standard lamp
İng. ayaklı lamba, abajur
standard launch vehicle
(Askeri) STANDART FIRLATMA ARACI: Milli Savunma Bakanlığı uzay programlarında kullanılan ve azami araç güveni ve müşterek kullanma imkanları temin edecek şekilde tespit edilmiş belirli şartlar dahilinde imal edilen bir birinci kademe aracı. Bu araç üzerinde ancak güven derecesini arttırmak maksadıyla değişiklik yapılabilir ve seri imalat blok parçalar halinde dahil edilir. Yalnız bu şekildeki araçlara standart fırlatma aracı ismi verilir. Bak. "launch vehicle"
standard load
(Askeri) standart yük
standard load
(Askeri) STANDART YÜK: Boyut, ağırlık ve dengesi önceden belirlenmiş ve bir numara veya sınıflama verilmiş yük
standard logic
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) standart mantık
standard man
(Çevre) standart insan
standard mass
standart kütle
standard missile
(Askeri) KATI YAKITLI ROKET MOTORLU; SATIHTAN SATHA GEMİDEN FIRLATILAN BİR HAVA FÜZESİ: Nükleer olmayan savaş başlığı, yarı aktif veya pasif homing'le teçhiz edilmiştir. RIM-66 Orta Menzil (Tartar yerine) ve RIM-67 Artırılmış Menzil (Terrier yerine) olarak adlandırılır
standard modem
(Bilgisayar) standart modem
standard money
(Ticaret) standart para
standard muzzle velocity
(Askeri) STANDART İLK HIZ: Bir merminin namlu ağını ilk terkettiği anda haiz olduğu kabul edilen hız. Bu hız; silahın özelliğine, kullanılan sevk barutuna ve silahtan atılan merminin cinsine göre hesaplanır. Atış cetvelleri, standart ilk hız esas alınarak düzenlenmiştir. Bak. "muzzle velocity error"
standard nato data message
(Askeri) STANDART NATO BİLGİ MESAJI: İştirakçi milli ve/veya milletlerarası birlik veya tesisler tarafından bilgi alışverişi için kullanılan, şekil ve kodları STANAG'ta belirtilen NATO mesajları
standard nomenclature
(Askeri) STANDART İSİM: Kara Ordusu malzeme kalemlerinin tek düzen isimlendirilmesi usulü. Bunda; önce malzeme kalemine verilen isim veya isimlendirme safhası, sonra değişiklik unsurları normal konuşma sırasının aksine olarak, ifade edilir. (Tank, Orta, M49) bir standart isim örneğidir
standard nomenclature list
(Askeri) STANDART İSİM LİSTESİ: Malzemenin tarifi, tanınması için resmen verilmiş isimleri gösteren katalog. Bak. "adopted items of material"
standard normal distribution
standart ola¤an da¤ilim
standard of knowledge
bilgi düzeyi
standard of living
hayat standardı
standard of living
yaşam standardı, yaşam düzeyi
standard of prices
fiyat standardı
standard of proof
(Kanun) kanıtın niteliği
standard of proof
(Kanun) delilin niteliği
standard operating procedure
(Askeri) Devamlı talimat
standard or zone time
(Askeri) STANDART SAAT VEYA BÖLGE SAATİ: Genel olarak saat bölgesi merkez meridyeninin mahalli saat ortalamasıyla tespit edilmiş itibari saat
standard pack
(Askeri) standart ambalaj
standard pack
(Askeri) STANDART AMBALAJ: Sevkiyat için bir ambalaj içine yerleştirilmiş maddelerin miktarı. Buna (standard package) da denir
standard package
(Askeri) STANDART AMBALAJ: Bak. "standard pack"
standard paper
(Bilgisayar) standart kağıt
standard parallel
(Askeri) STANDART PARALEL: Bir harita veya şema üzerinde ölçeği boyunca ifade edilen uzunlukta paralel
standard pattern
(Askeri) (LAND MINE WARFARE) STANDART ŞEKİL (KARA MAYIN HARBİNDE): Mayının normal olarak döşenmesinde mutabık kalınmış şekli
standard penetration resistance
standart penetrasyon direnci
standard penetration resistance
standart batma direnci
standard penetration test
standart batma deneyi
standard penetration test
standart penetrasyon deneyi
standard pipe
standart boru
standard play
(Bilgisayar) standart çalma
standard price
(Ticaret,Turizm) standart fiyat
standard proctor test
standart proktor deneyi
standard propagation
standart yayilim
standard radio atmosphere
standart radyo atmosferi
standard requirement code
(Askeri) standart ihtiyaç kodu
standard requirements code
(Askeri) STANDART İHTİYAÇ KODU: Yürürlükteki her teşkilat ve malzeme kadrosunda, tek tek veya muhtemel her tertip veya değişikliği ifade maksadıyla mevcut bulunan ve teşkilat esaslarıyla birleştirildiği zaman; personel ve ikmal maddeleri hesaplarında esas olarak alınan temel kod grubu
standard return address
Standart dönüş adresi
standard road
(Askeri) STANDART YOL: Acil askeri ihtiyaçları karşılamak için süratle yapılan yolların aksine olarak, sivil standartlara göre yapılmış yol
standard road
(Askeri) standart yol
standard route
(Askeri) STANDART YOL: Deniz ulaştırmasını kontrolde, bir kod ismi verilmiş; ana ulaştırma hatlarındaki mevkileri birleştiren önceden planlanmış yol
standard route
(Askeri) standart yol
standard sand
(Askeri) standart kum
standard scheme
Ölçünlü Düzen
standard scheme
Standart Düzen
standard score
(Askeri) STANDART NOT: Bir şahsın bir testteki başarısını, aynı teste tabi tutulan bir grupla kıyaslama imkanı veren bir not. Bütün ordu testlerindeki ham notlar, birbiriyle doğrudan doğruya kıyaslanabilecek çeşitli testlerle ilgili notlar halinde getirilmek üzere, standart nota çevrilir. Ordu standart notları, ortalama 100 olmak üzere, aşağı yukarı 40 ile 160 arasında sıralanır. Bak. "converted score", "raw score", "score"
standard ship
(Ticaret) standart gemi
standard silver
gümüş alaşımı
standard sismograph
(Nükleer Bilimler) standart sismograf
standard size
standart ölçü
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A manual transmission vehicle
Of a usable or serviceable grade or quality
Growing on an erect stem of full height
As normally supplied (not optional)
Having recognized excellence or authority
Falling within an accepted range of size, amount, power, quality, etc
