speckled benekli

listen to the pronunciation of speckled benekli
التركية - الإنجليزية
A small spot or speck on the skin, plumage or foliage
To mark with speckles
{v} to mark with speckles, to spot
{n} a very small speck or spot, a little mark
a small contrasting part of something; "a bald spot"; "a leopard's spots"; "a patch of clouds"; "patches of thin ice"; "a fleck of red"
A little or spot in or anything, of a different substance or color from that of the thing itself
The random distribution of light when it is scattered by a rough surface
mark with small spots; "speckle the wall with tiny yellow spots
A rapid variation in signal amplitude resulting from target interaction with monochromatic, coherent energy, giving the surface a granular appearance
produce a mottled effect; "The sunlight stippled the trees"
The small dots and miscellaneous marks that show up on image pages that were not on the original Most often the result of telephone line noise that occurs during a fax transmission See Despeckle
{f} mark with small spots, dot, speck, fleck, stain
The technique of recovering the diffraction-limited angular resolution of a telescope by analysis of images obtained using a very high speed camera system to "freeze" the blurring due to atmospheric turbulence
{i} speckle, small spot, dot
mark with small spots; "speckle the wall with tiny yellow spots"
To mark with small spots of a different color from that of the rest of the surface; to variegate with spots of a different color from the ground or surface
speckled benekli