(1) Rinsing the draff with hot water in the lauter tun in order to recover the sugar it holds (2) The entire process of obtaining clear sweet wort from the mash, including runoff, recirculation, and rinsing
Rinsing the mashed grains to ensure complete extraction of the sugars from the mash
Once the wort has been run-off, any remaining malt husks in the mash-tun are sprayed with water This is known as sparging and rinses out the remaining sugar
Spraying, or rinsing the spent grains in the mash in order to separate the sugars from the husks of the barley after mashing process
Injection of air below the water table to strip dissolved volatile organic compounds and to facilitate aerobic biodegradation of organic compounds
The process of infusing cracked grains with hot water to extract the naturally forming sugars The temperature is varied through time to allow certain enzymatic processes to occur