Having a manual transmission
A bottle of wine containing 0.750 liters of fluid
Something used as a measure for comparative evaluations
One of the upright members that supports the horizontal axis of a transit or theodolite
A musical work of established popularity
The flag or ensign carried by a cavalry unit
A rule or set of rules or requirements which are widely agreed upon or imposed by government
An object supported in an upright position
A level of quality or attainment
{n} an ensign in war, test, tree left
You use standard to describe things which are usual and normal. It was standard practice for untrained clerks to advise in serious cases such as murder
That which is established by authority as a rule for the measure of quantity, extent, value, or quality; esp
Document, established by consensus and approved by a recognized body, that provides, for common and repeated use, rules, guidelines or characteristics for activities or their results, aimed at the achievement of the optimum degree of order in a given context EN 45020: 1998, 3 2 GD - Standards and Regulations
{i} model, criterion; norm, average; flag, banner; commodity which backs a monetary system
Not supported by, or fastened to, a wall; as, standard fruit trees
regularly and widely used or sold; "a standard size"; "a stock item"
Falling within an accepted range. ex, size, amount, power, quality, etc
A flag; colors; a banner; especially, a national or other ensign
An accepted specification of something to which sites or employees must conform unless a deviation from the standard is documented and approved Note: Standards might apply to external industry standards and might include individual responsibilities, Eg : who will be held accountable for not meeting a standard
The proportion of weights of fine metal and alloy established by authority
Standard samples are aliquots of calibration specimens containing predetermined quantities of the analyte The response of each standard, along with the standard's predetermined concentration, is used to construct a standard curve From this standard curve, sample concentrations can be computed using the response from the sample
conforming to the established language usage of educated native speakers; "standard English" (American); "received standard English is sometimes called the King's English" (British)
a board measure = 1980 board feet
* Something established as a basis of comparison in measuring or judging capacity, quantity, content, value, quality, etc ; a specified set of safety or performance qualities which a device or process must possess These must generally be demonstrated by a series of tests conducted under pre-determined conditions
{s} serving as a model; normal, regular, typical; widely accepted
the level of performance on the criterion being assessed that is considered satisfactory in terms of the purpose of the evaluation There are three major categories of standards, related to various purposes (1) Developmental standards specify improvement levels to be attained and may be used for professional development and self-assessment (2) Minimum standards designate the level below which performance is not acceptable and are used for such purposes as licensure and job assignments (3) Desired performance standards reflect what is regarded as accomplished or effective teaching and typically are used for such purposes as promotions, awards, and certification See Criterion
The upper petal or banner of a papilionaceous corolla
(Ticaret) (current cost) The cost standard for the current product configuration and process, as opposed to the base (frozen) cost estimated at the start of the fiscal year
A large drinking cup
That which is established as a rule or model by authority, custom, or general consent; criterion; test
The term 'standard', when used with reference to a data element of health information or a transaction referred to in section 1173(a)(1), means any such data element or transaction that meets each of the standards and implementation specifications adopted or established by the Secretary with respect to the data element or transaction under sections 1172 through 1174
established or widely recognized as a model of authority or excellence; "a standard reference work"
- As used in the context of Medicaid eligibility determinations, the dollar amount of income or resources that an individual is allowed to have and qualify for Medicaid For example, states must cover all pregnant women with family incomes at or below 133 percent of the federal poverty level (FPL), or $19,458 ($1,622 per month) for a family of 3 in 2001 In determining whether a pregnant woman meets this income standard, a state must count her income; the methodology that the state applies will determine what types of income are counted and what income (if any) is disregarded
A generic, all-encompassing term used to describe documents that provide a specified set of mandatory or discretionary rules, requirements, or conditions concerned with performance, design, operation, or measurements of quality to accomplish a specific task Standards may include federal laws, regulations, state laws, federal agency directives, national and internal technical standards, codes of conduct, or organizational "internal use only" documents
(Ticaret) The normal or agreed-upon quantity, dollar value or time used as the base against which actual activity is measured. Standards are changed when ongoing, underlying changes in the associated process make continued use of the original value impractical in evaluating performance
