special disbursing agent

listen to the pronunciation of special disbursing agent
الإنجليزية - التركية
(Askeri) ÖZEL TEDİYE MEMURU: Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanı tarafından, kendi namına nakit hesaplarını tutmak ve tediye muhasebe işlerini yürütmek üzere tayin edilmiş sivil memur, astsubay veya diğer şahıs
special agent
(Askeri) ÖZEL AJAN: İstihbarat veya karşı istihbarat bilgisi toplamakta veya askeri güvenlikte uzmanlaşmış sivil yada asker ABD vatandaşı
special agent
(Ticaret) özel acenta
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية

تعريف special disbursing agent في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.

special agent
A person limited in authority to transact a single business affair or a specific series of business affairs or to perform restricted acts for a principal Ordinarily, a real estate broker is construed to be a special agent A person dealing with a special agent Must inquire as to the scope of the agent's actual authority
special agent
An insurer's representative in a territory He services the insurer's agents and in is responsible for the volume and quality of the business written in that territory In the Property and Liability fields this person is a special agent or marketing representative, and in the Life field he is known as a sales representative (G)
special agent
One who is authorized by a principal to perform a single act or transaction A real estate broker is usually a special agent authorized to find a ready, willing, and able buyer for a particular buyer
special agent
In insurance, an agent representing his or her company in an exclusive territory
special agent
= An insurer's representative in a territory He services the insurer's agents and in general is responsible for the volume and quality of the business written in that territory In the Property and Liability fields this person is a special agent or marketing representative, and in the Life field he is known as a sales representative
special agent
someone who works for the FBI
special agent
SeeCID Special Agentabove
special agent
An insurer's representative in a territory He or she serves as a liaison between the insurer and the agent The special agent is responsible for the volume and quality of the business written in that territory Some states require a special license of special agents Special form - In contrast to the named perils forms in property insurance, those forms that list specific perils for coverage, the special form contract covers simply risk of direct physical loss, relying on exclusions to limit and define the protection intended See Open perils
special agent
someone whose authority is limited to the special undertaking they have been instructed to perform
special agent
One authorized by a principal to perform a particular act or transaction, without contemplation of continuity of service as with a general agent The real estate broker is ordinarily a special agent appointed by the seller to find a ready, willing and able buyer for a particular property An attorney-in-fact under a limited power of attorney is a special agent (See agency, agent, general agent)
special agent
An insurer's representative in a territory He services the insurer's agents and in general is responsible for the volume and quality of the business written in that territory In the Property and Liability fields this person is a special agent or marketing representative, and in the Life field he is known as a sales representative
special agent
An agent limited in authority to transact a single business affair or a specific series of business affairs or to perform restricted acts for the principal
special disbursing agent


    spe·cial dis·burs·ing a·gent

    التركية النطق

    speşıl dîsbırsîng eycınt


    /ˈspesʜəl dəsˈbərsəɴɢ ˈāʤənt/ /ˈspɛʃəl dɪsˈbɜrsɪŋ ˈeɪʤənt/