A level of an air pollutant, e g a concentration or a deposition value, which is adopted by a regulatory authority as enforceable Unlike a guideline value, a number of elements in addition to the effect-based level and the averaging time must be specifies in the formulation of a standard These elements include the measurement strategy, data handling procedures, statistics used to derive, from measurements, the value to be compared with the standard The numerical value of a standard may also include the permitted number of exceedings (WHO 1998a)
Being, affording, or according with, a standard for comparison and judgment; as, standard time; standard weights and measures; a standard authority as to nautical terms; standard gold or silver
a broad statement of what students are expected to know and be able to do by the end of Grade 12 used to guide and organize content expectations K-12
Hence: Having a recognized and permanent value; as, standard works in history; standard authors
(American); "received standard English is sometimes called the King's English"
The sheth of a plow
Something established as a basis of comparison in measuring or judging capacity, quantity, content, value, quality, etc ; a specified set of safety or performance qualities which a device or process must possess These must generally be demonstrated by a series of tests conducted under pre-determined conditions
Any data element or transaction that meets each of the standards and implementation specifications adopted or established by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services
Time accrued to a nonexempt employee at one hour for every hour over 40 when actual hours worked in a work week are less than 40 but combined work hours and paid leave hours exceed 40
An upright support, as one of the poles of a scaffold; any upright in framing
A tree of natural size supported by its own stem, and not dwarfed by grafting on the stock of a smaller species nor trained upon a wall or trellis
A statement about what is valued that can be used for making a judgment of quality
conforming to the established language usage of educated native speakers; "standard English"
A standard work or text on a particular subject is one that is widely read and often recommended. Evening Standard, The. American Standard Code for Information Interchange. Standard Generalized Markup Language gold standard International Standard Book Number silver standard standard model standard of living Standard Oil Company and Trust standard time
The metric, specification, gage, statement, category, segment, grouping, behavior, event or physical product sample against which the outputs of a process are compared and declared acceptable or unacceptable
A standard is a level of quality or achievement, especially a level that is thought to be acceptable. The standard of professional cricket has never been lower There will be new national standards for hospital cleanliness
of evidence We presume that the courts will see the new telecommunications legislation as being competition law and will expect the same standard of evidence as is usually found in such cases This imposes a considerable workload on all parties We trust that these high standards of proof can be maintained The exception to this is the definition of the relevant markets which is provided by the Commission in the Recommendation and as subsequently adopted by NRAs
the value behind the money in a monetary system a board measure = 1980 board feet commonly used or supplied; "standard procedure"; "standard car equipment"
a basis for comparison; a reference point against which other things can be evaluated; "they set the measure for all subsequent work"
Standards are moral principles which affect people's attitudes and behaviour. My father has always had high moral standards. see also double standard
conforming to or constituting a standard of measurement or value; or of the usual or regularized or accepted kind; "windows of standard width"; "standard sizes"; "the standard fixtures"; "standard brands"; "standard operating procedure"
A standard is something that you use in order to judge the quality of something else. systems that were by later standards absurdly primitive
the original specimen weight or measure sanctioned by government, as the standard pound, gallon, or yard
in the Middle Ages, the largest of flags, bearing a king's or lord's badge, probably his motto, and perhaps other charges The standard marked its owner's residence, whether a castle, or a ship, or his pavilion on campaign The standard is now best known as the personal banner of the British monarch The standard is also an identifying flag, equivalent to a color, carried by mounted or similar units
The lowest qualification level at which a Visa or MasterCard transaction may interchange This occurs when a transaction is deposited several days after the original authorization and is not swiped
The normal or agreed-upon quantity, dollar value or time used as the base against which actual activity is measured Standards are changed when ongoing, underlying changes in the associated process make continued use of the original value impractical in evaluating performance
Not of the dwarf kind; as, a standard pear tree
the ideal in terms of which something can be judged; "they live by the standards of their community"
Standard English
The English language as it is spoken and written by educated native users

A debate rages on whether or not the singular they constitutes Standard English usage.

Standard Habbie
A Scottish verse form with six-line stanzas rhyming AAABAB, with tetrameter A lines and dimeter B lines
Standard Mandarin
The official language of China based on the Beijing dialect of Mandarin
standard candle
Any astronomical object of known absolute magnitude. Its distance can then be calculated from its apparent magnitude
standard candles
plural form of standard candle
standard deviation
A measure of how spread out data values are around the mean, defined as the square root of the variance
standard deviations
plural form of standard deviation
standard electrode potential
an electrode potential measured under standard conditions; a temperature or 298K, 1 atmosphere pressure and at 1 mole of the activity of redox participants of the half-reaction
standard electrode potentials
plural form of standard electrode potential
standard error
A measure of how spread out data values are around the mean, defined as the square root of the variance
standard errors
plural form of standard error
standard fare
The usual price for travel by air, rail, or another means of transport

Passengers on this nineteen-hour train will have to pay $5 more than the standard fare to Chicago, which on the Vanderbilt system is $20.

standard fare
Menu items or dining options which are regularly available in a restaurant or other place where food is served

They will not be eating tandoori chicken, lamb curry, nan or other standard fare, but exotic foods spiced with cinnamon, tamarind and pepper.

standard fare
Something which is normal, routine, or unexceptional; something which is commonly provided or encountered

The black keyboard bundled with the system is standard fare.

standard gauge
A specification of the width of railway tracks of 56.5 inches (1435 mm)
standard hydrogen electrode
An electrode with a standard electrode potential of zero; used as a standard against which other electrodes are measured
standard hydrogen electrodes
plural form of standard hydrogen electrode
standard lamp
A lamp supported by a tall vertical pole in order that light comes from above those seated in the vicinity
standard lamps
plural form of standard lamp
standard language
A particular variety of a language that is regarded as the most correct way of writing or speaking the language
standard languages
plural form of standard language
standard normal distribution
The normal distribution with a mean of zero and a variance of one
standard normal distributions
plural form of standard normal distribution
standard of care
In tort law, the degree of caution that a reasonable person should exercise in a given situation so as to avoid causing injury
standard of identity
A government regulation which establishes the criteria which must be met before a product may be labeled as being a certain food
standard of living
A relative measure of the quality of life of a person or group has
standard poodle
A big poodle, over 15 inches (38 cm)
standard poodles
plural form of standard poodle
standard ruler
Any astronomical object of known diameter whose distance can then be calculated from the angle it subtends
standard rulers
plural form of standard ruler
standard temperature and pressure
The international, standard conditions used to aid reproducibility; a temperature of 0 °C (273.15 K) and a pressure of 1 atmosphere (101.325 kPa). Abbreviated as STP
standard time
Time as measured by synchronizing clocks in different geographical locations within a time zone to the same time, rather than using the local meridian, as in local mean time or solar time
standard toolbar
the bar of icons (save, print, help, etc.) on the screen below the menu bar in applications such as Microsoft Word
standard transmission
Mechanical transmission which shifts gears by the action of the driver's hand on the gearstick or gear lever, rather than automatically; a manual gearbox
standard transmissions
plural form of standard transmission
A person who visibly leads

He became the standard-bearer for their cause because of his celebrity.

A person who carries a flag or banner (a standard)

The standard-bearer in battle is in the center of the front line so the following troops know where to go; unfortunately, it also shows the enemy where to shoot.

standard chartered
Standard Chartered PLC is a British multinational banking and financial services company headquartered in London, United Kingdom
Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments
standard developed by Hewlett Packard and supported by the SCPI Consortium that complements the IEEE 488 standard (Computers), SCPI
Standard English
{i} form of written and spoken English language that is considered by many to be normative and correct English
Standard Generalized Markup Language
{i} customary language used for writing Internet sites, SGML
Standard Grade
a school examination in one of a range of subjects that is taken by students in Scotland usually at the age of 16
Standard Oil Company and Trust
U.S. company and corporate trust that held a near monopoly over the U.S. oil industry from 1870 to 1911. The company originated in 1863, when John D. Rockefeller started a Cleveland, Ohio, refining firm, which, with other facilities, was incorporated as the Standard Oil Company in 1870. By 1880, through elimination of competitors, mergers, and use of favourable railroad rebates, it controlled the refining of 90-95% of all oil produced in the U.S. In 1882 Standard Oil and affiliated oil companies were combined in the Standard Oil Trust, which eventually included some 40 corporations. In 1892 the Ohio Supreme Court ordered the trust dissolved, but it continued to operate from headquarters in New York and later New Jersey. Its monopolistic practices were exposed in Ida Tarbell's History of the Standard Oil Company (1904), and after a lengthy antitrust suit by the U.S. government (see antitrust law), the Standard Oil empire was broken up in 1911. Although eight companies retained "Standard Oil" in their names after 1911, by the late 20th century the name had all but disappeared, even though former Standard Oil divisions continued to dominate the U.S. petroleum business. In 1931 Standard Oil Company of New York merged with Vacuum Oil Company (another trust company) to form Socony-Vacuum, which in 1966 became Mobil Oil Corp. Standard Oil (Indiana) absorbed Standard Oil of Nebraska in 1939 and Standard Oil of Kansas in 1948 and was renamed Amoco Corp. in 1985. Standard Oil of California acquired Standard Oil of Kentucky in 1961 and was renamed Chevron Corp. in 1984. Standard Oil Company (New Jersey) changed its name to Exxon Corp. in 1972. In 1987 British Petroleum Company PLC (BP) completed the purchase of Standard Oil Company (Ohio). Further consolidation occurred in 1998, when BP merged with Amoco, and in 2002, when Exxon merged with Mobil
Standard Time
official standard time of a region (measured in relation to Greenwich, England)
standard advertising unit
basic size unit used in the print advertising industry (one SAU is equal to one newspaper column X 2 1/16"), SAU
standard and poor's
a broadly based stock market index
standard atmosphere
a unit of pressure: the pressure that will support a column of mercury 760 mm high at sea level and 0 degrees centigrade
standard bearer
leader, example, model, ideal, guide
standard bearer
If you describe someone as the standard bearer of a group, you mean that they act as the leader or public representative of a group of people who have the same aims or interests. Farrakhan was a poor standard-bearer for the causes of African-Americans
standard candle
A candela
standard cell
A pre-designed integrated circuit module that implements a specific function The data required to use the cell as part of a more complex circuit are contained in a computer file that can be accessed by other CAD tools Standard cells are designed to be interconnected by simple abutment with other cells from the same cell library
standard cell
ASIC design cells that are optimized by transistor sizing for speed and die area This transistor sizing requires standard cell ASICs to be unique for all process levels In contrasts gate array cells are built from identically-sized transistors but require customization only at the interconnect levels
standard cell
a primary cell used as a standard of electro-motive force
standard cell
A semi-custom VLSI design methodology where gates (ands, ors, xors, registers ) are taken from a standard library These are typically arranged into rows with routing occuring in between the rows In CS137a: Day 2 slides, on page 6 (slide 12), a typical standard-cell row is shown In CS137a: Day 13, page 5 shows a couple of standard-cell rows
standard container
(Ticaret) A box, carton or other container with specified dimensions that will be used on an ongoing (reusable) basis to facilitate item counts, the design of storage and transportation resources and to limit handling damage
standard contract
common contract for selling a product or service which the buyer in which the buyer cannot change the conditions of the contract
standard contracts law
law that governs standard contracts for selling a product or service in which the customer cannot change the terms of the contract
standard cost
(Ticaret) The normal or specified cost used as the basis for measurement against an actual. Standard costs for manufactured items include labor, material and overhead, and vendor acquisition, freight, duty fees and other categories for purchased items
standard criterion
yardstick used to measure things, yardstick used as a basis for judgment
standard deviation
a measure of the variation, or spread, of individual measurements; a measurement which indicates how far away from the middle the statistics are; usually denoted by the lower case s for sample data; mathematically equal to the square root of variance
standard deviation
statistical measurement used to mark the accidental error or mistake in the results of an experiment
standard deviation
Standard deviation is the statistical measure of the degree to which an individual value in a probability distribution tends to vary from the mean of the distribution It is widely applied in modern portfolio theory, where the past performance of securities is used to determine the range of possible future performance, and a probability is attached to each performance Generally speaking, the greater the degree of dispersion, the greater the risk = (σ2)1/2 σ2 = variance
standard deviation
(Ticaret) A measure of the spread or dispersion of a data population around a mean, as calculated by taking the variation of each number from the mean, squaring it, averaging the result (by dividing by n-1, or one less than sample size), and finding the square root
standard deviation
Standard deviation is a measure of the variation of a random variable; namely, the square root of the average squared deviation of the mean
standard deviation
A statistical term: s, the square root of the variance s2, i e , the square root of the mean of the squares of the measured deviations from the mean value
standard deviation
A statistic used as a measure of the dispersion or variation in a distribution, equal to the square root of the arithmetic mean of the squares of the deviations from the arithmetic mean. a number in statistics that shows by how much members of a mathematical set can be different from the average set
standard deviation
A statistical measure of the dispersion of observation values in a data set Calculated by determining the square root of the variance
standard deviation
A measure of the volatility of a fund's total returns This measures the fluctuation of the fund's monthly return, above and below the mean, usually over a 5-year period The higher the standard deviation number, the more a fund's returns vary from month to month
standard deviation
A statistic which measures the variability or dispersion of a set of data It is calculated from the deviations (distances) between each data value and the sample mean, and is often represented by the letter "s" The more disperse the data is, the larger the standard deviation The standard deviation squared is called the variance For data which follows a normal distribution, approximately 68% of all data will fall within one standard deviation of the sample mean, 95% of all values will fall within two standard deviations, and 99 7% of all data will fall within three standard deviations For data from any distribution, AT LEAST 75% of all values fall within plus and minus two standard deviations, while AT LEAST 89% fall within three standard deviations
standard deviation
A measure of the dispersion of the frequency distribution
standard deviation
A measure of a frequency distribution's variability The greater the variability, the larger the value of the standard deviation To obtain the standard deviation, one must calculate the difference between the value of each individual item in the population and the population mean, square these differences, add them, divide the sum by the total number of items, and finally, extract the square root
standard deviation
A statistical volatility measure that describes the range in which prices fluctuate The greater the standard deviation, the greater the volatility of the price movement It is believed that the actual stock price will vary within one standard deviation in both directions, plus or minus, about the securities' expected return with a 67% probability This is a part of the TaraFolioTM engine's risk computations, which represents a deviation about the expected return on securities or portfolios
standard deviation
A measure of the dispersion of random error about the mean value If a large number of measurements or observations of the same quantity are made, the standard deviation is the square root of the sum of the squares of deviations from the mean value divided by the number of observations less one
standard deviation
A measure of the variability of a distribution of scores The more the scores cluster around the mean, the smaller the standard deviation In a normal distribution, 68% of the scores fall within one standard deviation above and one standard deviation below the mean
standard deviation
A measure of the variability of the population This value is often symbolized by the Greek letter sigma, s It also represents the variability of a sample, in which case the symbol S is used The sample standard deviation is most often a good estimate of the population standard deviation If the population follows a normal distribution, then approximately 68% of the sample will be within one standard deviation of the mean and 95% will be within 2 standard deviations The square of the standard deviation is called the variance
standard deviation
the square root of the variance
standard deviation
The most widely used measure of dispersion of a frequency distribution, equal to the positive square root of the variance
standard deviation
A measure of a fund's volatility derived by looking at its range of historical returns The higher the standard deviation, the greater the potential for volatility Say a fund has an average annual return of 12% and a standard deviation of 20 By adding and subtracting 20 from 12, you can figure what the fund's high and low returns have been in two-thirds of the time periods over the past three years In this case, the high would have been +32% (12+20) By multiplying the standard deviation by two and doing the same calculations, you can figure the fund's high and low returns for 95% of its history See "7 Steps to Picking A Good Fund " BACK TO TOP
standard deviation
A measure of the variation in a distribution, equal to the square root of the arithmetic mean of the squares of the deviations from the arithmetic mean; the square root of the variance
standard deviation
Standard deviation tells how spread out numbers are from the average, calculated by taking the square root of the arithmetic average of the squares of the deviations from the mean in a frequency distribution (cf The Normal Distribution Discussion)
standard deviation
Statistical measure of the degree to which an individual value in a probability distriubtion tends to vary from the mean of the distribution It is widely applied to modern Portfolio Theory, for example, where the past performance of securities is used to determine the range of performances and a probability is attached to each performance The standard deviation of performance can then be calculated for each security and for the portfolio as a whole The greater the degree of dispersion, the greater the risk Standard Deviation is based on historical performance of the trailing 36 months and do not indicate future results Source: Russell
standard deviation
The square root of the average of the squares of deviations about the mean of a set of data Standard deviation is a statistical measure of spread or variability
standard deviation
A measure of dispersion within a set of data, calculated from the square root of the variance, to give a value in the same range as raw scores The standard deviation is the spread of scores around the mean of the sample
standard deviation
A measure of the dispersion of random errors about the mean value If a large numberof measurements or observations of the same quantity are made, the standard deviation is the square root of the sum of the squares of deviations from the mean value divided by the number of observations less one
standard deviation
If the instantaneous distances from an equilibrium position of a vibrating body are squared and averaged, the result is called the variance of the vibration The square root of the variance is the standard deviation It is also equal to the rms (root mean square) value
standard distribution
(Ticaret) The allocation of a budget, cost or other value on a predetermined percentage basis
standard error
The standard deviations of the sample in a frequency distribution, obtained by dividing the standard deviation by the total number of cases in the frequency distribution
standard form
(See: standard policy )
standard form
1 Almost all S are P 2 a is S a is P Example: Almost all adult men without beards shave regularly The President of the U S A is an adult man without a beard The President of the U S A probably shaves regularly
standard form
A simple form of an equation; a form in which the equation is usually written
standard form
A form prescribed by a Federal agency and approved by GSA for mandatory use throughout the U S Government See also FORM (1), OPTIONAL FORM
standard gauge
5 inches
standard gauge
railroad track having the standard width of 56
standard generalized markup language
(computer science) a standardized language for the descriptive markup of documents; a set of rules for using whatever markup vocabulary is adopted
standard gold
gold that is of the required quality
standard lamp
A standard lamp is a tall electric light which stands on the floor in a living room. a tall lamp that stands on the floor American Equivalent: floor lamp
standard mark
certification of a standards institute to sell goods or food
standard mode
mode of operation of a Windows program in which the program does not operate in true multitasking
standard model
A model of fundamental forces and particles that explains their behavior and interactions in terms of symmetries and the destruction of symmetries. In physics, the combination of two theories of particle physics into a single framework to describe all interactions of subatomic particles except those due to gravity (see gravitation). The two theories, the electroweak theory and the theory of quantum chromodynamics, describe the interactions between particles in terms of the exchange of intermediary particles. The model has proved highly accurate in predicting certain interactions, but it does not explain all aspects of subatomic particles. For example, it cannot say how many particles there should be or what their masses are. The search goes on for a more complete theory, and in particular a unified field theory describing the strong, weak, and electromagnetic forces
standard of living
a level of material comfort in terms of goods and services available to someone
standard of living
amount of enjoyment and pleasure that a person can get for his money
standard of living
Your standard of living is the level of comfort and wealth which you have. We'll continue to fight for a decent standard of living for our members. A level of material comfort as measured by the goods, services, and luxuries available to an individual, group, or nation. the amount of wealth, comfort, and other things that a particular person, group, country etc has = living standard high/low standard of living. Level of material comfort that an individual or group aspires to or may achieve. This includes not only privately purchased goods and services but collectively consumed goods and services such as those provided by public utilities and governments. A standard of living determined for a group such as a country must be examined critically in terms of its constituent values. If the mean value increases over time, but at the same time the rich become richer and the poor poorer, the group may not be collectively better off. Various quantitative indicators can be used as measuring rods, including life expectancy, access to nutritious food and a safe water supply, and availability of medical care
standard of revolt
symbol of uprising, banner of rebellion
standard operating procedures
(Ticaret) (SOP) Instructions and methods used for a specific process or situation. They document the normal or accepted methodology and help form the basis for conformance evaluation
standard poodle
a medium-sized poodle
standard price
price that is accepted and the same everywhere
standard procedure
normal management, proper and accepted order of work
standard product
customary product, product that meets the generally accepted standards
standard schnauzer
a medium-sized schnauzer
standard sizes
regular and common sizes
standard spelling
precise spelling, spelling according to the rules of the Hebrew language
standard temperature
exactly zero degrees Centigrade
standard time
Standard time is the official local time of a region or country. French standard time is GMT plus 1 hr. The time in any of 24 time zones, usually the mean solar time at the central meridian of each zone. In the continental United States, there are four standard time zones: Eastern, using the 75th meridian; Central, using the 90th meridian; Mountain, using the 105th meridian; and Pacific, using the 120th meridian. the time to which all clocks in a particular area of the world are set. Official local time of a region or country. Local mean solar time depends on longitude; it advances by four minutes per degree eastward. The Earth can thus be divided into 24 standard time zones, each approximately 15° in longitude. The actual boundaries of each time zone are determined by local authorities and in many places deviate considerably from 15°. The times in different zones usually differ by an integral number of hours; minutes and seconds are the same. See also Greenwich Mean Time
standard transmission
a transmission that is operated manually with a gear lever and a clutch pedal
standard turnover
legal turnover, accepted turnover within a department
an outstanding leader of a political movement
: Pertaining to standards, concerned with standards, specific to standards

There is some sign of disparate standards bodies becoming more closely aligned.

plural form of standard
standard deviation
a statistical measure of variance Ninety-five percent of a range of values lie within 2 standard deviations of a mean value
standard deviation
How much a set of data is different from the curve it should make when plotted on a graph Or, the square root of the average of the squares of deviations about the mean of a set of data Standard deviation is a statistical measure of spread or variability
standard deviation
The square of the difference from the mean for each data value, summed, divided by one less than the number of values, then square-rooted An expression of the so-called "second moment," which describes the "dispersion" or variability around the mean With a normal distribution as we expect from most noise sources, about 68% of our data values should be within +/- 1 standard deviation about the mean The square of the standard deviation is the variance In noise data, the standard deviation should be approximately the same as the RMS
standard deviation
Written expectations for meeting a specified level of performance Standards exist for the content that P-12 students should know at a certain age or grade level
Agreed principles of protocol Standards are set by committees working under various trade and international organizations
Statements of what students should know and be able to demonstrate Various standards have been developed by national organizations, state departments of education, districts, and schools
those guidelines and requirements related to an assessment and evaluation that are specified in the law, governmental policies and regulations, school district policies, and court decisions See Primary Standards, Secondary Standards
OmbudsNetwork standards for dealing with financial consumer concerns and complaints, that reflect a commitment to accessibility, timeliness, courtesy, clarity, accuracy and consistency; and OmbudService standards which address knowledge, fairness and impartiality, confidentiality, objectivity and independence
Statements of expectations for student learning that commonly include content standards and performance standards
Broad lists of what students should know, be able to do , and be committed to The State of Alaska has created student standards in the following areas: English/language arts, history, geography, civics/government, science, mathematics, arts, world languages, healthy life skills, and technology
1) criteria set as a model or an example to strive to achieve; 2) curriculum standards are subject-matter benchmarks to measure student academic achievement
Efforts to create wide use of specific protocols so software from different vendors can interoperate more easily, particularly within a vertical industry Standards bodies or efforts often work more slowly than entrepreneurial companies in setting up interoperable terms of trade Many e-commerce standards today are based on XML (eXtensible Markup Language), which provides a flexible way to describe product specifications or business terms Relevant B2B e-commerce standards efforts include BizTalk, promoted by Microsoft so different industries can communicate online with each other; Open Buying on the Internet (OBI), overseen by trade group CommerceNet; and RosettaNet, an effort within the computer manufacturing industry
Statements that describe the behavior for which people are accountable to produce predictable, consistent results They define how work is to be done in order to establish clarity and agreement among employees In one form, they are the conditions under which the objective is to be achieved; in another, the manner in which the work is to be performed They should always accompany the assignment of an objective
The broadest of a family of terms referring to statements of expectations for student learning, including content standards, performance standards and benchmarks
Standards for Accreditation of Master's Programs in Library and Information Studies This document identifies the essential features of accredited library and information studies programs Also known as the 1992 Standards
defined learning outcomes, together with performance criteria, examples of their interpretation and application, and associated quality assurance processes - see also unit standard; defined organisational or systems criteria, together with performance indicators
The knowledge or skill level necessary for a particular rating or grade on a given dimension of achievement It is used as a basis of comparison See content standards and performance standards
Standards are models or criteria that describe what students should know or be able to achieve In education, standards often refer to optimal performance
Federally, state or industry-sponsored mandates and/or guidelines that cover medical procedures and technologies Standards govern medical protocols, transportation, laboratory conditions, temperature controls, certifications of reagents and other materials used in clinical testing, training of personnel, and all other aspects of medical or clinical laboratory management
Specifications or styles that are widely accepted by users and adopted by several vendors Standards are critical to the compatibility of hardware, software, and everything in between Industry standards enable the essential elements of a computer and related infrastructure to work together
A measure of the level of attainment (a) required for admission to programmes of learning and teaching, (b) required for progression or achievement of University awards (i e threshold standards) and (c) actually achieved by students over and above the threshold
are accepted principles for patient management These are rigidly applied rules, with rare exceptions and known consequences These are developed to increase the probability of producing appropriate medical care Commonly, they are used to determine if relevant and useful procedures were followed
(n) Sets of rules that allow for the clear communication of technical ideas by governing how parts are made and represented in technical drawings In the United States, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is the governing body that sets the standards used for engineering and technical drawings
Documents issued by official bodies (such as the Canadian Standards Association or the Society of Automotive Engineers) which stipulate specific levels of performance, quality of goods and services, as well as conditions and procedures for operations in industry, science and commerce
Statements that describe what students are expected to know and do in each grade and subject area; include content standards, performance standards, and benchmarks
means the requirements with respect to the humane housing, exhibition, handling, care, treatment, temperature, and transportation of animals by dealers, exhibitors research facilities, carriers, intermediate handlers, and operators of auction sales as set forth in part 3 of this subchapter
Plural of standard
Usually refers to the ANSI/ISO Standards for financial cards, which apply to the magnetic stripe media only, and not to encoding and reading equipment
Conditions and protocols set forth to allow uniformity within communications and virtually all computer activity
Pertaining to standards, concerned with standards, specific to standards
التركية - الإنجليزية
(Nükleer Bilimler) standard
standard dışı
(Sigorta) non-standard
standard olmayan
non standard
standard sapma
(İnşaat) standard deviation
standard sapma
(Dilbilim) standart deviation
standard dosyalama formatları
standard hacim
standard volume
standard tasarımlı
design standard